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Measuring Workforce Development Outcomes. Definition of Workforce Development 1. Needs include those of WfD providers, labor, and employers. 2. The definition.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Workforce Development Outcomes. Definition of Workforce Development 1. Needs include those of WfD providers, labor, and employers. 2. The definition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Workforce Development Outcomes

2 Definition of Workforce Development 1. Needs include those of WfD providers, labor, and employers. 2. The definition of employment being used here is intentionally broad. Workforce Development is: Enabling individuals to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes for gainful employment or improved work performance; and providing employers, WfD providers, and labor with an effective means to communicate and meet their needs. 1 Employment is: Any work for others, for oneself, or in your own business, for gain, monetary or otherwise. 2

3 Theory of Change for Workforce Development (WfD) The WfD theory of change contains a core statement: If [target population] in developing countries are appropriately supported and trained with market-relevant content, then they will be more able to obtain and maintain gainful work and/or demonstrate improved work performance. In addition, two other pathways may be incorporated when considering the workforce development system: If businesses benefit from a more skilled labor force, then they will be better off and contribute to a more competitive economy. If there are more or better employment opportunities, then people will choose to engage in economic activities, thereby contributing to more stable societies.

4 Inputs Outputs Short-term Longer-term Impacts Goals Outcomes Outcomes Participants with Increased Skills Increased Understanding of Market/ Opportunities Market - Relevant WfD Content Improved Firm Competitive -ness Appropriate Supports to Target Group Increased Employability Increased Employment Increased Relevance and Quality of WfD Programs Increased Access to Further Education Number of Participants Completing Training More Competitive Economy Improved Social Stability Increased Economic Wellbeing of Target Populations Poverty Reduction Market Information Legend: = Shaded boxes and circles represent the core workforce development ToC statement. = Circles have one or more recommended standard indicators associated with them. = Dotted lines represent pathways that are not yet proven.

5 Performance Indicator Reference Sheet Name of Indicator: NUMBER OF PERSONS COMPLETING [DONOR]-FUNDED WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Is this a Performance Report Indicator? Yes DESCRIPTION Precise Definition(s): Number of persons completing [donor]-funded workforce development programs Unit of Measure: Number of persons Disaggregated by: Sex, Age, WFD type Justification & Management Utility: This indicator measures the numbers of individuals who have completed training/support in donor-funded workforce development programs. PLAN FOR DATA ACQUISITION Data Collection Method: tracking participants Data Source(s): Implementing Partners Method of Data Acquisition: periodic reporting by IPs (Ideally, data like these would be entered into a system like the # of hours trained system) Frequency and Timing of Data Acquisition: quarterly Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Individual(s) Responsible at [donor]: Individual(s) Responsible for Providing Data to [donor]: Location of Data Storage: DATA QUALITY ISSUES Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: semi-annual random selection of one percent back-checked to source PLAN FOR DATA ANALYSIS, REVIEW AND REPORTING Data Analysis: summation and cross-tabulations for disaggregation Presentation of Data: summary table with disaggregation and totals Review of Data: Reporting of Data (to [donor]): OTHER NOTES Notes on Baselines / Targets: Other Notes: PERFORMANCE INDICATOR VALUES Year (FY)TargetActualNotes

6 Performance Indicator Reference Sheet Name of Indicator: NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH IMPROVED SKILLS FOLLOWING PARTICIPATION IN [DONOR]-FUNDED WFDPROGRAMS Is this a Performance Report Indicator? Yes DESCRIPTION Precise Definition(s): Number of people with improved skills as measured by pre/post-tests in workforce development programs Unit of Measure: Number of persons Disaggregated by: Sex, Age Justification & Management Utility: Improved skills desired by employers or for self-employment are a precursor to successful job placement, self-employment or livelihood development/ expansion. This indicator is an intermediary outcome between WfD programs and employability along the pathway to employment. PLAN FOR DATA ACQUISITION Data Collection Method: follow-up with participants Data Source(s): Implementing Partners Method of Data Acquisition: periodic reporting by IPs (Ideally, data like these would be entered into a system like the # of hours trained system) Frequency and Timing of Data Acquisition: quarterly Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Individual(s) Responsible at [donor]: Individual(s) Responsible for Providing Data to [donor]: Location of Data Storage: DATA QUALITY ISSUES Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: semi-annual random selection of one percent back-checked to source PLAN FOR DATA ANALYSIS, REVIEW AND REPORTING Data Analysis: summation and cross-tabulations for disaggregation Presentation of Data: summary table with disaggregation and totals; can be presented in same table with # of people completing [donor]- funded WfD programs Review of Data: Reporting of Data (to [donor]): OTHER NOTES Notes on Baselines / Targets: Other Notes: PERFORMANCE INDICATOR VALUES Year (FY)TargetActualNotes

7 Performance Indicator Reference Sheet Name of Indicator: # OF PEOPLE GAINING EMPLOYMENT OR BETTER EMP. AS A RESULT OF PARTICIPATION IN [DONOR]-FUNDED WFD PROGRAMS Is this a Performance Report Indicator? Yes DESCRIPTION Precise Definition(s): Number of people gaining employment/self-employment or better (self)-employment within six months and 12 months of participation in [donor]-funded workforce development programs. Better employment is based on the participant’s perception of whether the employment is better. (It could be better because it is closer to home, has better pay, growing business, etc.) Unit of Measure: Number of persons Disaggregated by: Sex, Age, New vs. improved employment/business Justification & Management Utility: Increased employment and the improvement of employment quality (e.g., income, stability, working conditions) are the primary goals of the Workforce Development Program Element. This indicator is critical for identifying the contribution of improved workforce development to employment and economic growth. PLAN FOR DATA ACQUISITION Data Collection Method: follow-up with participants Data Source(s): Implementing Partners Method of Data Acquisition: periodic reporting by IPs (Ideally, data like these would be entered into a system like the # of hours trained system) Frequency and Timing of Data Acquisition: annually Estimated Cost of Data Acquisition: Individual(s) Responsible at [donor]: Individual(s) Responsible for Providing Data to [donor]: Location of Data Storage: DATA QUALITY ISSUES Date of Initial Data Quality Assessment: Known Data Limitations and Significance (if any): Actions Taken or Planned to Address Data Limitations: Date of Future Data Quality Assessments: Procedures for Future Data Quality Assessments: semi-annual random selection of one percent back-checked to source PLAN FOR DATA ANALYSIS, REVIEW AND REPORTING Data Analysis: summation and cross-tabulations for disaggregation Presentation of Data: summary table with disaggregation and totals; can be presented in same table with other mandatory WfD indicators. Review of Data: Reporting of Data (to [donor]): OTHER NOTES Notes on Baselines / Targets: Other Notes: PERFORMANCE INDICATOR VALUES Year (FY)TargetActualNotes

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