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BY: Telina Kirschke. Inherited traits are determined by parts of our cells called genes. The genes are passed down from parents to their offspring.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: Telina Kirschke. Inherited traits are determined by parts of our cells called genes. The genes are passed down from parents to their offspring."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: Telina Kirschke

2 Inherited traits are determined by parts of our cells called genes. The genes are passed down from parents to their offspring.

3 Eye color Hair color Skin color Ear lobes

4 YES An adaptation is an inherited trait that helps an organism to meet its needs. An organism has adapted to its environment when it has inherited the traits that will enable it to survive there.

5 Organisms can adapt for food. Organisms can adapt in order to protect themselves. Organisms have developed adaptive characteristics in order to reproduce.

6 How could organisms adapt for food? Penguins, dolphins, and whales have the ability to swim in order to help them catch fish for food. This is an adaptation that helps them survive in their environment Some animals can hide or camouflage to catch food.

7 How can organisms adapt for protection? Bees have a stinger that they use to defend themselves when they feel threatened. Again some animals can camolfloage for protection

8 How can organisms adapt to reproduce? Hens lay on their eggs to keep them warm and safe till they hatch Penguins hold their egg on their feet to keep them from the cold and cracking till they hatch.

9 A behavior is a way that an organism acts or what it does.

10 These types of behaviors are called instinctive behaviors. Animals are born with these behaviors. Therefore, they do not have to be learned.

11 The five senses are examples of instinctive behaviors. One does not have to learn to see or smell. Breathing is another example of instinctive behavior. Cows do not have to be taught how to stand and walk. They know how to do this from the time they are born. They know this from instinct

12 Behaviors that are taught to an animal are called learned behaviors.

13 A dog is not born knowing how to catch and return a ball. It is taught to do this. A boy knowing how to play soccer is taught to do this as well.

14 All plant behaviors are inherited. Plants cannot learn to do things. Plants can respond to their environment though. Plants can respond to light. This means that a plant will grow toward sunlight.

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