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How to Check Your Grades Managing Infinite Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Check Your Grades Managing Infinite Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Check Your Grades Managing Infinite Campus

2 Go to Infinite Campus  Log into to the School Website:  Go to the tab that says for students  Click on Infinite Campus  Username – long ID # - Can get this from any teacher if needed  Password – Your two initials and then 6 numbers that represent your birthday  FLMMDDYY ----Mine would be LP070605 (If I was born in 2005…LOL  My password would not work for you unless your initials are LP and your birthday is July 6, 2005.  You should now be in!

3 Check your Attendance!  After logging in, check the left hand side of your page.  Click on attendance.  This page shows how many days your were present/absent.  We want to see any days absent highlighted green.  If these are not green, they are unexcused.  The attendance policy at school says we can only have 5 parent notes.  When you go to any doctor’s appointments, court days or anything important, get a note for school and turn these in!!

4 Grades  This tab will show any grades that have been recently put into the grade book and what has shown up on the reports: midterm/report card.  If something is yellow, that means it is “In progressing”. There is still time to change this.  If something is green, the grade has been posted and has appeared on the report that has been sent home: midterm/term.  Do not really worry about the final grade column until the end. The school averages all four nine weeks to get this final. However, you do want it to be over a 60. Those who want straight A’s for the year, need to keep that grade over a 90.

5 Schedule Tab  If you click on schedule, this will show you your schedule for the whole year.  Now, click on a class name such as Social Studies.  You will find a detailed list of your grades here.  This section gives a due date, points possible your score, and percent.  Under comments, teachers may put a note like late, incomplete, missing. etc.  Your score is blank and there is no note about missing, that means your teacher had not had time to grade it yet. Be patient.

6 Communicate with your Teacher!  If you see something you may think is a mistake please contact your teacher.  Teachers do make mistakes.  Remember to be respectful and polite when asking.

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