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POWER TEACHER GRADEBOOK and Introduction to Standards-Based Grading System.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER TEACHER GRADEBOOK and Introduction to Standards-Based Grading System."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER TEACHER GRADEBOOK and Introduction to Standards-Based Grading System

2 Grading, Recording & Reporting Grading: the collection of data through various means (formative and summative) Recording: the storage of data for the purpose of documenting student achievement and growth Reporting: accurate communication about student achievement and growth

3 Recording of Student Achievement  Instruction is delivered, usually involving relevant tasks and activities  Formative (and summative) gauges are built in to measure student understanding  A culminating summative assessment is given to determine student mastery of content ClassworkQuizTest Student 109582 Student 2708876 Student 3605524 Student 4658085 Student 59590100 Student 6100 95 Student 790Ex.65 Student 8759084 Average69.485.476.4

4 Mastery on Content Standards  Connecting learning events to content standards  Performance Levels:  4 - Exceeding  3 - Meeting  2 - Progressing toward  1 - Not Meeting ClassworkQuizTest Student 109582 Student 2708876 Student 3605524 Student 4658085 Student 59590100 Student 6100 95 Student 790Ex.65 Student 8759084 Average69.485.476.4

5 Mastery on Content Standards ClassworkQuizTest Student 109582 Student 2708876 Student 3605524 Student 4658085 Student 59590100 Student 6100 95 Student 790Ex.65 Student 8759084 Average69.485.476.4  Connecting learning events to content standards  Performance Levels:  4 - Exceeding  3 - Meeting  2 - Progressing toward  1 - Not Meeting

6 Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC)

7 Taking this…

8 Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC) … to achieve this

9 Standards-Based Report Card (SBRC) Sample Preview Download the Sample SBRC

10 What are your impressions of the SBRC? Download the Sample SBRC


12 Setting up the Auto-Calculate function in PowerTeacher Download these directions

13 PowerTeacher Quick Points: Download these Quick Points Reference Sheets

14 PowerTeacher Quick Points: In line with CCSS, ELA English encompasses Reading, Writing, and Language Categories represent the types of learning events that students will be exposed to. Categories can be added, but should not be removed Categories can be edited by double-clicking its name from the list on the left side pane. This allows for setting default values for that category

15 PowerTeacher Quick Points: The default grade calculation is set to Total Points. Schools have Grading Policies that require teachers to use a Weighting system to calculate grades. Category weights can be added to represent the “weight” that each category will have in determining the students’ grade * The COPY function can be used to copy the Calculations to other Terms and subjects *

16 PowerTeacher Quick Points: Reports that are useful to teachers and other school staff: Final Grade and Comment Verification Individual Student Report Missing Assignment Report Student Multi-Section Report Standards Report (new)

17 PowerTeacher Quick Points: Download these Quick Points Reference Sheets

18 Questions and Comments:

19 For a digital copy of this presentation, use this QR Code to download the file

20 Academic Performance & Data Manager

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