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Grammar Review Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs. Nouns A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a ______, ______, _____, or ____. Identify the noun(s):

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1 Grammar Review Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs

2 Nouns A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a ______, ______, _____, or ____. Identify the noun(s): – Everybody says that high school will be more work but more fun, too. – The runner Carl Lewis won several Olympic medals. – The president travels in a reserved jet known as Air Force One. – Many American Indian leaders have been known for their courage and wisdom.

3 How’d we do? A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. Identify the noun(s): – Everybody says that high school will be more work but more fun, too. – The runner Carl Lewis won several Olympic medals. – The president travels in a reserved jet known as Air Force One. – Many American Indian leaders have been known for their courage and wisdom

4 Compound Nouns A compound noun is made up of two or more words used together as a single noun. Give me some examples of compound nouns! Here are a few of my examples: – Fire drill – Drugstore – Fund-raiser

5 Common and Proper Nouns A common noun names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas. A proper noun names a particular person, place, thing, or idea. A proper noun begins with a capital letter. Identify the common and proper nouns: – The boreal forests in Canada contain mostly evergreens, which grow well in cold climates. – Pacific coastal forests extend from central California to Alaska.

6 How’d we do? – The boreal forests in Canada contain mostly evergreens, which grow well in cold climates. – Pacific coastal forests extend from central California to Alaska.

7 Concrete and Abstract Nouns A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by one of more of the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell). An abstract noun names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic. What type of noun is each word listed below: – Popcorn – Ocean – Patriotism – Golden Gate Bridge – Knowledge – Love

8 Pronouns A PRONOUN is a word used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns. The word that a pronoun stands for is called its __________. Find the pronoun and the _________ in the following sentences: – The passengers scrambled to find their luggage. – As a crowd of people gathered, some just laughed, but several offered to help. – Those are birthday presents I bought for a friend of mine!

9 How’d we do? The word that a pronoun stands for is called its antecedent. Find the pronoun and the antecedent in the following sentences: – The passengers scrambled to find their luggage. – As a crowd of people gathered, some just laughed, but several offered to help. – Those are birthday presents I bought for a friend of mine!

10 Any questions about Nouns or Pronouns?

11 Verbs A verb is a word that shows ______ or _____ of _____. When two or more verbs are acting together as one verb, it is called a verb _____. A _______ verb joins with the main verb to help it out.

12 How’d we do? A verb is a word that shows action or state of being. When two or more verbs are acting together as one verb, it is called a verb phrase. A helping verb joins with the main verb to help it out.

13 Helping Verbs Find the helping and main verbs in the following: – Larry must have just finished his chores – Even today people can find positions as shepherds, inventors, and candlestick makers. – Some people have been working as messengers. – With a little imagination, anyone can find an unusual job.

14 How’d we do? Find the helping and main verbs in the following: – Larry must have just finished his chores – Even today people can find positions as shepherds, inventors, and candlestick makers. – Some people have been working as messengers. – With a little imagination, anyone can find an unusual job.

15 Action Verbs and Linking Verbs Action verbs show action and may contain more than one word. Linking verbs connect the subject of a sentence with a noun or adjective in the predicate. Action vs. Linking: – Clark Kent became Superman. – My mother became angry at me.

16 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Transitive verbs have a _____ object. – Joel held the baby. Intransitive verbs do not. – The Evans twins played quietly. Transitive vs. Intransitive: – The teacher read a poem. – The teacher read aloud. o Which one is transitive? Intransitive?

17 Verb Tenses The six verb tenses are: 1.______ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6.______

18 The verb tenses are… The six verb tenses are: 1.Present – Maria has enough money for a guitar 2.Past – The group stopped for lunch. 3.Future – The executive will make a decision. 4.Present Perfect – Maria has saved her money. 5.Past Perfect – The scouts had hiked five miles. 6.Future Perfect – The executive will have seen the report by next week.

19 Perfect Tenses Present Perfect – A verb names an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past. It also tells an action that happened in the past and is still happening now. – *The present perfect tense consists of the helping verbs “have” and “has”. Past Perfect – A verb names an action that took place before another action or event in the past. – *The past perfect tense of a verb consists of the helping verb “had” plus the main verb. Future Perfect – A verb names an action that will be completed before another future event occurs. – *The future perfect tense is formed by adding the helping verbs “will have” and “shall have” before the past participle of the verb.

20 If an action is continuing… When an action continues, we use the progressive form of the verb

21 Grammar Quiz 1. A noun is a word or word group that is used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. 2. Edwin Hubble was the first to show that the universe contains other galaxies besides the Milky Way. 3. Ice Cream 4. One example of an abstract noun: Love 5. The word a pronoun replaces is called its antecedent.

22 Grammar Quiz Cont. 6. Sonja Henie wont the world figure skating championship ten years in a row. She practically made it her private property. 7. This kind of verb joins with a main verb to assist it: helping 8. My dog Rusty is always barking at something. 9. a. My little brother appeared upset after he bumped his head. Linking b. My mom appeared in my room when she heard the thunder of falling books. Action

23 Grammar Quiz Cont. 10. The pilot started the airplane. 11. The six verb tenses are: Present Past Future Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

24 Adjectives An adjective is a word used to modify (describe) a ____ or a _______. Adjectives answer the following questions: – _________? cloudy day, enormous mistake, stone wall, eager clerk, secret garden – _________? this one, that one, those books, these cookies – How ____ or How ____? seven rings, more money, six puppies, several people

25 How’d we do? An adjective is a word used to modify (describe) a noun or a pronoun. – What kind? cloudy day, enormous mistake, stone wall, eager clerk, secret garden – Which one? this one, that one, those books, these cookies – How much or How many? seven rings, more money, six puppies, several people

26 Articles Is an article and adjective? The most common adjectives are: ____, _____, and ____ A and An are called _______ _______because they refer to any member of a general group. – How is a gerbil different from a hamster? The is a ______ ______because it refers to someone or something in particular.

27 How’d we do? Is an article and adjective? YES The most common adjectives are: a, an, and the! A and An are called indefinite articles because they refer to any member of a general group. – How is a gerbil different from a hamster? The is a definite article because it refers to someone or something in particular.

28 Proper Adjectives A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun and begins with a capital letter. Examples: Canadian citizen, Chinese calendar, New Jersey coast, etc.

29 Adverbs An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They add a more descriptive/definite quality. An adverb tells _____, ____, ___, or __ _____ ______

30 How’d we do? An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They add a more descriptive/definite quality. An adverb tells where, when, how, or to what extent.

31 Conjunctions A conjunction is a word that _____ words or groups of words The two most common conjunctions are ___ and ___. The two types of conjunctions are: ____________ and ___________

32 How’d we do? A conjunction is a word that joins words or groups of words The two most common conjunctions are and and but. The two types of conjunctions are: coordinating and correlative

33 Coordinating vs. Correlative These are pairs of words used to connect words or phrases in a sentence. They include (both…and, either…or, neither…nor, whether…or, not only…but also): Correlative These are words used to connect parts of a sentence such as words, clauses, or phrases. They are (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, & so): Coordinating

34 Interjections They are words or groups of words used to express strong feeling or emotion. A common list can be found on p. 491 in the text book. They can also express a mild feeling. Interjections do one of the following: – Express a feeling: wow, gee, golly, oops, zowie, darn – Say yes or no: yep, no, yes, nope, uh-huh, uh-uh

35 Interjections in a Sentence If an interjection expresses a really strong feeling, it can stand alone even though it’s not a complete sentence. – Examples: Wow! Or Ouch! When an interjection does not stand alone, use a comma before or after it to separate it from the rest of the sentence.

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