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Matlab_Fuzzy_tool_kit S.C. Chen. 課程安排 10/18/2011: –Matlab Environment Command window.M file and describe file –Using fuzzy toolbox in command window Membership.

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Presentation on theme: "Matlab_Fuzzy_tool_kit S.C. Chen. 課程安排 10/18/2011: –Matlab Environment Command window.M file and describe file –Using fuzzy toolbox in command window Membership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matlab_Fuzzy_tool_kit S.C. Chen

2 課程安排 10/18/2011: –Matlab Environment Command window.M file and describe file –Using fuzzy toolbox in command window Membership function Rules, Inference Control surface Example: 智慧型冷氣機系統 –Home work Design a fuzzy logic system 12 or 11/??/2011: –Simulink Environment Basic concept –Using fuzzy toolbox in simulink Membership function Rules, Inference Control surface Example: 智慧型冷氣機系統 / inverted pendulum –Home work Design a fuzzy logic system in simulink (need a testing procedure using simulink)

3 Fuzzy logic control toolbox


5 XXX FLS Design Introduction Scenario I/O variables Rules System testing

6 Introduction 動機 : – 冷氣機太笨

7 Senario 室溫 溼度 ------------- 冷氣強度

8 I/O variables 室溫 溫度低 : 0~20 溫度中 : 15 ~ 28 溫度高 : 25 ~ 45 溼度 溼度低 : 0~20 濕度中 : 15 ~ 28 濕度高 : 25 ~ 45

9 I/O variables 冷氣強度 冷氣強度低 : 0~15 冷氣強度中 : 12 ~ 23 冷氣強度高 : 20 ~ 40

10 Rules IF: x1( 溫度 ) is tl “and” x2( 濕度 ) is hl Then: output( 冷氣強度 ) is ch ch cm chcmcl cmcl 溫度 溼度 冷氣強度 TlTmTh Hl Hm Hh

11 System testing

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