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Language, Gender and Culture

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1 Language, Gender and Culture
Tannen “His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness” Brooks “Honor Code”

2 Activity 1: Gender Quiz Take the gender quiz and be prepared for answers and spirited discussion  20 minutes

3 Activity 2: Vocabulary Chart
Using the vocabulary chart, review the list of key vocabulary words for each author, checking off any words and/or their synonyms you know (meaning you would recognize and understand these words if you saw them in another context). Then, working individually or in pairs, brainstorm an additional fifteen synonyms in the far right column. You can find synonyms using a number of resources: ask a classmate, use your cell phone to find definitions, or use electronic or print dictionaries. 15 minutes

4 Activity 3: Reading Brooks for Understanding & Annotating Points of Interest and Questions
Read David Brooks’s article “Honor Code”, annotating any particular points of interest or noting any places that need clarification; then answer the following questions about it: Thinking back to the predictions you made in the Pre-Reading Activities, which of your predictions turned out to be true? If your prediction was inaccurate, what words or phrases in the text misled you? Write a single sentence in your own words that states Brooks’s argument. Write a 5 sentence response to his main argument. What do you agree with, and what do you disagree with?  25 minutes

5 Activity 4: Thinking Critically Questions
Questions about Logic (Logos) How relevant and valid do you think Brooks’s evidence is? Why does Brooks focus his discussion on boys? Questions about the Writer (Ethos) Based on what you read in his article & the information from his biography, does Brooks have the appropriate background to speak with authority about educational policy? What does Brooks’s style and language tell the reader about him? Questions about Emotions (Pathos) How does Brooks use humor or irony? How does that affect your acceptance of his ideas? 20 minutes

6 Due now Activity 1: Gender Quiz Activity 2: Vocabulary Chart
Activity 3: Responses to Brooks Activity 4: 5 Thinking Critically Questions Annotated Brooks article

7 Battle of the Sexes Now we’re going to play a game; a healthy competition amongst the genders. Divide into boys vs. girls on each side of the room. I am going to read questions for each gender and keep track of the points. The winning gender gets bragging rights for the week  Choose a spokesperson for your answers. No phones, no cheating. 25 minutes

8 Boys get ready for a question
How many days is the average menstrual cycle?

9 Answer 28 days

10 Girls get ready for a question
What does the CC in an engine size rating stand for?

11 Answer Cubic Centimeters

12 Boys get ready for a question
What are sling-backs?

13 Answer Shoes

14 Girls get ready for a question
How many X chromosomes do males usually have?

15 Answer One

16 Boys get ready for a question
Complete the name of this famous perfume: Chanel Number ..?

17 Answer Five

18 Girls get ready for a question
Where would you find a dipstick?

19 In a car engine (for checking oil)
Answer In a car engine (for checking oil)

20 Boys get ready for a question
Donna Karan, Anna Sui, and Vera Wang are all famous as what?

21 Answer Fashion designers

22 Girls get ready for a question
In American football are yard lines marked every 5 or 10 yards?

23 Answer Five

24 Boys get ready for a question
True or False: Females are born with all their eggs.

25 Answer True

26 Girls get ready for a question
In poker, what type of hand contains three matching cards of one rank and two of another?

27 Answer Full House

28 Boys get ready for a question
What does exfoliation remove?

29 Answer Dead skin cells

30 Girls get ready for a question
In automotive terms, what does SUV stand for?

31 Sports Utility Vehicle
Answer Sports Utility Vehicle

32 Boys get ready for a question
Which insect eats its male partner after intercourse?

33 Answer Praying mantis

34 Girls get ready for a question
In golf, what does the term “bogey” mean?

35 Answer One over par

36 Boys get ready for a question
How many weeks is the typical pregnancy?

37 Answer 40

38 Girls get ready for a question
Is the aftershave “Coolwater Deep” made by Davidoff or Calvin Klein?

39 Answer Davidoff

40 Boys get ready for a question
What term describes the roll of fat that spills over the top of one’s pants?

41 Answer Muffin top

42 Girls get ready for a question
What do you use a chamois for?

43 Cleaning (cars especially)
Answer Cleaning (cars especially)

44 Boys get ready for your last question
Women have more of which hormone than men?

45 Answer Estrogen

46 Girls get ready for your last question
What’s the name of the piece of equipment you insert into an electric drill when drilling?

47 Answer Bit

48 Final Observations What did you notice about how the different teams competed? Was one gender more competitive than the other? Did this surprise you? Why or why not? How would this game have been different if the teams were mixed gender?

49 Language, Gender and Culture
Tannen “His Politeness Is Her Powerlessness” and Brooks “Honor Code”

50 Activity 1: Reading Tannen for Understanding & Annotating Points of Interest and Questions
Read Deborah Tannen’s article, “His Politeness is Her Powerlessness”, annotating any particular points of interest or noting any places that need clarification; then answer the following questions about it: Thinking back to the predictions you made in the Pre-Reading Activities, which of your predictions turned out to be true? If your prediction was inaccurate, what words or phrases in the text misled you? Write a single sentence in your own words that states Tannen’s argument. Write a 5 sentence response to her main argument. What do you agree with, and what do you disagree with?  25 minutes

51 Activity 2: Thinking Critically Questions
Questions about Logic (Logos) What evidence does Tannen offer to support her claims? How relevant and valid do you think Tannen’s evidence is? Why does Tannen focus her discussion on women? Questions about the Writer (Ethos) Why does she refer both to her own research and the research of other authors? Based on what you read in her chapter and the information from her biography, does Tannen have the appropriate background to speak with authority on this subject? What does Tannen’s style and language tell the reader about her? Questions about Emotions (Pathos) Does Tannen use humor or irony? How does that affect your acceptance of her ideas? 25 minutes

52 Activity 3: Modern Family
We are going to watch an episode of Modern Family entitled “Two Monkeys and a Panda”. As we watch the episode, fill in the worksheet and see what you notice about how men and women communicate. Be prepared to discuss. 50 minutes (25 to watch, 10 to fill in worksheet, 15 to discuss)

53 Due Now Activity 1: Responses to Tannen
Activity 2: 7 Thinking Critically Questions Activity 3: Modern family worksheet Annotated Tannen article

54 Homework: Conversation Notes & Observations
Your homework is to watch three different kinds of conversations (male-female, female-female, adult-student, multiple person conversation, etc.) and take notes on what you observe.

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