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How to find a publication forum? Prof. Kaisa Miettinen

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1 How to find a publication forum? Prof. Kaisa Miettinen

2 Why do we publish? Not an end in itself! We want others to apply, comment and further develop our ideas and results Which is the correct publication forum to reach the appropriate audience? We may wish the publication to be a part of a doctoral dissertation

3 Pay attention to Aims and scope of journal ’Reputation’ Impact factor Which journals do you have in your list of references Is paper published electronically immediately after acceptance If you have time limitation, check how fast the review process typically has been Copyright policy

4 Things to remember Follow the instructions of the journal (length of abstract, number of keywords etc, contact information) Layout does not have to be correct for the first submission round Make sure you do not violate copyright or ethical rules (one paper only for one journal at a time etc) Give credit to those who deserve it

5 After submission If you get review report asking for a revision ◦ Read and think carefully how to improve the paper ◦ Not all comments need to be taken into account but if not, you must have a good reason ◦ Prepare a detailed response letter to each reviewer indicating what has been changed and justification of not obeying suggestions, if needed ◦ Be polite in wording If rejected (typically no use to protest) ◦ Revise following comments to improve paper ◦ Find another journal if you believe in your work

6 After acceptance You can cite the paper using DOI Check proofs carefully and within the given time (typically 48 h) Fill copyright transfer form After the paper has been published (i.e. volume, issue and page numbers given) ◦ send a copy to Outi Hynninen so that she includes it in Tutka ◦ hang a copy on the notice board of negotiation room Ag C 421.1

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