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The Great presentation of… Ryan Bell!. Qualifications: 7 GCSE’s including; Maths, English and Science. B in photography at AS level. 2 BTEC’s at level.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great presentation of… Ryan Bell!. Qualifications: 7 GCSE’s including; Maths, English and Science. B in photography at AS level. 2 BTEC’s at level."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great presentation of… Ryan Bell!

2 Qualifications: 7 GCSE’s including; Maths, English and Science. B in photography at AS level. 2 BTEC’s at level 1

3 Okay so firstly My name is Ryan. I am 18 years old and I live in Doncaster…

4 Previous Experience? Experience in work – - McDonalds. Customer care, Teamwork, keeping a level head in a fast paced environment. - Northern Frames Warehouse. Distribution of large quantities of products - Newspaper delivery person. Time management and distribution.

5 Previous Experience? Skills in the areas I want to work in… - I am very skilled at using Photoshop up to the latest version. - I am good at designing graphics. - I am skilled at drawing. I made that!

6 More drawings and stuff…

7 What have I learned at the ambition programme? Different ways to present information with body language and tone of voice. Ways to work around different situations in a team environment. I have leant a lot about customer care even though I have worked in areas that involve it a lot.

8 What kind of job am I looking for? Retail – Something like a clothes shop or games shop or any kind of shop. Shop. Photography – I love photography so any kind of job that involves taking photos or editing photos would make me very happy. Gaming – I love video games so anything that involves games wouldn’t be too bad. Music – Music is a big part of my life so anything to do with music would be great.

9 THANKS FOR LISTENING TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It make me happy. ^-^

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