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Educational Research 506. Holy Spirit Library’s Webpage Basic Information Contact Information (E-mail, Phone, IM) Hours Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Research 506. Holy Spirit Library’s Webpage Basic Information Contact Information (E-mail, Phone, IM) Hours Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Research 506

2 Holy Spirit Library’s Webpage Basic Information Contact Information (E-mail, Phone, IM) Hours Services Available Research Tools Cavalog Databases Class Research Wiki Style Guides

3 Library Staff Contact Information Reference Librarians Sara Drew610.902.8537 Michael LaMagna610.902.8568 Anne Schwelm610.902.8536 Interlibrary Loan &Circulation Sherry Becht610.902.8538

4 Research Process Define your topic Locate background information and identify keywords/terms What are the key concepts in your topic? What are the educational concepts? What terms will you use? Translate the topic into a search query Choose the proper search tool Perform your search and evaluate your results

5 Define your topic What you want: A clear idea of what you are looking for A thesis statement Criteria to determine whether sources found are something you can use How you can get there: Develop your specific topic before doing any research Determine broad topic, do some research before narrowing topic to a manage Choose subject area to browse and find interesting topics to further define

6 Locate background information and identify keywords/terms What are the key concepts in your topic? What are the educational concepts? What terms will you use? Classroommanagement forkidsdiagnosedwithADHD

7 Choose the proper search tool Recommended Databases to find: Electronic Journal Articles Academic Search Premier Education Research Complete ERIC PsychARTICLES PsycBooks PsycINFO Recommended Internet Sources to find: Statistical Information National Center for Education Statistics Statistical Abstract of the United States U.S. Department of Education Research and Statistics

8 Other search tools Recommended Catalogs to find: Books, e-books, Print Periodicals, DVDs, Videos, CDs Cavalog Accessed through What is physically located in the Holy Spirit Library Hence Cavalog- for Cavaliers WorldCat Accessed through Inter-Library Loan Search for item Once found- Request item Enter personal information- submit request

9 Translate the topic into a search query General Tips Quotes around phrases search for words together For example: classroom management vs. “classroom management” Using And will only bring up results including both terms For example: teenagers and communication vs. teenagers communication Using Or will bring up results including either term For example: parent or guardian or caregiver Using Not will search for the first term alone, results will not contain the second term For example: classroom not technology Truncation is searching for words with like beginnings and different endings with one word For example: teach%, resourc% The more specific you are the less results you will get Use Limiters: Full text, years published etc.

10 Perform your search and evaluate your results Be confident Try your search string, look at results, make changes, search again If you have too many results- make your query more specific Add limiters Add more terms Maybe refine your topic If you have too few results- make your query broader Take out limiters Take out some terms Maybe there is a lack of literature on your topic, broaden your topic

11 Things to remember Accessing databases remotely Writing Center Citation Guides

12 Thank you Please use your class wiki to access this presentation at: The wiki can also be accessed by going to the Library home page, Clicking Research Wikis, and selecting Educational Research 506.

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