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Digital Communication and Networks. Go to this website 10 minutes looking Pick an article Prepare a 5 slide pp Take into account.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Communication and Networks. Go to this website 10 minutes looking Pick an article Prepare a 5 slide pp Take into account."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Communication and Networks

2 Go to this website 10 minutes looking Pick an article Prepare a 5 slide pp Take into account areas of impact (2-3) And social and ethical issues

3 When people visit web sites their ◦IP address, ◦browser software, ◦operating system ◦viewing habits ◦Are tracked and recorded ◦Along with their wish lists and purchase history. These details are collected and shared among advertisers without the user’s consent.

4 The CDD fought this along the lines of an invasion of privacy. How are the CDD (Center for Digital Democracy) and other organizations working to protect the consumers from digital advertisers? What steps can web users take to avoid sharing personnel data with web marketers?

5 Browse the web site (10 minutes) Find an article you like What are the areas of impact (2-3) What are the social impacts and ethical considerations Prepare a 5 page power point to be presented the next day.

6 Key Words Email, Instant messaging, Blogging, Teleconferencing Online communication Avatars Web Forum E commerce Skype P2P Bit-Torrent Processor sharing Grid computing Volunteer Computing Utility Computing Cloud computing VPN Lurkers/Monitors Wi-Fi

7 4 minute questions What is the difference between email and instant messaging systems? When do you need a modem? What are the potential health hazards in spending hours online playing computer games? Do you think Wi-fi and other wireless communications are putting us on the edge of a computer revolution?

8 10 mark Questions Recording artists are divided on the issue of P2P file sharing. Discuss this issue in relation to leisure and entertainment?

9 What steps can web users take to avoid sharing personnel data with web marketers? Read all privacy and terms of all websites you submit data to. Avoid putting personnel information on any website. Ifs its optional leave it blank.

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