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 Taft School recommends students do not bring cell phones to school.  Lost, Stolen, or Damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of OKCPS or Taft.

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2  Taft School recommends students do not bring cell phones to school.  Lost, Stolen, or Damaged cell phones are not the responsibility of OKCPS or Taft MS and will not be investigated by school administration.  Cell phones are not allowed during class periods or passing periods.

3  First Offense:Confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office.  Second Offense:One (1) day in school suspension (ISS), and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office.  Third Offense:Two (2) days in school suspension (ISS) and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office.  Fourth Offense:One (1) day out of school suspension (OSS) and confiscation of the device until a parent retrieves the device from the main office.  Fifth Offense: Out of school suspension (OSS) pending parent conference and confiscation of the device until the parent retrieves the device from the main office.  REFUSAL:Refused to give telephone to teacher, administrator or person of authority on campus student will be assigned a Level 3 consequence.

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