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Nogadapt templete # 9 목 차목 차 2 단구성 3 단구성 4 단구성 그래프 1 2 4 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Nogadapt templete # 9 목 차목 차 2 단구성 3 단구성 4 단구성 그래프 1 2 4 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nogadapt templete # 9

2 목 차목 차 2 단구성 3 단구성 4 단구성 그래프 1 2 4 3

3 1. 2 단구성 Contents 1 1 Contents 2 2 Contents 3 3 Contents 4 4

4 ■ Proactive sales by recruiting sales experts ■ Introduction of a new online HTS ( if AH Trading) and aggressive marketing ■ Opening of 25 new sub-branches ■ Increased international M/S using enhanced resources ■ Introduction of performance-based compensation system to encourage top performance FY01 Performance Major Activities A company Market share trend 2. Recovering brokerage M/S with improved operating capacity Market share has increased behind the successful launch of the AH Trading System coupled with diverse marketing activities 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 1Q012Q013Q01 4Q01 1Q02 A company No.5 No.2 K company 2Q02 (end-May)

5 2. 3 단구성 Contents 1 1 Contents 2 2 Contents 3 3 Contents 4 4

6 Product process Name aa ProcessScheduledue aaa ac ab aa aaa Phase I Phase II R&D product Phase III design aa 7/30 8/25 10/1

7 3. 4 단구성 Contents 1 1 Contents 2 2 Contents 3 3 Contents 4 4

8 Com- pany A Strength opportunity Weakness Threathen Product process

9 4. 그래프 Contents 1 1 Contents 2 2 Contents 3 3 Contents 4 4

10 Monthly M/S Chart

11 Thank you

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