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Electrical Engineering By. J.P. Black. Background Info Deals with study and application of electricity Electrical engineering became a job in late 19.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical Engineering By. J.P. Black. Background Info Deals with study and application of electricity Electrical engineering became a job in late 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical Engineering By. J.P. Black

2 Background Info Deals with study and application of electricity Electrical engineering became a job in late 19 th century after the invention of the telegraph.

3 Description Electrical engineers design, test, create, and manufacture electronic equipment and devices

4 Education Academic degree Major in Electrical Engineering 4-5 years of college Covers basic units of math, physics, and computer science

5 Areas of Specialization Communications Computer software Electromagnetics Signal & image processing Power systems Optics Remote sensing and space systems

6 Salary Less than 1 year of exp. - $55,446 1-4 years of exp. - $59,577 5-9 years of exp. - $70,881 10-19 years of exp. - $82,396 20+ years of exp. - $95,638

7 Jobs About 291,000 jobs in the U.S.A for and electrical engineer.

8 Jobs include Electric division manager Project manager Forensic electrical engineer Communications systems engineer Hardware desigining

9 Courses (College) Basic circuit theory Intro to device physics Electromagnetic theory Analog & digital electronics Electrical circuits design lab Digital logic design

10 Courses (High School) Literature Algebra 1 and 2 Geometry Trig, calc, stat 2 years of foreign languages 2 semesters in Bio and Chem U.S. Gov and history Economics

11 Conclusion Becoming an electrical engineer requires a lot of preparation and effort. You must be ready to put forth the time if you are serious about it. It is a well paying job and as you know they are always looking for more engineers out there.

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