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Expectations for Spanish 1 & 2 Sra. Acevedo-García Conference time: 9:30 – 10:00 a.m Tutoring: Tuesdays & Fridays

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Presentation on theme: "Expectations for Spanish 1 & 2 Sra. Acevedo-García Conference time: 9:30 – 10:00 a.m Tutoring: Tuesdays & Fridays"— Presentation transcript:

1 Expectations for Spanish 1 & 2 Sra. Acevedo-García Conference time: 9:30 – 10:00 a.m Tutoring: Tuesdays & Fridays

2 Supplies needed for class: 1) One binder with plenty of paper. 2) Pens, pencils, and highlighters. 3) Color pencils 4) Yellow vocabulary booklet 5) Six week packet 6) Index cards

3 Supplies needed for class: 1) One binder with plenty of paper. 2) Two pens, two pencils and two highlighters. 3) Color pencils 4) Aqua vocabulary booklet 5) Six week packet 6) Index cards

4 Grades In a six week grading period students will have Major grades 55% 2 tests Quizzes 30% 4 quizzes  (including wordplays) Other 15% Daily assignments & participation grade (worth 8 daily grades)

5 WORDPLAYS  Check for dates, and assignments in the calendar (child’s Spanish packet)  Note that students are informed of the dates ahead of time. They must stay organized. No late submissions accepted.  Credentials are published in classroom & in the teacher web (documents.

6 WORDPLAYS  There is no excuse if a student does not have a PC or internet at home. Options: School library at 7 am to 7:20, or from 2:35- 3:15 Public library, Language lab after school, (tell teacher)  Completions have to be to 100% or the quiz grade will be “zero”. Stage 1 (matching, 60%) + Stage 2 (writing, 40%).

7 The chart helps keep track on participation grades. Check your child’s chart regularly.

8 Grades  If a student did not finish an assignment in class, he/she needs to complete it at home, or during enrichment. This includes workbook assignments.  After failing a test, it is student’s responsibility to plan for attending a tutoring session, and then, retake the test.  Retakes are given after school or during enrichment. (3 days)

9 Attendance  Students who miss class for ANY reason are responsible for getting the missed assignments.  If they have trouble learning the new material, they must arrange to come to tutoring (check available tutoring times for the class), or enrichment.  It is student’s (not teacher’s) responsibility to plan for making up tests, and/or quizzes. For that matter, students should notify teacher to get an enrichment pass, or to stay after school.

10 Student Discipline  As in any classroom, the teacher will attempt to address discipline problems directly with the student prior to referring the student to the principal.  If there is not improvement in the behavior, parents will be notified.

11 Student Discipline  After school teacher detention and notification to parents.  Last, the teacher will contact the principal, parents, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

12 Cell phone policy  The use of cell phones or any electronic devices during instruction is not allowed.  Any student with an electronic device visible on them during any assessment, test or quiz will receive a 0.

13 Textbook access on line: User name: KATYHS1 Password: katytigers#1

14 Teacher web: Campuses  High School  KHS  Directory  Acevedo- García…   calendar: Assignments/assessments  documents: Wordplay passwords

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