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Satsang. Topics What is Satsang? Satsang ma Sanee Bik Eekta.

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Presentation on theme: "Satsang. Topics What is Satsang? Satsang ma Sanee Bik Eekta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satsang

2 Topics What is Satsang? Satsang ma Sanee Bik Eekta

3 What is Satsang? Consist of Four main things 1 :Recognizing true God 2: Recognizing true Dham 3: Recognizing true Sastras 4: Recognizing true Santo Having FAITH, LOVE, TRUST & FRIENDSHIP with these things is called SATSANG.

4 Satsang ma Sanee Bik What are Yuvan/Yuvika scared of in Satsang? Doing Tilak Chandlo Doing Mala Doing Danvat Touching feet of Santos and God Many more

5 Satsang ma Sanee Bik What should Yuvan/Yuvika be scared of? Eating outside food Drinking Alcohol Smoking

6 Where do Yuvan do Bad things? Sitting at a bus stop looking at people and teasing them, sitting in groups and eating Burger, Chips, or going to Take Away shops and eating food. Here yuvan should be ashamed of themsleves.

7 Where do Yuvan do Bad things? Sitting at a pub or at a take away shop and watching TV with their sister, mum, daughter and drinking alcohol and eating outside food this is where my Yuvan friends should be ashamed.

8 Where do Yuvan do Bad things? Having Tilak Chandlo in their forehead and Khanthi in their neck. And smoking cigarette and drinking alcohol this is where my Yuvan friends should be ashamed

9 Satsang ma Eekta Eekta is same as Trust, Friendship and Bond having this is in a satsang develops a satsang and will achieve its goal. If there is no Eekta in the satsang than there’s no point of satsang. Having Eekta in satsang than baghwan and santo will be happy and shower their blessing on us.

10 What should We Do? Treat People fairly and equally Have friendship with each other Martin Luther King Jr Said that “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

11 What's the Moral this Presentation Have pride in your religion and Satsang Start having Eekta with other people in the Satsang Work together to achieve our goal which is Having a mandir in Sydney And lastly don’t be scared of coming to Satsang and Mandir be Proud

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