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Information Society Technologies CPA 10 “Next generation micro & nano technologies” in WP 2001, call seven DG Information Society European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Society Technologies CPA 10 “Next generation micro & nano technologies” in WP 2001, call seven DG Information Society European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Society Technologies CPA 10 “Next generation micro & nano technologies” in WP 2001, call seven DG Information Society European Commission

2 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #2 IST-Programme Structure KA1 Systems & services for the citizen KA3 Multimedia content & tools KA2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce KA4 Essential technologies & infrastructure Cross Programme actions Research networking Future & emerging technologies CPA 10

3 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #3 CPA10 - next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications) New CPA topic for 2001 New CPA topic for 2001 advanced workadvanced work build on and extend work in :build on and extend work in : Key Action IV, Key Action I, FET,DG-Research “highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA)“highly pervasive” (prime rationale for CPA) combine cross- and multi-disciplinary participantscombine cross- and multi-disciplinary participants typical work mix expected:typical work mix expected: 30% technology + 30% integration + 30% application

4 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #4 CPA10 - next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications) Objectives Objectives - early adaptation of micro- and nano-technology in industry - early adaptation of micro- and nano-technology in industry - emphasis on health and environmental applications - emphasis on health and environmental applications - to stimulate interdisciplinary research in order to: - to stimulate interdisciplinary research in order to: develop new fully integrated solutionsdevelop new fully integrated solutions exploit new ideas generated from the mix of different disciplinesexploit new ideas generated from the mix of different disciplines Domains: Domains: - health and medical instrumentation - health and medical instrumentation - environmental - environmental - industrial and communication - industrial and communication

5 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #5 CPA10 - next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications) Activities and focus for 2001 Activities and focus for 2001 hardware RTD ….. (includes design, software, processes & manufacturing research) …… ….. integrated with the application development itselfhardware RTD ….. (includes design, software, processes & manufacturing research) …… ….. integrated with the application development itself multi-disciplinary research, development and take-up (combines material, device, process, system development with ….. …. the targeted medical, environmental, industrial application development)multi-disciplinary research, development and take-up (combines material, device, process, system development with ….. …. the targeted medical, environmental, industrial application development) (combines biologists, chemists, with electrical/mechanical engineering) (combines biologists, chemists, with electrical/mechanical engineering) (combines IT with non-IT technologies) (combines IT with non-IT technologies) infrastructure platforms for multi-disciplinary research & innovationinfrastructure platforms for multi-disciplinary research & innovation

6 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #6 CPA10: Types of actions addressed R&D: R&D: –feasibility of technology, proof of concepts –enhancement of capabilities, industrialization Demonstration: Demonstration: –proof the viability of new technologies offering potential economic advantage but which cannot be commercialized directly Trials: Trials: –evaluation of promising, yet not fully established technologies & solutions Access: Access: –Access to emerging technologies and services, knowledge and competence, networks and infrastructure

7 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #7 CPA10: Crossing the chasm to FP6 (1/2) CPA 10

8 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #8 CPA10: Crossing the chasm to FP6 (2/2) CPA 10

9 IST WP 2001, Seventh Call, CPA 10 slide #9 CPA10 - next generation micro & nano technologies (for highly integrated applications),,,,,, Commission CPA team: Co-ordination - General Information:Rainer Guenzler Key Action I - Sys. & serv. for the citizenAndreas Lymberis Key Action II - New meth. of work & e-comDavid Guedj Key Action III - MultimediaLuc Briol, Giovanni Varile Key Action IV - Essential techn. & infrastr.Bernard Netange, Dirk Beernaert FETRamon Compano e-mail: “first name”.”surname”

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