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Atomic Structure and Atomic Spectra

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1 Atomic Structure and Atomic Spectra
Chapter 13

2 Table 10.1 Hydrogenic radial wavefunctions
R = (Nn,l) (polynomial in r) (decaying exponential in r) Ln,l(p) is an associated Laguerre polynomial

3 Fig 10.4

4 Potential energy between an electron and proton
in a hydrogen atom + - + - + - ao One-electron wavefunction = an atomic orbital

5 Fig 10.5 Energy levels of a hydrogen atom
Unbound states in cm-1 Principle quantum number n = 1, 2, 3,...,∞ Angular momentum QN l = 0, 1, 2,..., (n-1) Magnetic QN ml = -l, ..., +l Spin QN ms = ±1/2 Bound states

6 Fig 10.7 Energy of orbitals in a hydrogenic atom
Energy only depends on principal quantum number n n=3 n=2 En = -RH ( ) 1 n2 Why the degeneracy?! n=1

7 Fig 10.9 Balance of kinetic and potential energies that
accounts for the ground state of hydrogenic atoms

8 Fig 10.10 Electron densities of 1s and 2s orbitals
in a hydrogen atom

9 Fig 10.11 Boundary surface of an s-orbital within which
there is a 90% probability of finding Mz. Electron r90 Orbitals don’t have edges!

10 spherically symmetrical
Fig Probability density for an s-orbital s-orbital is spherically symmetrical

11 Fig 10.14 Radial distribution function for an s-orbital

12 Fig 10.15 Boundary surfaces for p-orbitals
ml = -1 ml = 0 ml = 1

13 Fig 10.16 Boundary surfaces for d-orbitals
ml = -2 ml = -1 ml = 0 ml = 1 ml = 2

14 Fig 10.17 Grotrian diagram for the spectrum of H
A photon can carry only one unit of angular momentum Some transitions are allowed, other are forbidden Selection rules for allowed transitions: Δl = ±1 and Δml = 0, ±1

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