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Leader Interview Presentation Strengths Based Leadership Tarleton State University Spring 2015 Amanda Laffoon Leadership Quotes.

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1 Leader Interview Presentation Strengths Based Leadership Tarleton State University Spring 2015 Amanda Laffoon Leadership Quotes

2 Leader Interview Presentation I was privileged enough to interview Dr. Kelly Black, head of the veterinary technology distance learning program at Cedar Valley College (CVC). This interview took place January 26, 2015 at CVC. Dr. Kelly Black Who is Dr. Black?- Dr. Black is an Oklahoma native and attend Oklahoma State University School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Black began working in Cedar Valley’s campus-based veterinary technician program in 2004 and has served as the director of its distance-education program since July 2007. Prior to joining Cedar Valley College, he worked in private veterinary practice for small and exotic animals in the North Dallas area for six years. AAHA Vet Fund AAHA

3 Leader Interview Presentation  Why did you choose the veterinary profession? Dr. Black- “My grandfather was a veterinarian and I grew up on a farm. I worked with the animals and really enjoyed it so I knew veterinary school was for me.”  Why did you want to teach veterinary technology? Dr. Black- “I really enjoyed working in a practice and I still do when I can but I wanted to give something back. So, I felt that teaching would fulfill that need for me.”  Why teach at a vet tech school and not a veterinary school? Dr. Black- “First off to teach at a veterinary school you have to be board certified, which I am not. Though, I felt it would be a great experience teaching at CVC and to help support the students who want to work in veterinary medicine.” Distinguished Teaching Award

4  What is your definition of leadership? Dr. Black- “Helping those achieve their goals.”  Who has influenced your leadership? What do you seek in a leader? Dr. Black- “I was working for a veterinarian in Oklahoma named Dr. Terry Lowman before I got into vet school. He taught us that we could do whatever we wanted in life as long as we put our minds to it. I seek encouragement as that helps you achieve your goals.” Leadership Interview Presentation Encouragement Comments

5  Is Leadership nature or nurture? Natural or acquired trait/ability? Leadership Interview Presentation Dr. Black- “I believe both. Everyone is born with some form of leadership whether they realize or not but it’s up to them to nurture it. I believe this also plays into traits and abilities. You just have to learn how to use what you have to lead and understand what abilities you possess. Things may change over time.”  What traits do you think you have? Dr. Black- “Wow! Let me think for a moment… I believe my top three traits would be, 1. Integrity 2. Honesty 3. Dedication.” Nature or Nurture

6 Leadership Interview Presentation  In the three style types of leadership (Authoritarian, Democratic or Laissez-Faire) where do you think you fit in? Dr. Black- “I fit in with democratic. I am in a leadership position and need to hand out tasks to be done but I am always open to help when needed and when I can. I feel that when they see you care they want to show you how well they can do, as they feel you will appreciate it.”  With explaining the X and Y theory, how do you perceive people? Dr. Black- “Theory Y best explains how I feel. I want to have some idea people want to work and show you what they can do. Not saying there are not lazy people in the world… haha.” Leading in a changing world

7 Leadership Interview Presentation  Are you task oriented or relationship oriented? Dr. Black- “Relationship oriented! As much as I want to be task oriented.. I am usually flying by the seat of my pants. Things change in this environment and I have to prioritize as the day happens.”  Explaining types of leadership skills: Administrative, Interpersonal and Conceptual. Where do you fit in the most? Dr. Black- “I really fit into all of them in this type of work environment but I would say my top skill is conceptual. I feel that I do a lot of problem solving daily.” Identifying the Presenting Problem in Coaching

8 Leadership Interview Presentation  What is the hardest part of your job as a leader in the distance learning program? Dr. Black- “Dealing with leaders above me (administrators). Sometimes we can really bump heads on certain issues but as a problem solver I try to meet in the middle with them or create a solution that meets everyone’s needs.”  Best Advice you were given? Dr. Black- “The veterinarian I worked for before I was accepted into vet school: I had told him I got into Oklahoma Veterinary School and he said, “Congrats, I’m so sorry. But you will do well if you work hard.” He was joking with the first part haha but if you seriously work hard you will get somewhere. Not saying there won’t be bumps along the way but keep working hard and don’t give up.” Your best advice for the year

9 Leadership Interview Presentation  Do you feel your leadership skills set vet tech students up for success both while in the tech program and for the real world? Dr. Black- “Oh, of course. I want them to know that yes there is a standard here at the school but they can take that knowledge and tweak it for real life use.” Dr. Black and myself in surgery lab. Dr. Black and myself as I am trying for a cystocentesis.

10 Leadership Interview Presentation I wanted to thank Dr. Black for giving me the chance to come out to CVC and interview him. Even though he works in the distance learning department he was such an influence to us in the on-site program. He let us use our skills we had learned in the program when the other veterinarians wouldn’t. He made learning fun, was there to answer questions and over all cared about our education.

11 Picture References  AAHA Login. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from  ALCOHOLISM: NATURE OR NURTURE? (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from nature-or-nurture.html  Distinguished Teaching Award. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from  Encouragement Comments, Graphics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from  Identifying the Presenting Problem in Coaching - Unstick Me. (2014, August 11). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from corner/identify-the-presenting-problem-in-coaching/  Leading in a Changing World. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from  Leadership quotes | GMAC Professional Development. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from  Veterinary Medicine Fund for Excellence. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from excellence  Your Best Advice for the New Year. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2015, from

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