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What’s going on?  A talent show at lunch and a talent show that evening.  Showcasing Sardis talent  Around 10-16 acts.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s going on?  A talent show at lunch and a talent show that evening.  Showcasing Sardis talent  Around 10-16 acts."— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s going on?  A talent show at lunch and a talent show that evening.  Showcasing Sardis talent  Around 10-16 acts

3 Where?  Tuesday, February 26 th  At lunch and in the evening (after-school). In the pit.

4 Why?  Raise money for a good cause.  Showcasing school talent.  Raising school spirit.  Involving the community.

5 Raising Money  Might take donations during events.  Or only sell tickets for the evening show (5$)

6 Budget  To be decided

7 Auditions  Auditions start on the Tuesday, February 5 th and Thursday, February 7 th  Advertising for auditions by  Emailing teachers (specifically performance teachers) asking them to inform their students about auditions and where to sign up  Have sign-up lists posted in Band Room, Dance room, Drama room, etc.

8 Advertisement  Little and big posters  Announcements  Word of mouth

9 What do we need from you?  Attend the events  Help set up on the day of the Talent Shows  Spread the word

10 Questions for the Class  Any good causes we can raise money for? We need suggestions!  In your opinion, what would be preferable, buying tickets or donations?

11 Questions or Suggestions???

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