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HIE-ISOLDE Project Status Report
OUTLINE Status of the Technical Infrastructure
Results from the Machine Commissioning Future Plans Conclusions HIE-PCG meeting, Y. Kadi, 21 Sep. 2015
Technical Infrastructure (E. Siesling)
ISOLDE target zone Compressor building 198 Water station B197 ISOLDE Low Energy Cold Box building 199 HIE SC Linac Equipment platform Installation of the HIE-ISOLDE technical infrastructure (red boxes) has been completed with minor disruptions to the parallel running of the Low-Energy physics programs at the ISOLDE facility. All the services are by now fully operational. High Energy Beam Transfer lines HEBT
Cryogenic Plant Cryo System: fully commissioned. Liquid He made.
The overhauled ALEPH compressor units and cold box together with the new cryogenic distribution line have been commissioned and supplying LHe at 4.5K since June 2015 Cryo System: fully commissioned. Liquid He made.
Cryo Distribution Line
Cryogenic distribution line feeding the SC linac with liquid He at 4.5K is in steady operation since June 2015 Cryo Cold Line & all 6 Jumper Boxes: installed and instrumented Pressure tests done on Cold Line.
HEBT Lines MiniBall Scattering Chamber
Elements of the SC linac and the first two High-Energy Beam Transfer lines (XT01 and XT02) have all been installed. The quadrupole, H/V corrector and dipole magnets and associated beam diagnostic boxes have all been tested and commissioned. The first two experiments (Miniball and the Scattering chamber) are being installed in view of the first physics run this coming Fall.
SC Linac Cryo-Module 1 installed on Saturday 2nd May.
The first high-beta cryomodule (CM1) was transported to the HIE-ISOLDE linac tunnel in May and after a dense installation campaign, CM1 was ready for cryogenic cool-down a month later. The installation and commissioning of the second high-beta cryomodule (CM2) is scheduled for the first quarter of 2016. Subsystems such as cryogenic instrumentation, vacuum controls, RF interlocks, fire and oxygen deficiency alarms have all been tested. Cryo-Module 1 installed on Saturday 2nd May. Cool-down: mid-June to mid-July
CM1 HW commissioning: main results (W. Venturini)
Cryogenics: ~100% availability over 2 months, then problems (4 CB stops + incident) Vacuum: in range of mbar Cold alignment: ~1.2 mm vertical offset corrected Cavity conditioning OK, only CAV2 has FE Cavity tuning OK: all cavities at MHz, mid range Cavity performance: 6 MV/m/CAV with less than 50 W Serious issue with power coupler identified Solenoid performance: OK, “feature” under control Combined powering cavities and solenoid OK Static heat load measured within specs ( ~ 10 W) LLRF loops working well beyond specs at 2 MV/m
Issues for phase 1: RF coupler
Observation: RF drifts when driving cavities at high power to initially assumed operational bandwidths thermal effects in the power coupler Potential showstopper Actions taken: Dedicated test in SM18 permanent damage at 200 W Post mortem analysis Second test in SM18 OK after 9 hours at 60 W Test bench at room temperature: no damage with 500 W for 1 hour, or 250 W for 24 hours Third test in SM18 week 36, testing possible fix Adapting low level RF loops to reduce bandwidth as much as possible (now 3 Hz 50 W seemed possible) On Saturday 29th August, CAV4 powered at 14 W (minimum requirement for operation) for 24 h clear signatures of degradation! 80 W !
Testing possible fix at SM18 (A. Miyazaki)
Addition of a Thermal Anchor
Coupler with the additional thermal anchor (50W 9h)
Coupler Powering (A. Miyazaki)
black: without anchor red: with anchor Time constant p1 is shorter by factor two with same reflected power
Coupler Cooling (A. Miyazaki)
black: without anchor red: with anchor Time constant p1 is shorter by factor seven with same reflected power
Coupler Temperature (A. Miyazaki)
185 160 135 110 85 60 Cu block temperature [K] Without Thermal Anchor 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 Cu block temperature [K] With Thermal Anchor
Effect on Eacc (A. Miyazaki)
black: without anchor red: with anchor
Adapting the LLRF (D. Valuch et al.)
On 13/09/2015 all five cavities were successfully powered and locked using an automatic sequence Relatively stable operation at 2.5MV/m with 3Hz bandwidth Field quality in per-cent/degree mode. Worse than the specification, with sufficient power we can do much better. rms power limited to ~20W, saturation set to 40W Coupler gets damaged at 80W for 24 hours.
Adapting the LLRF (D. Valuch et al.)
Microphonics is the limiting factor for low power operation Low frequency vibrations (1-5Hz), higher frequency vibration (50Hz) in the cryostat not yet understood Perturbations are seriously affecting the cavity field – operation at high field (>3MV/m) without tightly locked loops is not possible Cavity 4 coupler collapsed, but cavity operational at >3Hz bandwidth => Field limitation Cavity 5 coupler motor is not fully operational – bandwidth can not be set to more than 2Hz
Adapting the LLRF: next steps (D. Valuch et al.)
Localize the source of vibrations Measure the microphonics in Generator Mode Switch off pumps and other equipment, minute cycle time Deploy new firmware and FESA class to address minor bugs Implement automatic cavity sequence (new FESA class) Start preparing the OP interaction (MachineSetpoint property) Attempt to lock all cavities at higher than 2.5MV/m (yield 6MV/m): Need to increase the power limit, otherwise not possible. Closely monitor the Forward power for deposited heat
Cryolab Test Set-up (T. Koettig)
First cool-down is planned for this Monday The goal is to measure the temperature distribution along the coax cable and coupler antenna first w/o RF power Then start powering with stepwise increase in RF power until we see a thermal runaway Test set-up will be used also to qualify new RF coupler assembly
HIE ISOLDE roadmap 2015 Tests related to RF coupler limitations
Cryo incident Aug 12th Possible interleaving The machine commissioning campaign covered the vacuum and cryogenics performance, monitoring and alignment adjustment of the active elements, conditioning and RF measurement of the superconducting cavities, power tests of the superconducting solenoid, and commissioning of the LLRF and of the tuning systems. Cold testing of the first cryomodule started in June 2015. All 5 superconducting cavities (in CM1) were successfully RF conditioned at cold. The high field multipacting band around 1.5 MV/m was easily processed in 4/5 hours per cavity. An important milestone was reached when all superconducting elements (cavities and solenoid) were successfully powered at nominal field at the same time. The fully digital HIE ISOLDE low level RF system was deployed for the first time to control the first cryomodule. It was used to tune the SC QWRs very close to the target linac frequency of MHz. All HEBT hardware commissioned on schedule CM1 cooled down and hardware tests complete Issue with power coupler looking for an operational point Cryogenics Incident on 12th August
Overall Summary Enormous progress since April 2015
Infrastructure in place HEBT hardware commissioning completed CM1 installed, cooled and powered. Full test campaign carried out REX beam commissioning well advanced Beam commissioning of SC Linac is possible in September The results of hardware tests (problem on RF couplers) highlighted that CM1 is not fully qualified for sustained operation as planned Agree with Collaboration on a common scope for 2015 Physics run
Thank you for your attention
DBoxes commissioning in XT00-XT01
S. Sadovich (BE/BI)
DB status in XT00 – XT01 XT01 LBD4 LBD3 LBD1 SBD1 SBD2 SBD3 SBD4 SBD5
All instruments in LBD2 LBD3 LBD4 are installed and ready to be checked with beam LBD4 FC; SS; Coll FC – Faraday Cup SS – Scanning slit Coll – Collimator slit Stripping foils are not installed All instruments in LBD1 SBD1 SBD2 SBD3 SBD4 SBD5 are installed and checked with beam (FC) Problems: Short cut (cup - repeller) in FC in SBD1 Leak/Broken SS in SBD5 LBD3 FC; SS; Coll Wall LBD1 FC; SS; Coll; SD SBD1 FC; SS; Coll SBD2 FC; SS; Coll SBD3 FC; SS; Coll SBD4 FC; SS; Coll SBD5 FC; SS; Coll; SD LBD2 FC; SS; Coll CM1 XT00
Next steps As soon as beam available: As soon as scheduled: Winter SD:
Testing profile measurement in all DBs Testing emittance measurement option TOF measurements As soon as scheduled: Change SS in SDB5 Winter SD: Repair FC in SDB1
Proposed beam line layout
HIE-ISOLDE Roadmap REX Beam phases wk 14/2015 SD 2015/16 I SD 2016/17
II III The present schedule foresees to deliver beams up to 4.2 MeV/u for the heaviest species this autumn with a single high-beta cryomodule. A second cryomodule will be installed during the winter shutdown 2015/2016 bringing the energy to 5.5 MeV/u for all the radionuclides available at ISOLDE. This will complete phase 1, making Coulomb excitation studies possible up to A/q=4.5. A second phase will consist in adding two more high-beta cryomodules during the winter shutdown 2016/2017, thus doubling the available accelerating voltage. The optics of the third beam line, for which the infrastructure has already been installed, will be added during this phase, in order to host the HELIOS detector. Finally, in phase 3, two low-beta cryomodules would be installed, replacing some normal conducting structures of the present REX-ISOLDE. This would allow varying continuously the energy between 0.45 and 10 MeV/u together with an improved beam quality. This phase has now been removed from the MTP Legend: Existing REX-structures: RFQ, IHS: 20-gap IH-structure, 7GX: 7-gap split-ring cavities, 9GP: 9-gap IH-structure
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