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The influence of the wealthy few and its effects in representing the people The use of Money in Politics and its effects on People’s Representation Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "The influence of the wealthy few and its effects in representing the people The use of Money in Politics and its effects on People’s Representation Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 The influence of the wealthy few and its effects in representing the people The use of Money in Politics and its effects on People’s Representation Regional Conference New Delhi, India, 15 - 16 December 2015 Jagdeep S. Chhokar Association for Democratic Reforms, India

2 Is politics in India a rich person’s game? Yes, broadly speaking, politics in India is a rich person’s game. Data for the last ten years

3 Is politics in India a rich person’s game? Value of AssetsNo of candidatesNo of winnersChances of winning (%) One crores and above 12638332566% Below one crores36450173634% Total490885061100%

4 To what extent do electoral candidates in India have to draw on their own personal finances to finance their campaign? No reliable data on actual expenditure Election expenses declared by candidates in their election expenditure affidavits 2004: 6753 candidates; 6719 (99.5%) between 45-50% of the limit 2009: 437 MPs; 129 (30%) less than 50% of the limit Average expense: 59% of the limit 2014: 537 MPs; 176 (33%) less than 50% of the limit Average expense: 58% of the limit Limit: 2004: 25 Lakhs 2009: 40 Lakhs 2014: 70 Lakhs Depends on the candidate Just a few very rich candidates draw on their own personal finances to finance their campaigns Most raise money from other sources Some get some money from their party Some raise it from rich people in their area, e.g. industrialists, businesses, under the garb of donations, often undeclared “Friends” and “relatives” Some donations from general public, very few and very little

5 How widespread is the phenomenon of electoral candidates in India having to borrow or receive large donations from wealthy individuals or businesses, which then expect preferential treatment in return, i.e. quid pro quo deals? Once again, no reliable data But phenomenon believed to be widespread Lot of anecdotal evidence

6 What role does money play in women’s participation in Indian politics? Number or proportion of women in politics in India is very small In the last ten years Out of a total of 5061 MPs/MLAs, only 466 women – 9.2% Role of money does not appear to be very significant, in any case no different than in the participation of men

7 What role does money play in women’s participation in Indian politics? Value of assetsNo. of women candidates No. of winnersChances of winning: Women Candidates (%age) Chances of winning: All candidates (%age) One crore and above 103830064%66% Below one crore266116636%34% Total3699466100%

8 What role does money play in women’s participation in Indian politics? Number or proportion of women in politics in India is very small In the last ten years Out of a total of 5061 MPs/MLAs, only 466 women – 9.2% Role of money does not appear to be very significant, in any case no different than in the participation of men Paternalism seems to be more important factor

9 What should be the priorities in tackling the influence the wealthy few in India? Transparency in the financial affairs of political parties Internal democracy in the functioning of political parties Both of the above should be required by law

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