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Final Evaluation of the project ENABLE – Enabling communities to combat child trafficking through education project in Indonesia Team of evaluators from.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Evaluation of the project ENABLE – Enabling communities to combat child trafficking through education project in Indonesia Team of evaluators from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Evaluation of the project ENABLE – Enabling communities to combat child trafficking through education project in Indonesia Team of evaluators from GAMMA from QK University presenting its design for the evaluation (Group 3): Amri, Ash, Gustavo, Kristina, Marian, Markéta, Qemal

2 Project Area

3 Reduced no. of children trafficked in Indonesia Financial resources, trainers and training programmes, human resources, technical assistance Train parents and community leaders on child trafficking Parents & community leaders know how children are trafficked Train social workers on trafficking Impact Output Outcome Activities Inputs X no of victims enrolled in school Increased no. children at risk going to school Increased no children victims of THB going to school Effective implementation of govt. education program for victims & children at risk of THB Awareness Campaign Anti- trafficking included in gov. ed. policy Medical and psychological assistance provided to victims Trafficked children are identified & removed Support networking betw. Police, int. Orgs, CSOs, communities Tech. Assistance to MoE Establish community based rehab. centers Conduct reintegration programs

4 Assumptions:  Going to school prevents trafficking  Going to school treats trafficking victims  Parents are willing to forego cash benefits  Children want to go and stay in school  Data on child trafficking is available  Community, educators and parents support educational program  Trafficking happens mostly in poor families  Network of service providers exists

5 Assumptions - continued  Trafficked children can be „cured“  Former victims and non victims can easily integrate  Trafficking victims are identifiable  Parents send children to school up to 18 years  Records / data are available for evaluation  Children traceable  Local leaders have knowledge about children and trafficking

6 Context:  Demand (urban areas, tourism, neighboring countries)  Laws and criminal proceedings functional  Interregional legal framework  CBOs are active  Natural disasters

7 Design Matrix QUESTIONSUB-QUESTIONTYPE QTARGE T MEASURES OR INDICATORS DESIGN 1. How many children have received services (by programme)? 1a. How many children were removed from domestic labor (per yr) D - No of children (disaggregated by gender/age/province) Longitudinal 1b. How many children from sexual exploitation? (per yr) D - No of children (disaggregated by gender/age/province) Longitudinal 1c. To what extent did the project reach the planned target on educational services? N x No of children (disaggregated by gender/province/type of institution) Longitudinal DATA SOURCESAMPLE OR CENSUS DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT DATA ANALYSISCOMMENTS 1a. Project Records (MIS) Census 8 years Record Retrieval Form Quantitative count: 1b. Project Records (MIS) Census 8 years Record Retrieval Form Quantitative count: 1c. Project Records (MIS) Census 8 years Record Retrieval Form Quantitative count: - present as line chart so trend over 8 yrs is clear, compare to target x

8 Design Matrix QUESTIONSUB-QUESTIONTYPE Q TARG ET MEASURES OR INDICATORS DESIGN 2. Did the retention rate of rescued children improve having gone through the programme? - C&E X% more retaine d -Enrollment -Attendance -Drop out rates of rescued victims Post- Only Nonequivalent Comparison Design DATA SOURCESAMPLE OR CENSUS DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT DATA ANALYSISCOMMENTS Project records (MIS) – ENABLE and other organization Interview/Focus Groups: School principles/ Teachers Census 8 years Record Retrieval Form Interviews/FG Quantitative count: present comparison of trend of comparison groups Content analysis Main data form records, interviews or focus groups for triangulation.

9 Design Matrix DATA SOURCE SAMPLE OR CENSUS DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT DATA ANALYSISCOMMENTS 3 a-d Records (Municipality / NGO) Interviews/FG: Traditional Authorities Census 8 yrsRecord Retrieval Form Interviews/FG Quantitative count: present comparison of trend of comparison groups Content analysis Separate comparison of correlation between prevention of trafficking and enrollment in school - Is it sth. we can do without survey? QUESTIONSUB-QUESTIONTYPE Q TARG ET MEASURES OR INDICATORS DESIGN 3. To what extent is there a relationship between prevention of trafficking and attendance of school? What is the change in the no of missing children in the project communities? (per yr) D - No of children missing by school district / gender / age Interrupted Tme series o o o x o o o How does this compare with other similar community outside the project area? D - No of children missing by school district / gender / age Interrupted Tme series Comparison group What is the change in enrollment rates in the project communities? D - Enrollment rates by year / school / grade / gender Interrupted Tme series o o o x o o o What were changes in enrollment rates outside the project area? D - Interrupted Tme series Comparison group

10 Díky – Danke – Faleminderit – Thank you – Terimakasih – Obrigado -

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