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OJA Actual FTE’s and Turnover Rates. OJA Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Decrease in Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Three Reductions-in-Force, Two Voluntary.

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Presentation on theme: "OJA Actual FTE’s and Turnover Rates. OJA Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Decrease in Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Three Reductions-in-Force, Two Voluntary."— Presentation transcript:

1 OJA Actual FTE’s and Turnover Rates

2 OJA Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Decrease in Full-Time Equivalent (FTE’s) Three Reductions-in-Force, Two Voluntary Buyout Programs Major Events: 1.The dismissal of the Department of Justice Consent Decree involving the L. E. Rader facility (three years in duration) 2. The closing of L.E. Rader Center

3 Overall Referrals in Oklahoma

4 INTAKE DECISIONS From FY-2005 to FY-2011, the number of total Oklahoma juvenile intakes decreased 29% from 15,092 to 10,690. All decision categories have seen the following decreases: File Petition 26.8% Informal Probation 21% Dismissed 39% Diverted 27%

5 MOST SEVERE COURT DISPOSITION Probation cases have not seen a significant change from FY-2005 to FY-2011. The number of custody dispositions in Oklahoma from FY-2005 (1,093) decreased 39.5% to FY-2011 (661).

6 MOST SEVERE COURT DISPOSITION Probation cases have not seen a significant change from FY-2005 to FY-2011. The number of custody dispositions in Oklahoma from FY-2005 (1,093) decreased 39.5% to FY-2011 (661).

7 Nearly 72% of students had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more days during their life. This was a statistically significant decrease from 78.6% in 2003. Almost 20% of students had their first drink of alcohol, other than a few sips, before age 13 years. This was a statistically significant decrease from 26.8% in 2003. Thirty-nine percent (39%) of students had at least one drink of alcohol on one or more of the 30 days before the survey. This was a statistically significant decrease from 47.8% in 2003. Twenty-four percent (24%) of students had five or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours, on one or more of the 30 days before the survey. This was a statistically significant decrease from 34.0% in 2003. Almost 32%of students used marijuana one or more times during their life. This was a statistically significant decrease from 42.5% in 2003. In 2009, a total of 1,413 students in 9 th through 12 th grade participated in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

8 Seven percent (7%) of students had tried marijuana for the first time before age 13 years. This was a statistically significant decrease from 11.1% in 2003. Seventeen percent (17%) of students used marijuana one or more times during the 30 days before the survey. This was a statistically significant decrease from 22.0% in 2003. Just about five percent (4.8%) of students used methamphetamines one or more times during their life. This was a statistically significant decrease from 9.9% in 2003. Almost 17% of students were offered, sold, or given an illegal drug by someone on school property during the 12 months before the survey. This was a statistically significant decrease from 22.2% in 2003. In 2009, a total of 1,413 students in 9 th through 12 th grade participated in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). Cont.

9 In Oklahoma, there were 1,248 alcohol- related arrests of juveniles in 2010. This continues a downward trend that started in 2006. Drug-related arrests were also down to 1,767 in 2010 from 1,862 in 2009. DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION Drug and Alcohol Prevention

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