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I. The Musketeers of the Guard The Musketeers were a fighting company of the military branch of the Royal Household. The Musketeers were a fighting company.

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Presentation on theme: "I. The Musketeers of the Guard The Musketeers were a fighting company of the military branch of the Royal Household. The Musketeers were a fighting company."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. The Musketeers of the Guard The Musketeers were a fighting company of the military branch of the Royal Household. The Musketeers were a fighting company of the military branch of the Royal Household. They were created Louis XIV grandfather Henry IV who created a light cavalry furnished with muskets. They were created Louis XIV grandfather Henry IV who created a light cavalry furnished with muskets. They fought in battle in both foot and horseback. They fought in battle in both foot and horseback. They formed the royal guard for the king while he was outside of the royal residences. They formed the royal guard for the king while he was outside of the royal residences.

2 *A second company was created for Cardinal Richelieu and then was passed to Cardinal Mazarin who disbanded it in 1646. *It reappeared in 1657 with 150 men. *At Mazarin’s death it passed to Louis XIV. *Two companies were created in 1664: 1. “Grey Musketeers” 2. “Black Musketeers”

3 Musketeers

4 The Musketeers became among the most prestigious military groups reserved for nobles. The Musketeers became among the most prestigious military groups reserved for nobles. In 1776, the Musketeers were eliminated by Louis XVI (husband of Marie Antoinette) for budgetary reasons. In 1776, the Musketeers were eliminated by Louis XVI (husband of Marie Antoinette) for budgetary reasons. Reformed in 1789. Reformed in 1789. Eliminated on January 1, 1816. Eliminated on January 1, 1816.

5 Clothing of the Time.. Clothing of the Time..


7 Who was the Man in the Iron Mask?

8 II. Problems in the Family The parents of Louis XIV was King Louis XIII and Queen Anne of Austria. They did not like each other. After 23 years, they had Louis in 1638 and had son Philippe, two years later. The parents of Louis XIV was King Louis XIII and Queen Anne of Austria. They did not like each other. After 23 years, they had Louis in 1638 and had son Philippe, two years later. When Louis XIV was four, his father died from tuberculosis. When Louis XIV was four, his father died from tuberculosis.

9 Problems in the Family Philippe was treated like a step-child. Both the cardinal and the king were afraid Philippe would outshine his brother. Philippe was treated like a step-child. Both the cardinal and the king were afraid Philippe would outshine his brother. Louis was forced to marry the King of Spain’s daughter, Maria Theresa, for political reasons. Louis was forced to marry the King of Spain’s daughter, Maria Theresa, for political reasons. When Louis was 22 years old, the Cardinal died and Louis was finally the sole ruler of France. He held that position for 72 years, the longest ruler in French history. When Louis was 22 years old, the Cardinal died and Louis was finally the sole ruler of France. He held that position for 72 years, the longest ruler in French history.

10 III. The Bastille *The Bastille was originally built as part of the Paris defense in 1370- 1383. *It was converted to a prison in the 1600’s by Charles VI of France. *The Bastille became best known as a prison which held political prisoners who could be held indefinitely.

11 The Bastille Louis used the Bastille to hold prisoner he disliked. Louis used the Bastille to hold prisoner he disliked. In 1698, King Louis ordered a mysterious man to be imprisoned in the Bastille. In 1698, King Louis ordered a mysterious man to be imprisoned in the Bastille. The prisoner was kept a secret. He was tall with white hair and wore an iron mask (some say a velvet one). The prisoner was kept a secret. He was tall with white hair and wore an iron mask (some say a velvet one).


13 IV. A Mysterious Prisoner When the prisoner arrived, he was provided furniture. When the prisoner arrived, he was provided furniture. On November 19, 1703, this prisoner died, but rumors about his identify continued for many years. On November 19, 1703, this prisoner died, but rumors about his identify continued for many years. During the imprisonment at Bastille, there were two other masked prisoners. During the imprisonment at Bastille, there were two other masked prisoners. Why was he kept alive? Why was he kept alive?


15 V. More Problems in the Family Louis XIII was not faithful and was rumored to have had children, one who may be the man in the mask. Louis XIII was not faithful and was rumored to have had children, one who may be the man in the mask. Other believed Louis XIV was not really Louis XIII son since it was widely know that they hated each other and didn’t have children for 23 years. Other believed Louis XIV was not really Louis XIII son since it was widely know that they hated each other and didn’t have children for 23 years. It was rumored the Queen was in love with another man. It was rumored the Queen was in love with another man.

16 VI. The Man in the Mask Dies Etienne Du Junca, the man second in command in Bastille, said the prisoner wore a black velvet mask, not an iron one. From his writing, historians believe the mask was not an extra punishment. Could the mask have been to hide the prisoners identity? Etienne Du Junca, the man second in command in Bastille, said the prisoner wore a black velvet mask, not an iron one. From his writing, historians believe the mask was not an extra punishment. Could the mask have been to hide the prisoners identity? He died under the name Marchioly and was buried in an unmarked grave. He died under the name Marchioly and was buried in an unmarked grave.

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