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An Overview of Lake Herring (Coregonus artedii) propagation and production techniques at the UWSP Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and Red Cliff.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Lake Herring (Coregonus artedii) propagation and production techniques at the UWSP Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and Red Cliff."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Lake Herring (Coregonus artedii) propagation and production techniques at the UWSP Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and Red Cliff Tribal Fish Hatchery Gregory Fischer, Chris Hartleb, Matt Symbal, Kendall Holmes

2 History  Lake herring (Coregonus artedii) has historically been a valued species for commercial fisheries in the Great Lakes.  Lake herring are an important forage fish for lake trout and other pelagic piscivores in Lake Superior.  The Great Lakes Fishery Commission has established that lake herring is a “species of interest” to state and federal agencies and that rehabilitation of the historical lake herring populations through augmentation programs in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie are needed.

3  The UWSP-Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility and the Red Cliff Tribal Fish Hatchery conducted a joint project to evaluate and demonstrate different culture parameters to maximize lake herring production on a commercial scale.  The project consisted of six different areas including: 1) Egg collection and disinfection 2) Egg incubation at various flows, temperature and water conditions 3) Fry production at various temperatures and with several different fry diets 4) Fingerling and grow out production 5) Economic analysis 6) Outreach/extension  Experiments were conducted inside the main Aquatic Barn at NADF and at the main Aquatic Barn at NADF and at the Red Cliff Tribal Fish Hatchery Red Cliff Tribal Fish Hatchery Objectives

4  We e nlisted the help of the “Eleanor B” commercial fishing vessel and Captain Craig Hoopman, Bayfield, WI for fish collection.  Bottom Set Gill nets(2 ¾”mesh) set in depths of 120-150 ft. were utilized for one night sets to capture adult spawning Lake Herring in Lake Superior.  Water temperature was 6.7º C  Approx. 2.5 million eggs were collected December 7 and 12, 2007 by hand spawning ripe females and males directly on the boat (wet and dry methods). Materials and Methods

5  Eggs were transferred to Bell jar and Heath Tray Incubation Systems at NADF and RCTFH.  Initial average water flow per jar was 2.5 L/min.  Increased average water flow near hatching to 4.6 L/min.  Bell jar head-tank Averages:  Water Temperature 7.7ºC  Oxygen 11.0 ppm  pH 7.8  TDGP 100%  Eggs were treated daily with formalin drip at 1,600 ppm/15min utilizing a chicken waterer setup.

6 Materials and Methods Three Egg Treatments in Bell jars: (500 ml eggs per jar- six jars each treatment ) (500 ml eggs per jar- six jars each treatment ) 1) Control- No Iodine Treatment 1) Control- No Iodine Treatment 2) Pre-water hardening iodine treatment (Pre-WHIT) of 100 ml iodine/55 minutes average 2) Pre-water hardening iodine treatment (Pre-WHIT) of 100 ml iodine/55 minutes average 3) Post-water hardening iodine treatment (Post-WHIT) of 100 ml Iodine/10 minutes 3) Post-water hardening iodine treatment (Post-WHIT) of 100 ml Iodine/10 minutes

7 Materials and Methods  Larval feeding trials were conducted evaluating three different feeds in three 1.4 m³ (1,500 L) flow-through iberglass tanks with inserts and six experimental compartments.  Larval feeding trials were conducted evaluating three different feeds in three 1.4 m³ (1,500 L) flow-through fiberglass tanks with inserts and six experimental compartments.  200 larval herring were counted by hand and placed into each compartment at the beginning of the study.  Feeding was done by hand every hour with a shaker feeder.  Tanks were carefully cleaned daily by siphoning and scraping.  Water quality data was collected daily.  Feed training study was finished in 48 days and fry were collected from each compartment and sampled for length, weight and survival.

8 Production Rearing Information  Feed trained fingerling herring were transferred to four 1.4 m³ (1,500 L) flow-through fiberglass tanks and fed commercial trout diet daily at approximately 5% BW for 334 days.  Water temperature was maintained at 7.6 °C at a flow of 20 L/min. at 7.6 °C at a flow of 20 L/min.  Fish were sampled monthly for length and weight. length and weight.  Tanks were monitored daily for water quality and mortality. water quality and mortality. Materials and Methods


10 Experimental Feed Tanks Average Water Quality Parameters TreatmentTemperatureºC O 2 (ppm) O 2 saturation (%) Total Dissolved Gases (%)pH Proton11.010.0911028.0 Artemac10.59.8891007.8 Nelson S.C.10.49.788987.7


12 Avg. 0.25mm/day

13 Avg. 0.025g/day

14 Conclusion Our study demonstrated: 1. 1.That lake herring eggs can be treated successfully with iodine treatments of 100ppm/10 minutes after water hardening. 2. 2.That lake herring can be raised successfully from eggs on available larvae diets. 3. 3.That lake herring can potentially be raised on a larger commercial scale with available equipment and feed. 4. 4.Additional research is needed to further investigate rearing systems and feed compatibility for commercial lake herring production

15 Acknowledgements We would like to thank John Ringle and Steve Mortensen at the Leech Lake Tribal Fish Hatchery for their help throughout this project. Thanks to Captain Craig Hoopman and his crew for allowing us to come out on the boat and collect gamettes. We would also like to acknowledge the efforts of technicians Dan Duffy (NADF), Brian Bainbridge (RCFH), Fran Cadotte (RCFH) and UWSP summer interns Jessica Kavenaugh and Mike Defoe for fish rearing and data collection. grant through This project was supported by a Agricultural Development & Diversification grant through the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. Mention of trade name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable. QUESTIONS??????????????

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