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World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project A project of the Cooperative Extension Southern Region Program Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project A project of the Cooperative Extension Southern Region Program Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 Cooperative Extension Curriculum Project A project of the Cooperative Extension Southern Region Program Leadership Network

2 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Concept  There is a critical need to recruit, train and retain skilled, knowledgeable Extension professionals that have a passion for non-formal, community- based education.  Work is underway to create a multi-state professional development system for Extension in 14 southern states.

3 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Concept  The intent of the project is to increase the quality of training while using human and financial resources more efficiently.  More specifically, extension professionals across the 14-state southern region will collaborate to produce non-duplicative learning modules within an online Content Management System.

4 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Outlook Short-term: An online environment for regional development and sharing of in- service training materials for Extension county agents. Long-term: A national learning management system within a much larger effort to leverage the Web for all Extension–“e-Extension”

5 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Interim System

6 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 Team Develops module Team Develops module Module is Edited & Placed in CECP Module is Edited & Placed in CECP Module is Peer Reviewed Module is Peer Reviewed CECP Process

7 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Characteristics  Local / state identity and branding preserved  Universal point of access  Easy and seamless access to information that includes a common look and feel  Materials will be modular and shareable across participating states.  Process will be in place to support reviewed and non-reviewed materials

8 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 CECP Current Status  CECP is a project of the Southern Region Program Leadership Network.  A steering committee to oversee CECP has been created.  Module development is being coordinated by program area: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Family & Consumer Sciences, Communications & Information Technology.  Module development should begin in earnest in September.

9 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 So what doe CECP mean for Aquaculture?  Extension professionals who are consistently trained with the “best of the best” information.  Reduced duplication of work resulting in professionals with more time to help clientele.  Better coordination among faculty within their professions.

10 World Aquaculture Society, March 4, 2004 For more information, see:

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