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3th Regional Workshop: on Improving Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals Zagreb, Croatia, 27-31 January 2014 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "3th Regional Workshop: on Improving Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals Zagreb, Croatia, 27-31 January 2014 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 3th Regional Workshop: on Improving Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals Zagreb, Croatia, 27-31 January 2014 FAO Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/RER/3402 Assistance to Western Balkan Countries for Improving Compliance to International Standards on Aquatic Animal Health Objectives and expected outcomes of the Regional workshop No. 3 Dr Sanin Tanković FAO consultant

2 Objectives 1)to review the current status of risk analysis for aquatic animals in participating countries, and 2)to provide introductory training in risk analysis to participants

3 Process This workshop will be facilitated by:  International Consultant 2 (Risk Analysis and Aquaculture Development and Promotion),  National Consultant 4 (Risk Analysis),  TCCT Consultant 1 (Aquatic Animal Health), and  FAO Lead Technical Officer for this project.

4 Process It consists of 3 major components, namely:  Introductory Remarks and Presentations (including country status reports)  Training Course in Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals  The Way Forward (planning of future activities) This is an intensive exercise with:  3 introductory presentations (including brief country presentations)  11 training course presentations and  7 working group exercises.

5 Component 1: Introductory Remarks and Presentations (including country status reports)  Background, objectives and expected outcomes of TCP/RER/3402  Objectives and expected outcomes of the Regional Workshop  Country presentations on “Current status of risk analysis and species translocations for aquaculture”

6 Component 2: Training Course in Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals  Training Course Part 1: Course introduction (Dr Richard Arthur, FAO Consultant)  Training Course Part 2: Overview of trade in aquatic animal commodities (Dr Melba Reantaso)  Training Course Part 3: Overview of risks in aquaculture (Dr Richard Arthur)  Training Course Part 4: Overview of risk analysis (Dr Richard Arthur)  Organization of the Working Groups

7 Component 2: Training Course in Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals  Training Course Part 5: Relevant international treaties, agreements and guidance (Dr Melba Reantaso)  Training Course Part 6a: Pathogen risk analysis – Transboundary aquatic animal diseases (TAADs) (Dr Melba Reantaso)  Training Course Part 6b: Pathogen risk analysis – introduction and preliminaries (Dr Richard Arthur)  Working Group Exercise 1: Identifying issues and potential risks in proposals for species translocations for aquaculture development  Working Group Exercise 2: Identifying current risk analysis frameworks and procedures (country exercise)  Working Group Exercise 2 (continued)

8 Component 2: Training Course in Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals  Training Course Part 7: Pathogen risk analysis – Hazard identification (Dr Richard Arthur)  Working Group Exercise 3: Case Studies: Pathogen risk analysis - scoping to hazard identification;  Training Course Part 8: Pathogen risk analysis – risk assessment (release, exposure & consequence assessment, risk estimation; risk management (ALOP, precautionary principle, risk evaluation) (Dr Richard Arthur)  Working Group Exercise 4: Determining the national ALOP (country exercise)

9 Component 2: Training Course in Risk Analysis for Movements of Live Aquatic Animals  Working Group Exercise 5: Case Studies: risk assessment (release, exposure & consequence assessment); risk estimation; risk management (risk evaluation))  Training Course Part 9: Pathogen risk analysis – risk management (option evaluation, implementation, monitoring and review) (Dr Richard Arthur)  Working Group Exercise 6: Risk management (option evaluation, implementation, monitoring and review)  Training Course Part 10: Risk communication (Dr Richard Arthur)  Training Course Part 11: Concluding session (Dr Richard Arthur)  Working Group Exercise 7: Implementing risk analysis: identification of needs and recommendations (country exercise)

10 Component 3: The Way Forward (planning of future activities)  The Way Forward: plenary discussion of regional needs and future activities  Closing session

11 Participation The workshop participants will include:  the National Project Coordinators (NPCs) and key personnel involved in risk assessment from the five participating countries,  the FAO FIRA Technical Officer (Aquatic Animal Health/Biosecurity Management), and  the FAO project consultants.

12 Participation The workshop will be participated by 5 countries:  Bosnia and Herzegovina (2)  Croatia (2)  Macedonia (2)  Montenegro (1)  Serbia (3)  FAO (4)

13 Products  Participants trained in the goals, principles and methodology of risk analysis for movements of live aquatic animals (with emphasis on pathogen risk analysis)  National and regional needs and future actions to improve risk analysis capacity identified.  Planning of future project activities advanced  A workshop report

14 Thank you for your attention!

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