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EASTERN AFRICA WATER ASSOCIATION IN WEPEX Dr. Steve Omondi Oduor EAWA Kenya Chapter - Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "EASTERN AFRICA WATER ASSOCIATION IN WEPEX Dr. Steve Omondi Oduor EAWA Kenya Chapter - Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 EASTERN AFRICA WATER ASSOCIATION IN WEPEX Dr. Steve Omondi Oduor EAWA Kenya Chapter - Secretary

2 What? 1. EAWA, the professional body 2. EAWA Objectives 3. EAWA Activities 4. Challenges 5. EAWA in WEPEX 6. Future prospects

3 EAWA –Professional organisation EAWA – Eastern Africa Water Association Professional association focused on water and environmental conservation. Started in 1998 in Mukono, Uganda. Registered in Kenya on 3 rd March 2008 (Regn. Cert. No.28631)

4 EAWA Objectives Promote Networking of water professionals to foster policy developments, research, training in water resources and management. Co-operation/collaboration with development partners in water, environment and education sectors.

5 EAWA Membership Professionals in aquatic sciences and water-related fields. Organizations (Universities, Research Institutes) Researchers, academicians, and students in water related fields. Businessmen/women & industrialists in water sector

6 EAWA Activities Awareness creation on conservation, wise use of resources (Stakeholders workshops on water governance in Eastern Africa (Mombasa and Kisumu) Environmental health related to water (Cleaning Lake Nakuru National park, Elburgon River Mau Forest Training through graduate programs and research projects Expertise advisory; Wastewater management in Counties

7 Available Expertise in EAWA Professional Consultants: aquatic ecology, Aquaculture, fisheries, Water provisions, wastewater management. Research team: Pool of PhD holders, graduate students, technical staff at the Universities, research institutions, ministries and leading agencies. Availability of laboratory space for research activities at the universities and research institutions Consultancy and research activities – core functions of the EAWA professionals.

8 EAWA Legal status Registered professional organization. Activities recognized by Employers (Universities and Research institutions) Has a potential to partner with both National and County Governments in carrying out developmental activities in the region. Have Chapters in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia

9 EAWA and the WEPEX Event One of the major focus for EAWA is conservation of aquatic ecosystems Show case EAWA activities related to aquatic ecosystem conservation and utilization. Water quality monitoring for healthy aquatic ecosystems in various systems in the region Ecological sanitation practices Aquaculture development and management Fish feeds formulation for higher profitability EAWA in training (undergraduate, graduate and specialized courses) and research activities

10 EAWA & Business Collaborations Has the capacity and willing to enhance collaboration in training & research activities. Advisory and Consultancy services May offer services through membership institutions eg Universities and Research Institutes (Egerton University)

11 Projects by EAWA members INCO-DEV-Fingerponds for utilization of flood pulses for improved livelihoods and BOMOSA projects DUPC sponsored -MaraFlows (Environmental Flows for the People and Ecosystem) and Ecolive (Ecology of Livelihoods in African Papyrus Wetlands) projects CGIR sponsored- Nile-Eco-VWU project (Nile Ecosystems Valuation for wise-Use” Postgraduate training: Limnology & Wetlands Ecosystem management (Egerton University)

12 EAWA Future Prospects Conservation and Monitoring health of aquatic resources – including waste water management Aquatic Ecosystem Services and economic valuation - management tool for decision making. Improvement of fish production through aquaculture. Increased forest coverage through use of alternatives to traditional energy sources (green energy-solar panels)

13 Water related business in Kenya Kenya- Water deficit country Demand for water very high for development Country’s population: over 42 million 47 administrative units (County Governments) Lack piped water supply Depend on open water bodies, rivers, wells, springs for water supply

14 High demand for water conservation Water storage facilities Rainwater harvesting Prudent water use –Ecological sanitation technology –Irrigation technology – drip irrigation Business focussed on provision of such facilities Water related business in Kenya

15 Need for partnerships Proposed activities demands a strong collaboration and partnerships. Potential collaboration with business community & County governments in advisory and awareness in conservation, monitoring, technology advancement and services delivery in water sector. Collaboration in development of aquaculture products for food security.

16 Getting funds for projects EAWA has limited source of funds: –Funds from membership fees and annual subscription. Partnership is essential as one of EAWA’s major agenda Projects carried out received donor support from various partners. Looking forward to partnering with you in Eastern Africa on the water sector-New project

17 EAWA appreciates you!!!! Thank you for the invitation!!! Looking forward to working with you!!

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