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CS4710 Algorithms. What is an Algorithm? An algorithm is a procedure to perform some task. 1.General - applicable in a variety of situations 2.Step-by-step.

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Presentation on theme: "CS4710 Algorithms. What is an Algorithm? An algorithm is a procedure to perform some task. 1.General - applicable in a variety of situations 2.Step-by-step."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS4710 Algorithms

2 What is an Algorithm? An algorithm is a procedure to perform some task. 1.General - applicable in a variety of situations 2.Step-by-step - each step must be clear and concise 3.Finite - must perform task in a finite amount of time 4.Note: Is not the same as an actual implementation

3 Common algorithmic categories Recursion Divide and conquer Dynamic programming Greedy

4 Recursion Definition:  An algorithm defined in terms of itself is said to use recursion or be recursive. Examples  Factorial 1! = 1 n! = n x (n-1)!, n > 1  Fibonacci sequence f(1) = 1 f(2) = 1 f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)

5 Recursion Recursion is natural for some problems  Many solutions can be expressed easily using recursion  Lead often to very elegant solutions  Extremely useful when processing a data structure that is recursive Warning!  Can be very costly when implemented!  Calling a function entails overhead  Overhead can be high when function calls are numerous (stack overflow)  Some software is smart enough to optimize recursive code into equivalent iterative (low overhead) code

6 Recursive factorial algorithm (written in pseudo code) factorial(n) if n=1 return 1 else return n * factorial(n-1)

7 Recursive factorial code # a recursive factorial routine in Python def fact(n): if n == 1: return 1 else: return n * fact(n - 1)

8 Recursive factorial code # a recursive factorial routine in Perl sub factorial_recursive { my ($n) = shift; return 1 if $n = 1; return $n * factorial_recursive($n – 1); }

9 Non-recursive factorial code # an iterative factorial routine in Perl sub factorial_iterative { my ($n) = shift; my ($answer, $i) = (1, 2); for ( ; $i <= $n; $i++) { $answer *= $i; } return $answer); }

10 Divide and conquer Secrets of this technique:  Top-down technique  Divide the problem into independent smaller problems  Solve smaller problems  Combine smaller results into larger result thereby “conquering” the original problem. Examples  Mergesort  Quicksort

11 Dynamic programming Qualities of this technique:  Useful when dividing the problem into parts creates interdependent sub-problems  Bottom-up approach  Cache intermediate results  Prevents recalculation  May employ “memo-izing”  May “dynamically” figure out how calculation will proceed based on the data Examples  Matrix chain product  Floyd’s all-pairs shortest paths problem

12 Matrix chain product Want to multiply matrices A x B x C x D x E We could parenthesize many ways 1. (A x (B x (C x (D x E)))) 2. ((((A x B) x C) x D) x E) 3. … Each different way presents different number of multiplies! How can we decide on a wise approach?

13 Dynamic programming applied to matrix chain product Original matrix chain product A x B x C x D x E (ABCDE for short) Calculate in advance the cost (multiplies) AB, BC, CD, DE Use those to find the cheapest way to form ABC, BCD, CDE From that derive best way to form ABCDE

14 Greedy algorithms Qualities of this technique:  Naïve approach  Little to no look ahead  Fast to code and run  Often gives sub-optimal results  For some problems, may be optimal Examples where optimal  MST of a graph

15 Data structures do matter Although algorithms are meant to be general, 1.One must choose wisely the representation for data, and/or 2.Pay close attention to the data structure already employed, and/or 3.Occasionally transfer the data to another data structure for better processing. Algorithms and data structures go hand in hand 1.The steps of your algorithm… 2.What your chosen data structure allows easily…

16 Some of python’s built-in types and data structures type int - integers type float - floating point numbers type str - Strings or text python sequence or list - (similar to an array in other languages, but more powerful than a true array) python dictionary - basically a hash table where each data value has an associated key used for lookup.

17 Some of Perl’s built-in data structures $scalar  number (integer or float)  string (sequence of characters)  reference (“pointer” to another data structure)  object (data structure that is created from a class) @array (a sequence of scalars indexed by integers) %hash (collection of scalars selected by strings (keys))

18 Perl (and python) arrays are powerful! Can dynamically grow and shrink (not normal array behavior) Need a queue? (FIFO)  Can use an array  Add data with push operator (enqueue)  Remove using shift operator (dequeue) Need a stack? (LIFO)  Can use an array  Push data with push operator (push)  Pop data using pop operator (pop)

19 Advanced data structures Linked lists Circular linked lists Doubly linked lists Binary search trees Graphs Heaps Binary heaps Hash tables

20 Linked list Consists of small node structures Each node oStores one data item (data field) oStores a reference to next node (next field) Allows non-contiguous storage of data Is much like a magazine article

21 Linked list Benefits oCan insert more data (more nodes) in middle of list efficiently oCan remove data from middle efficiently Word processors typically store text using linked lists Allows for very fast cutting and pasting. Cons oTakes up more space (for the references) oTrue array would take up less space

22 Graphs Many representations  Adjacency lists  Adjacency matrix Must consider representation when processing Some graphs are weighted, others not Some are directed, others have implied bi- direction

23 Graphs Graph Searches  Depth-first search Uses stack Yields a path Exhaustive  Breadth-first search Uses a queue Yields a shortest path Exhaustive

24 Graphs Greedy algorithms for graphs  Minimum spanning tree (MST) Prim’s algorithm Grow an MST from a single node Optimal solution Kruskal’s algorithm Keep picking cheap edges Optional solution

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