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Making An Eternal Difference

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1 Making An Eternal Difference
Contagious Christianity 3 2 Cor. 4:5-6

2 Ever had the frustration of being told to do something but not given any idea how to do it? Double sales or output… Write a paper… This has been especially true in the area of evangelism.

3 THE DIVINE PLAN Our always-good God never leaves us to FEND for ourselves. “What God EXPECTS, He ENABLES.”

4 God’s strategy for reaching lost sheep and lost sons: HP + CP + CC = MI MI means MAXIMUM IMPACT

5 We want to have the greatest possible spiritual influence on the people around us Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 5:20; Mk. 1: Scripture brims with challenges to us to order our lives to INFLUENCE those we meet. Jesus said, “You are the SALT of the earth; you are the LIGHT of the world…”

6 About SALT There we’re bringing in POTENCY and PROXIMITY.
Salt makes THIRSTY, it ENHANCES FLAVOR, and it PRESERVES. There’s more. Salt, to do any good, (1) has to be salty enough to have an EFFECT, and (2) has to get CLOSE to what it intends to affect. There we’re bringing in POTENCY and PROXIMITY.

7 About SALT 4. To have MI (Maximum Impact) for Christ, we need HP (HIGH POTENCY) and CP (CLOSE PROXIMITY). 5. High Potency means that Jesus’ PRESENCE in us is strong enough that people know it without doubt. 6. Close Proximity means we get close enough to the people we want to reach so the High Potency can do it’s WORK.

8 Obviously, unless salt is POURED OUT of the SHAKER, it is just table decoration.

9 About LIGHT Light makes things VISIBLE, so we (and others) can tell what’s what [2 Cor. 4:5-6]. Real disciples of Jesus will light the way for others with their LIVES and also with accurately teaching and explaining the message of FORGIVENESS and SALVATION.

10 About LIGHT That takes us to the formula again: the CC is CLEAR COMMUNICATION. Contrary to what some say, it’s not enough to have ONLY High Potency and Close Proximity [Rom. 10:14].

11 The Big Question: Does the equation describe the state of your walk with our Lord?

12 Spiritual “new math” (won’t work
Spiritual “new math” (won’t work!) LOW Potency won’t give Maximum Impact despite having Close Proximity and Clear Communication. DISTANT Proximity won’t lead to Maximum Impact despite having High Potency and Clear Communication. Neither will High Potency and Close Proximity with UNCLEAR Communication.

13 HP + CP + CC =MI Maximum Impact is really what it’s all about—getting someone to leave the WORLD and WALK with Jesus. That’s an ETERNAL impact! “No one goes to heaven ALONE!”

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