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Jeopardy- Mid-term Review Metric & Density Scientific Method Mixtures/solutions & Phase Changes Matter & Periodic Table Physical & Chemical changes &

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2 Jeopardy- Mid-term Review Metric & Density Scientific Method Mixtures/solutions & Phase Changes Matter & Periodic Table Physical & Chemical changes & weathering Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Metric & Density If the formula for density is mass divided By volume, what is the density of an object With a mass of 10 grams and a volume Of 5 ml?

4 $100 Metric & Density 2 g/ml

5 $200 Metric & Density If you place an object in a container And measure how much water is Displaced, what property are you measuring? Mass? volume? Density? Length?

6 $200 Metric & Density Volume

7 $300 Metric & Density What property causes different liquids to layer when Poured into a test tube?

8 $300 Metric & Density Density

9 $400 Metric & Density When liquids layer, Compare the densities Of the liquids on the Bottom vs the top?

10 $400 Metric & Density Liquids on the bottom Have the greatest densities And liquids on the top have the Lowest densities

11 $500 Metric & Density Based on the graph, What is the average Height of a 9 yr old Female?

12 $500 Metric & Density 130 cm

13 $100 Scientific Method Write An appropriate Hypothesis For what will Happen after This experiment Is done?

14 $100 Scientific Method If the metal ball is heated, Then the ball will expand and not Fit through the ring

15 $200 Scientific Method If you wanted to test the affect heat has on the dissolving Rate of a sugar cube, identify one variable you would Want to keep constant?

16 $200 Scientific Method Amount of sugar Amount of water Type of heating device

17 $300 Scientific Method Name one Observation That you can make Base on this diagram?

18 $300 Scientific Method The ball is being heated The ball fits through the ring

19 $400 Scientific Method Why would having more than one variable in an experiment different result in an unfair experiment?

20 $400 Scientific Method Then you would not know which variable was causing the changes and could not compare variables against each other?

21 $500 Scientific Method A student completes an experiment to test the effects of light on the growth of mold on bread? What error did the student make? Day oneDay Two Temperature: 10°cTemperature: 20°c No lightlight

22 $500 Scientific Method Did not keep the temperatures constant

23 $100 Mixtures & Solutions Phase changes How can someone increase the rate of Dissolving in a solution?

24 $100 Mixtures & Solutions phase changes Increase temperature Stir solution Add more solvent Reduce the amount of solute

25 $200 Mixtures & Solutions Phase changes What happens during the process Of condensation

26 $200 Mixtures & Solutions Phase changes Water vapor becomes liquid water

27 $300 Mixtures & Solutions phase changes Above what temperature Is water in a gas form and what Is it called?

28 $300 Mixtures & Solutions 100°c and its called water vapor

29 $400 Mixtures & Solutions phase changes What phase change is occurring when water is boiling in a pan?

30 $400 Mixtures & Solutions phase changes Liquid to vapor

31 $500 Mixtures & Solutions What phase change is occurring when Ice cubes are heated in a pan?

32 $500 Mixtures & Solutions Melting – solid to liquid

33 $100 Matter & Periodic Table The elements of the periodic Table are arranged by ______?

34 $100 Matter & Periodic Table Atomic number

35 $200 Matter & Periodic Table Using the periodic table, what element Has an atomic number of one?

36 $200 Matter & Periodic Table hydrogen

37 $300 Matter & Periodic Table which one is not an element? Why? HHCL?

38 $300 Matter & Periodic Table HCL because it has more than One element and therefore is A compound.

39 $400 Matter & Periodic Table Why is NaCl (salt) not in the Periodic table?

40 $400 Matter & Periodic Table It is not an element

41 $500 Matter & Periodic Table When two elements combine Chemically, the mass of the products are Equal to the two elements Less than the two elements Greater than the two elements

42 $500 Matter & Periodic Table

43 $100 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering If a chemical change has occurred There is a change in the objects __________________?

44 $100 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Composition

45 $200 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering What would happen to a rocks shape if it Was carried down a stream several hundred miles? Why?

46 $200 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering It would become smalled and Rounded due to weathering and erosion

47 $300 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Which would be a chemical property Of an object? Breaks into pieces Bends when heated Bubbles with acid

48 $300 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Bubbles with acid

49 $400 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Why does water freezing in cracks cause the rocks to break down? What is this called?

50 $400 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Water expands when it freezes Frost action

51 $500 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering What causes the water level in a Glass of water to go down if left Alone in the sun on a hot summer day? Is this a chemical or physical change?

52 $500 Physical & Chemical Changes and Weathering Evaporation Physical change

53 Final Jeopardy Write down as many physical and chemical changes as you can in two separate labeled columns

54 Final Jeopardy Answer PhysicalChemical Phase changesacid rain Cracking of rockshydration Frost actionoxidation Abrasion carbonation Hardnessreactivity SolubilityburningEtc.

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