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The metric system - SI The system of measurement in science Lecture Notes.

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2 The metric system - SI The system of measurement in science Lecture Notes

3 Meter, Liter, Kilogram l Length- the distance between two points; the Meter is the base unit for length l Volume- amount of space something occupies; the Liter is the unit for volume of liquids l Mass- the amount of material something has in it; the Kilogram(Kg), is the base unit for measuring mass

4 Making base units larger or smaller

5 Measuring l Length is measured by metersticks or metric rulers l Volume is measured by liquid volume by a graduated cylinder- always read from the bottom of the meniscus l Mass is measured by triple-beam balance or digital balance

6 Derived Units l Area- the amount of surface within a set of boundaries Length X Width= Area Possible units cm 2 l Volume- the space an object occupies Length X Width X Height= Volume Possible units cm 3 l Density- the amount of matter in a unit volume of any substance Mass / Volume= Density Possible units g/cm 3

7 Weight vs. Mass l Weight- a measure of the gravitational force exerted on an object by another body SI unit for gravitational force is newtons l Mass of an object is the same no matter where it is measured in the universe

8 Time and Temperature l Time- measurement of the span between two events The SI unit for time is the second l Temperature- a measure of the average kinetic energy of all particles within an object Measured with a thermometer Scientist often use the Celsius scale The SI unit is Kelvin Degree Celsius + 273= Kelvin

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