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MATHEMATICS OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OSPI OER PROJECT Barbara Soots Digital Learning Department Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

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Presentation on theme: "MATHEMATICS OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OSPI OER PROJECT Barbara Soots Digital Learning Department Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 MATHEMATICS OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES OSPI OER PROJECT Barbara Soots Digital Learning Department Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Anne Gallagher Director of Mathematics Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

2 CC BY-SA Beyond definitions OER ARE… resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.

3 THE 5 Rs OF OER Reuse — copy verbatim Redistribute — share with others Revise — adapt and edit Remix — combine resources Retain — make, own, & control copies Photo by kungfubonanza – CC BY NC SA License

4 OPEN LICENSING Tell people how their material can be used Create a pool of material that can be shared and reused legally Enable a culture of sharing All Rights Reserved No Rights Reserved Traditional Copyright Alone Public Domain Some Rights Reserved Open License Adapted from Creative Commons in the Classroom – J. Goates


6 FREE VS. OPEN CC BY Gratis Koffie by Thomas van de Weerd CC CY SA Free by Gisela Giardino

7 Photo by designsbykari – CC BY NC HOW CAN YOU USE OER? Gather image and audio resources Access free books in the public domain Display video and audio lectures Experience interactive simulations Explore game-based learning programs Build and share lesson plans Download and print a textbook Access full online course curricula Participate in open professional learning programs

8 Save money Reduce prep time and improve materials Keep up to date, discover innovative materials and engage students Learn from others Solve legal issues – no more worrying about copyright! CRICOS No. 00213J UX Help by Betsy Webber, CC BY, Webber OER CAN HELP EDUCATORS…

9 “The legislature finds the state's recent adoption of Common Core K-12 standards provides an opportunity to develop a library of high-quality, openly licensed K-12 courseware that is aligned with these standards.” CC BY Washington State Capitol – CIMG2000 by Piutus WASHINGTON K-12 OER PROJECT

10 CC BY Rhino Roadblock by Chris Ingrassia Ingrassia USING OER - POTENTIAL ROADBLOCKS Finding target resources Student/teacher access at school and home District policies that don’t recognize OER as an option Evaluating quality and alignment

11 11 REVIEWING OER Help educators select high quality materials Provide information for materials adoptions Identify gaps in CCSS alignment CC BY NC SAapples by msr


13 OVERVIEW OF RESOURCES CK–12: Algebra (second edition) CK–12: Geometry Concepts CK–12: Geometry Honors Concepts Curriki: Algebra 1 Curriki: Geometry Georgia Virtual Academy: Algebra 1 Mathematics Vision Project: Integrated Math 1 Mathematics Vision Project: Integrated Math 2 Mathematics Vision Project: Integrated Math 2 2 National Repository of Online Courses: Algebra 1 New York State Common Core Mathematics Curriculum: Algebra 1 New York State Common Core Mathematics Curriculum: Geometry Algebra 1 (select units) Geometry Utah Open High School: Algebra 1

14 EVALUATION TIMEFRAME Math: 9-10 hours per curriculum Each reviewer assigned 3-4 math courses 30-40 hours total effort 14

15 CCSS Worksheet IMET Rubric IMET Rubric EQuIP Rubrics EQuIP Rubrics Achieve OER Rubrics Achieve OER Rubrics Reviewers Comments HOW TO EVALUATE QUALITY?


17 Smarter Balanced Claims Claim #1 – Concepts & Procedures “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” Claim #2 – Problem Solving “Students can solve a range of complex well-posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” Claim #3 – Communicating Reasoning “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” Claim #4 – Modeling and Data Analysis “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.” NWMC 10/11/13

18 Standards for Mathematical Practice Describes mathematical “Habits of Mind” that students at ALL grade levels should develop NWMC 10/11/13

19 Establish Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning & Problem Solving Use and Connect Mathematical Representations Facilitate Meaningful Mathematical Discourse Pose Purposeful Questions Build Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding Support Productive Struggle in Learning Mathematics Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking

20 Samples of OER Curriculum Engage NY CK 12 Curriki Mathematics Vision Project NWMC 10/11/13

21 Engage NY This resource is ready to go, off the shelf. Ideally it would be adopted as part of the whole series of Engage NY. Students would have trouble adapting to the rigor of this material without a careful development of the mathematics required in earlier grades. Engage NY has raised the bar for other OER providers and for more traditional textbook publishers. This is the Common Core Each lesson has the mathematical practices that should be used but to see the content standards, a teacher would have to go back to the beginning of the module. Interactive features missing No interactive component Design with specific pacing and time per activity implies strict adherence to following one lesson and practice exercise with another without consideration of student understanding - One day per lesson with the number of specific minutes per section. + ∆ NWMC 10/11/13

22 Engage NY Curriculum Grade 5 Mathematics Module 2, Topic A, Lesson 1 Find the product of 451 x 8 Now find the product of 451 x 8 using a different method How can you use your strategies to help you solve 4510 x 80? NWMC 10/11/13

23 Claim 1 Effective teaching of mathematics consistently provides students, individually and collectively, with opportunities and supports to engage in productive struggle as they grapple with mathematical ideas and relationships. Principles to Action NCTM, pg 48 CONCEPTS AND PROCEDURES Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency. Effective teaching of mathematics builds fluency with procedures on a foundation of conceptual understanding so that students, over time, become skillful in using procedures flexibly as they solve contextual and mathematical problems. Principles to Action NCTM, pg 42 Productive Struggle Flexible Thinking NWMC 10/11/13

24 Engage NY core-curriculum

25 CK-12 + ∆ I have taught a traditional classroom for decades, and am reluctant to change. Reviewing this Flexbook has opened me to possibilities in teaching and learning I had not fully considered. I applaud your efforts. The ideal use of this resource is as a support resource to current curricula. Some of the content presentations are much better than other materials on the market. It would be best if the teacher using any of this material were experienced, and had knowledge of the CCSS practice standards, as they are now explicitly missing from the lessons. The resources available to teachers are hard to find or navigate, even for those with a strong interest in a technology driven curriculum. No answer keys for problem sets. No unit (chapter) assessments and very limited mid-unit assessments. No number/symbol references to Common Core content standards in lessons - many teachers are required to provide these connective numbers to lesson objectives for district. No reference at all to the CCSS Math Practices Just as important in our district as the content standards. NWMC 10/11/13

26 Flexbook – Algebra Expressions Pre-K – 7 th (Grade 6) Grade-7/section/8.9/ NWMC 10/11/13

27 Claim 3 NWMC 10/11/13 Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments. Principles to Action NCTM, pg 29 Communicating Reasoning Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and critique the reasoning of others. Students who learn to articulate and justify their own mathematical ideas, reason through their own and others’ mathematical explanations, and provide a rationale for their answers develop a deep understanding that is critical to their future success in mathematics and related fields. Thinking Mathematically, pg 6 Meaningful Discourse Opportunities for Discourse

28 CK-12

29 Curikki + ∆ NWMC 10/11/13 Overall, I like the scenarios that the publisher uses to generate authentic reasoning in the student. They are very well thought out and articulated. This resource would be most useful as a supplemental resource for a seasoned teacher and would provide a great change of pace, and a chance to see what math is required in real-world situations. I couldn't see myself using this curriculum as a replacement to my current textbook. Some of the CCSS content is missing, and much of what is there is not at the in-depth level required by CCSS My main issue with the curriculum is the lack of procedural development by the student. No supplementary material for special needs learners.

30 What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras? hatsYourAnglePythagoras_0?bc=;Coll_Group_GeometryBetaTesters.CurrikiG eometryResources NWMC 10/11/13

31 Claim 2 NWMC 10/11/13 Effective teaching of mathematics engages students in solving and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving and allow multiple entry points and varied solution strategies. Principles to Action NCTM, pg 17 PROBLEM SOLVING Students can solve a range of complex well- posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, make productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies. Effective teaching of mathematics uses purposeful questions to assess and advance students’ reasoning and sense making about important mathematical ideas and relationships. Principles to Action NCTM, pg 35 Rich Tasks Purposeful Questions

32 Curriki ources-curricula/curriki-geometry- course/

33 Math Visions Project + ∆ This curriculum is very good in my eyes. I like the launch/explore/discuss protocol. These are clearly outlined in the lesson plans for the instructor. They are thorough and well planned. This protocol meets the "Practice-Content Connections" with in the HSPC document section 5. The amount of practice is nicely suited for the majority of students. The CCSS instructor document is great Limited support for struggling/ELL students No technology/media No specific reference to the math practices in the lessons (or the correlation documents) NWMC 10/11/13

34 Module 4 Honors Linear and Exponential Functions NWMC 10/11/13

35 Claim 4 Modeling and data analysis are critical mathematical reasoning needed in numerous career and jobs that are non-STEM. What is considered modeling? – Simulations – Visual models – Tables, graphs, diagrams, charts, formulas/equations NWMC 10/11/13 Modeling and Data Analysis Students can analyze complex and real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems. Students can analyze relationships mathematically to draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose.


37 Top Resources - Math Illustrative Mathematics Project Takes available aligned to the CCSS that illustrate the standards. These tasks have been vetted by leaders in the nation for alignment and quality. Progression Documents These documents give the narrative or story of how the domains progress both in a particular grade and through several grades. Publishers Criteria 8_Summer_2012.pdf Provides criteria for aligned materials to CCSS. Based on the two major evidence- based design principles of the CCSSM, focus and coherence, the document intends to guide the work of publishers and curriculum developers, as well as states and school districts, as they design, evaluate, and select materials or revise existing materials. Inside Mathematics Classroom examples and tools for innovative instruction, and videos of instructional practices aligned to the CCSS.

38 NWMC 10/11/13 Top Resources – Big Picture Achieve The Core Resources included annotated tasks and lessons, professional development resources, instructional practice guides, and the Materials Alignment Toolkit. Assessment System Resources Smarter Balanced Released Sample Items, Performance Tasks, Practice Test Achieve Multiple array of resources to support implementation of CCSS including exemplar lessons and Equip Rubric and resources to implement the Equip rubric. Mathematics Assessment Project The Mathematics Assessment Program (MAP) aims to bring to life the Common Core State Standards (CCSSM and exemplify CCSSM in engaging tasks, performance assessments and lessons grounded in formative assessment.

39 Common Core State Standards DO NOT DEFINE: –Curriculum –How teachers are to teach DO CREATE: –A huge need for curriculum materials –A huge need for teacher professional development –A huge opportunity for OER materials to meet these needs NWMC 10/11/13


41 Sparklines give quick overview of resource OER REVIEW REPORT ONLINE

42 Click on resource title to get more in depth review information. OER REVIEW REPORT ONLINE

43 Aggregated data from reviewers on how they would use the materials “as is” and with adaptations OER REVIEW REPORT ONLINE

44 CC BY Nooksack Stairs by Barbara Soots NEXT STEPS Follow us on Twitter: @ Follow us on Twitter: @waOSPI_OER Apply or recruit for the 2015 OER Review ApplicationsApplications accepted until November 14, 2014 Applications Suggest Suggest OER for this review cycle Suggest Take a look at the Take a look at the Southwest Washington Common Core Mathematics Consortium’s OER Algebra curriculumOER Algebra curriculum Consider sending a district team to OER Summit on December 8 at ESD 113 OER Summit on December 8 at ESD 113OER Summit on December 8 at ESD 113

45 Website: Twitter: waOSPI_OER OER Project Email: Math Questions: STAY INVOLVED WITH THE OER PROJECT

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