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Our Environment Through Time. Periods of Human History that Impacted the Environment 1)Hunter – Gatherers 2) Agricultural Revolution 3) Industrial Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Environment Through Time. Periods of Human History that Impacted the Environment 1)Hunter – Gatherers 2) Agricultural Revolution 3) Industrial Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Environment Through Time

2 Periods of Human History that Impacted the Environment 1)Hunter – Gatherers 2) Agricultural Revolution 3) Industrial Revolution

3 Hunter - Gatherers Definition: People who obtain food by collecting plants and hunting wild animals

4 Hunter - Gatherer's Impact on the Environment 1) Overhunting caused some species of animals to become extinct 2) Destruction of trees and grass (ex: burned down trees to make it easier to hunt bison)

5 Agricultural Revolution Definition: Growing, breeding, and caring for plants and animals that are used for food, clothing, housing, transportation and other purposes

6 Agricultural Revolution's Impact on the Environment Pros Increased human population Created domesticated crops out of wild plants Cons Habitats were destroyed to create farmland Soil became infertile due to over use

7 Industrial Revolution Definition: Shift from energy sources such as animal and plant material to fossil fuels such as coal and oil

8 Industrial Revolution's Impact on the Environment Pros Less demand for land to farm Less expensive to purchase goods Motorized vehicles made transportation easier Improved sanitation, nutrition and medical care Cons Air pollution from fossil fuels Invention of non biodegradable materials (plastics)

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