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Africa: Lasting Effects of Colonization

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1 Africa: Lasting Effects of Colonization
Independence and its Challenges Decolonization of Africa

2 Scramble for Africa: 19th century Imperialism

3 Effects of Colonization:
European goal of colonization was profit Effects of Colonization: Very few industries were established keeping Africa undeveloped Ripped apart unified regions and threw together ethnic groups with little in common African people were powerless in their own countries Robbed Africa of its resources Disrupted the social structure (the way a society is organized)

4 Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanism World Wars
The idea that people of African descent should work together for their freedom. Stressed unity and cooperation among all Africans World Wars In both World War I and WWII, Africans fought for European powers. Ex-soldiers wanted self-rule.

5 Challenges of Independence: Political
Between 1951 & 1980 – most African colonies gained their freedom African leaders spent years fighting towards freedom, but had NO experience governing (Europeans wouldn’t let them govern) resulting in unstable governments Protests: Strikes - stop working until demands are met Boycotts - refuse to deal with or buy from Civil Wars – fighting within a country Genocide – systematic killing of a whole group of people Corruption – governments involved in illegal, dishonest activities In some countries, military took control by force (Coup d’etat) These governments were not always fair, people had very few rights, and were jailed if protested Most African countries are less than 60 years old (USA 238 yrs. old) Decolonization Overview

6 Challenges of Independence: Economic Issues
During the Colonial Period, Europe saw Africa as source of raw materials Result… Very few industries established keeping Africa undeveloped Economy based on agriculture

7 Challenges of Independence: Environmental Issues
Environmental Challenges Because economy based on Agriculture, African countries faced several challenges Desertification Deserts are getting bigger by the day!! Deforestation Causes fertile soil to wash away Makes even less good land for farming Drought Long Period of time with no rain RESULT: Famine – extreme scarcity of food

8 Challenges of Independence: Social Issues
Education Children must help family by working When kids go to school, family loses $$$ Low Literacy Rate 10% prior to independence Today, after independence… Most of the countries in Africa still have literacy rates under 75%

9 Challenges of Independence: Social Issues
Health Low Life Expectancy Disease Insects spread Unclean water Poor living conditions Viruses AIDS- attacks healthy cells

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