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“Fighting Bob” La Follette, the Progressive Governor of Wisconsin and later Republican Seantor in the early 1900’s. Industrialization, immigration, and.

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Presentation on theme: "“Fighting Bob” La Follette, the Progressive Governor of Wisconsin and later Republican Seantor in the early 1900’s. Industrialization, immigration, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Fighting Bob” La Follette, the Progressive Governor of Wisconsin and later Republican Seantor in the early 1900’s. Industrialization, immigration, and urbanization Poor working conditions Consumer fraud Unfair practices by large corporations and trusts Political corruption Destruction of wilderness areas due to industrialization


3 Ida Tarbell, an influential journalist of the Progressive Era. Muckrakers: men and women who exposed the problems to the public Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens---corruption in city governments History of the Standard Oil Company by Ida Tarbell Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine’s photos of working and living conditions The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

4 Lewis Hines’ photo of 10 year-old coal miner bent from years of toil during his young life Triangle Shirt Waist Factory fire in 1911

5 People don’t deal directly with the people from whom they bought their food Soldiers died from tainted meat

6 President Roosevelt pushed Congress to pass meat inspection laws Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

7 Political cartoon of President Teddy Roosevelt wrestling with a figure representing the railroad industry. *“Trust Buster” Teddy Roosevelt *Woodrow Wilson Federal Trade Commission Act 1914 Clayton anti-trust act

8 Women’s suffrage (the vote)

9 President Teddy Roosevelt and conservationist John Muir Conservation of natural resources

10 W E Du Bois National Advancement of Colored People

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