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Rise of Dictators Homework#3: Due Wednesday 4/16 Video Clips from United streaming: Discovering History: 20th-Century Biographies: WWII Political Leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Dictators Homework#3: Due Wednesday 4/16 Video Clips from United streaming: Discovering History: 20th-Century Biographies: WWII Political Leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Dictators Homework#3: Due Wednesday 4/16 Video Clips from United streaming: Discovering History: 20th-Century Biographies: WWII Political Leaders Saxton ‘08

2 Totalitarian governments control their citizens & retain control with the following methods: 1. single leader, demand blind obedience 2. control the economy 3. police spies & terror tactics 4.control the media (use propaganda to indoctrinate) 5. use school to spread ideology to children 6. censorship of art, books, intellectuals with dissenting opinions

3 Rise of Totalitarian Regimes A. In a Totalitarian country, individual rights are not viewed as important as the needs of the nation Totalitarianism Communist Dictatorship (USSR) Fascist Dictatorship (Germany, Italy) Military Dictatorship (Japan) Fascism: military government with based on racism & nationalism with strong support from the business community Opposition is suppressed.. violent Government in which there are no social classes, to create equality and government controls all aspects of production.


5 Mussolini – Il Duce (eel DOO chay) Prime minister (But Victor Emmanuel retained title King) Recognized Catholicism as the state religion Role of Women- have children and raise them to love the state Control: OVRA (Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism) Secret Police force * Propaganda “Mussolini is always right”

6 Adolf Hitler – Fuhrer (FYUR uhr) leader Chancellor Policy of Anti-Semitism National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazi Third Reich Role of women- have children and raise them to love the state Control: Schutzstaffeln or SS –Gestapo Get rid of political parties


8 Joseph Stalin “man of steel” Five-year plan: to industrialize Collectivization policy Role of women- Promoted equal rights, divorce & work Control: Great Purge- get rid of opponents Cheka- secret police Gulag- work camps


10 General Hideki Tojo... slowly takes power away from Emperor Hirohito Insert video clip- 5:54 Industrialization Expansion/imperialism Invades Manchuria, China, Korea Wants Southeast Asia Wants Siberia (Russia)- makes a pact with Germany View of women- Method of Control: Purge of western ideas “Imperial Rule Assistance Association”

11 Want

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