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Decimals Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing By Aleesha ryles.

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Presentation on theme: "Decimals Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing By Aleesha ryles."— Presentation transcript:

1 decimals Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing By Aleesha ryles

2 decimals Decimals are a method of writing fractional numbers without writing a fraction having a numerator and denominator. The fraction 7/10 could be written as the decimals 0.7. The period or decimal point indicates that this is a decimal. The decimals 0.7 could be pronounced as seven tenths or as zero point seven If a decimals is less than1 place a zero before the decimal point. Write 0.7 not.7

3 Adding decimals Write one number below the other so that the bottom decimals point is directly below and lined up with the top decimal point, Example: add 3.756+11.48 +3.2756 11.48 =14.7556

4 Subtracting decimals Write the number that is being subtracted from writing the number that is being subtracted from. Write the number that is being subtracted below the first number so that the decimals point of the bottom number is directly below and lined up with the top decimal point Add zero to the right side of the decimal with fewer decimal places so that each decimal has the same number of decimals place Subtracted the bottom number from the top. Example: subtract 11.48-3.2156 11.4800 -3.2756 = 8.2044

5 Multiplying decimals Start with 0.03*1.1 Multiply without decimal point : 3*11=33 0.03 has two decimals places 1.1 has 1 decimal place so the answer has 3 decimals places 0.033

6 Dividing decimal Example 9.1 by 7 ignore the decimals 7/91 9


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