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MHPE Volunteer Resource ILLNESS PREVENTION Cancer and its prevention Tab 21.

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1 MHPE Volunteer Resource ILLNESS PREVENTION Cancer and its prevention Tab 21

2 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Cancer: what is it? Mutations within cells –Cancer type (e.g. carcinoma, leukaemia) is important as well as location Benign vs. malignant tumours Spread via invasion and metastases

3 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Why is ‘cancer’ so frightening Common: 1 in 2 Australians Ageing is the biggest risk factor! Survival rates are improving Most do well And yet… “He’s got cancer ”

4 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention

5 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Prostate health Benign prostatic enlargement (BPE/BPH) Pressure on the urethra, so urinary symptoms Difficulty starting, weak stream, urgency, frequency, dribbling, sleep disrupted to urinate Doctor may perform digital examination ± PSA Treatment: do nothing, drugs or surgery BPE is not cancer

6 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Prostate cancer Few early symptoms: all men >50 should talk regularly with their doctor about any urinary or sexual concerns Variety of treatments, including ‘watch and wait’, hormones, radiotherapy and surgery Early diagnosis improves outcomes Slow growing: most men with prostate cancer will die with the disease rather than from it

7 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention

8 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Colorectal (bowel) cancer May be preventable with healthy lifestyle National screening at ages 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 and 74 for early detection See your GP if bleeding, changes in bowel habits, bloating, cramping or weakness Excellent outcomes with early detection

9 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Lung cancer Mostly preventable: Don’t smoke, or quit now Breathing symptoms, cough, chest pain, blood in sputum (‘phlegm’), lethargy or weight loss should be discussed with your doctor Often few early symptoms, so high mortality Most common cause of cancer death

10 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Skin cancer Two main groups: melanoma and NMSC (non- melanoma skin cancers: BCC, SCC) 95-99% due to excessive sun exposure, so largely preventable Know your skin & get all changes checked Very high cure rates when detected early Be SunSmart: slip, slop, slap, seek, slide!

11 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Testicular cancer Mostly men <40, but very low incidence Little evidence Testicular Self-Examination improves outcomes, but no harm either Not caused by trauma, strains etc No symptoms other than lump or swelling Diagnosis (and cure) by orchidectomy 97% cure if in testicle only

12 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Talking about cancer Most people prefer to talk about cancer It may be to a professional, family or a friend Keep the door open to discussion when, and if, the person wants it It is about their experience, not yours Practical help makes a difference The person is living, at their own pace Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20

13 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Preventing cancer At least 1/3 of cancers are preventable Don’t smoke (Quit now) Eat healthily Maintain a healthy weight Be SunSmart Limit alcohol Exercise regularly See your doctor for checks

14 MHPE Volunteer Resource – Tab 21 Illness prevention: Cancer and its prevention Resources Cancer Council Australia Cancer Council Victoria Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia Andrology Australia © Commonwealth of Australia 2015

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