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October 15 & 16, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write.

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Presentation on theme: "October 15 & 16, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 15 & 16, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write

2 Homework Read p. 473-477 p. 477 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? Yes

3 Quote of the Day “.”-“.”-

4 Why Do We Review the Quiz? Learn from your mistakes Improve for the next quiz Catch any mistakes made by Coach Kenney “The only real failure in life is the failure to learn from your mistakes”

5 The French Revolution 1789-1815

6 Unit 2.2 Study Guide j

7 Today’s Main Ideas j

8 Graphic Organizer o

9 Observe This j

10 The Old Regime (France 1789) Society was divided into 3 social classes called ESTATES: 1 st 2 nd 3 rd ClergyNoblesCommoners The first 2 estates had special privileges that the 3 rd did not.

11 Who am I? p.468-469 Pick ONE of the 3 estates Write a short description We will quiz one another 1 st 2 nd 3 rd ClergyNoblesCommoners

12 The Old Regime The problem was that the 3 rd Estate made up 98.5% of the population.

13 France’s Financial Crisis 1. Deficit Spending Gov Spending > Gov Revenue Increase Taxes to pay off debt 2. Bad harvests led to bread shortages

14 Les Misérables Stealing bread reference

15 Problems of Today?

16 h

17 j

18 U.S. Debt Clock

19 j March 18, 2014

20 j

21 Warm Up #12 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders: New Sheet/One Paragraph/Proper Grammar 1.Do you believe there is a strong connection between the economic problems that occurred in 18 th century France and what is happening in the U.S. today? Explain. 1.How do you think these current problems can be solved?

22 In the 1600s, French commoners looked on while the Brits executed Charles I and chased off James II.

23 In the 1700s, they watched the Americans break away from England under King George III.

24 King Louis XVI calls the Estates General 1789 (1787 U.S. Constitution Created) Third Estate declares itself National Assembly Write a constitution Tennis Court Oath

25 The Tennis Court Meeting

26 Storming the Bastille

27 Quote of the Day #2 Louis XVI: “Is it a revolt?” Noble: “No, sire. It is a revolution.”

28 July 14th j

29 Today’s Main Ideas j

30 Graphic Organizer o

31 Homework Read p. 473-477 p. 477 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? Yes

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