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Unit 25 The accident Lesson 97 Warm up: 1.What are you doing now?Are you having a Chinese class now? 2. What were you doing yesterday morning/ afternoon/

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2 Unit 25 The accident Lesson 97

3 Warm up: 1.What are you doing now?Are you having a Chinese class now? 2. What were you doing yesterday morning/ afternoon/ at 8:00….?

4 What is /are…… doing now? Is she/he/it ……now? Yes, he/she/it is. Are they ……now? Yes, they are.


6 What was the boy doing at 9:00 last night? He was playing computer games at 9:00 last night. Was he playing computer games at 9:00 last night? Yes, he was.

7 What was /were ……doing at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? He/She/It was……at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? They were ……at 3:00 yesterday afternoon?


9 Was/he/she/it……at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? Yes, he/she/it was. Were they …… at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? Yes, they were.


11 What were you doing at eight last night? Were you doing…..? Ask and answer:

12 Look at the picture on page 48.Ask and answer in pairs. 1 Was the man selling bread in the park? 2 Were the girls playing tennis near the lake? 3 Was the man in the building watching a video tape at home? 4 Were the women reading newspapers under the tree? 5 Were the men swimming in the lake? 6 Were the people boating on the lake?

13 What were /was…doing when the man looked out of the window?

14 Ask and answer in pairs: Turn to page 51.Part 1. 过去进行时的一般疑问句构成 : 把 be 动词 ( was, were) 提到句首

15 Exercise: 1.I was cleaning my room last night. 2. He was riding a bike at 8:00 last night. 3.We were eating at 6:00 this morning. 4.They were having a rest just now. 5. Lucy was running at 7:00 this moring.

16 Listen and answer: Dialogue 1: Why did B look tired? What was he doing? He went to bed too late last night He was doing his homework.

17 Dialogue 2: What happened to A? Who picked it up? His wallet dropped on the ground when he was walking in the park.. A woman did.

18 Listen and repeat: Practice in pairs:

19 Fill in the blanks: 1.A: Hello. You look today. B: Yes. I went to bed too last night. I was and the time. A: You’d better go to bed tonight, if you. B: Yes, you are right. tired late doing my homework forgot earlier can

20 2. A:I had last Sunday. B: Oh? What ? A: My wallet on the ground when I was in the park. B: Did you it? A: No. A woman saw it when she was walking. She it and it to me. B: How !You were. a little accident happened dropped walking lose happen picked upgave back kind! lucky past

21 Can you put these into Chinese? the piano 1. 弹钢琴 2. 看录象片 3. 做衣服 4. 骑摩托车 5. 复习功课 6. 学俄语 7. 看小说 8. 在街上跑 video tapes 3.make a dress 4.ride a motorbike lessons 6.learn Russian a novel. in the street

22 9.ride along the road 9. 沿着马路骑车 10. 与某人一起玩 11. 与某人一起走 12. 出了个小事故 13. 看见它发生 14. 走过 15. 捡起某物 with sb. 11.walk with sb. 12.have a little accident 13.see it happen 14.walk past 15.pick up sth.= pick sth.up

23 1.Do Ex 2. 2.Preview Lesson 98

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