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TETRAPARTITE 2008 USA COUNTRY REPORT Dr. Edward B. Knipling Administrator Agricultural Research Service.

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Presentation on theme: "TETRAPARTITE 2008 USA COUNTRY REPORT Dr. Edward B. Knipling Administrator Agricultural Research Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 TETRAPARTITE 2008 USA COUNTRY REPORT Dr. Edward B. Knipling Administrator Agricultural Research Service

2 TOPICS Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Delegation U.S. Policy Environment ARS Budgets Research Priorities Emerging/Continuing Issues Farm Bill

3 ARS Delegation Dr. Edward B. Knipling, Administrator Dr. Caird E. Rexroad, Jr., Associate Administrator Dr. Wilbert (Will) H. Blackburn, Director – Northern Plains Area Dr. Allison A. Yates, Director – Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center

4 U.S. Policy Environment New Secretary – Edward Schafer Tight budgets for non-defense spending Election year – Administration change New Farm Bill High Commodity/Food Prices and Food vs Fuel debates Greater policy attention to climate change?

5 ARS Budget FY 2008 $1.1 Billion appropriation Down $10 Million from 2007 level Third consecutive year with a flat, no- increase budget Aligns 80 percent of prior-year earmarks ($210 Million) with National priorities; 20 percent ($41 Million) earmarks remain

6 Proposed Budget FY 2009 Pending before Congress $1 Billion – 7.5 percent net reduction ($84 Million) from 2008 Redirects $64 Million base programs to enhance priority research

7 Proposed Budget FY 2009 (continued) Terminates $59 Million in lesser priority base research programs and $41 Million in prior-year earmarks – closes 20 ARS laboratories New BSL-3 Avian Influenza facility at Athens, Georgia (planning funds) Final Congressional action 6 months away, after election

8 Proposed Budget FY 2010 On hold pending new Administration Expected to reflect level or reduced spending from FY 2009 May reflect food price crisis and new Farm Bill provisions

9 ARS Research Priorities Human Nutrition/Obesity Prevention Bioenergy/Biobased Products Food Safety Emerging Diseases/Invasive Species Water Resources (reuse) Genetic Resources and Genomics Specialty Crops

10 Emerging/Continuing Issues High Food Prices Colony Collapse Disorder – Honeybees Wheat Stem Rust Threat (Ug-99 Race)* Produce Food Safety Avian Influenza *Special opportunity for Tetrapartite collaboration

11 New 2008 Farm Bill U.S. farm/food policy and authorizing legislation Enacted May 2008; still highly controversial Modestly reduces crop and ethanol subsidies; establishes payment limits Enhances trade, nutrition assistance, and conservation programs

12 New 2008 Farm Bill (continued) Research and related matters - Proposed reorganization of ARS did not occur - New Program Director staff established at the Under Secretary level to coordinate intramural and extramural programs - Under Secretary provided dual title of USDA Chief Scientist - Tasked to set the USDA research, education, and extension agenda (“Roadmap”) and recommend funding levels

13 New 2008 Farm Bill (continued) - Former USDA extramural funding organization (CSREES) renamed National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA), with enhanced funding authorities for competitive research - Specialty Crop and Organic Crop Research Initiatives - Bioenergy Research Initiative - Foot and Mouth Disease Research on Mainland

14 A better future through agricultural research and information

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