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Published byBrendan Owens Modified over 9 years ago
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 1 The Future of Meteosat Johannes Schmetz EUMETSAT Darmstadt, Germany
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 2 Content: EUMETSAT Overview Current Meteosat system - products and rapid scan service Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) - The satellite - Performance and capabilities - Applications and products - Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) Toward the Post-MSG era
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 3 Hungary, Poland and Slovakia are Cooperating States of EUMETSAT 17 Member States 3 Cooperating States EUMETSAT Member States
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 4 THE INITIAL CONVENTION: "The primary objective... is to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites...." THE NEW CONVENTION: "A further objective... is to contribute to the operational monitoring of the climate and the detection of global climate change.." EUMETSAT OBJECTIVES
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 5 EUMETSAT SATELLITE PROGRAMMES 9697980099010203040605070809101211131415161817 M-5 M-6 0° Service M-7 0° Service METEOSAT MSG-1 MSG-2 MSG-3 MSG Polar Orbit Service Metop-1 Metop-2 Metop-3 EPS M-5M-6 0° Standby IODC Rapid Scan M-6 Approved Programme/Service Expected Lifetime Planned MSG-4 M-6M-5
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 6 The current Meteosat: Satellite Products Rapid scan service
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 7 Meteosat Imager Definition of the imager channels
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 8 Water Vapour Image
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 9 Meteosat Meteorological Products Operational products available in near real-time Clear Sky Radiances Clear Sky Water Vapour Winds Climate Data Set Cloud Analysis Cloud Motion Winds Cloud Top Height High Resolution Visible Winds Sea Surface Temperatures Upper Tropospheric Humidity All of the above are generated between 1 and 48 times each day on an operational basis. The Climate Data Set is stored for research use. The other products are distributed to users immediately after processing.
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 10 Meteosat Climate Products ISCCP & GPCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project –Clouds described by 80 parameters –Each 3 hours, in 2.5 ° latitude/longitude intervals –Global record since 1983 Global Precipitation Climatology Project –Estimates of monthly precipitation totals –In 1 ° latitude/longitude intervals –Global record since 1986
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 11 Performance of Meteosat-7 Winds: ECMWF Monitoring
EUMETSAT 's Satellite Coverage and Indian Ocean Data Coverage 04060 80 1001201401601802040608010012014016020 60 S 0 60 N Meteosat-7 Prime Position 0° Longitude Meteosat-5 IODC Position 63°E
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 13 In 2000 the scanned area was increased significantly and the repeat cycle fixed to 10 minute intervals to allow for the start of the operational Rapid Scan Service by middle of 2001. EUMETSAT’s Rapid Scan Service Resulting from at request to support the Mesoscale Alpine Project (MAP) in September 1999 the backup spacecraft Meteosat-6 was configured to conduct a series of rapid scan operations. Initially the rapid scan area was covering the Alpine region in 5 minute intervals.
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 14 Examples from the pre-operational Phase Eclipse 1999 Eclipse 1999 MAP MAP
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 15 Total Eclipse over Europe 11 August 1999 (10-Minute Scans by Meteosat-6)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 16 METEOSAT-6 RAPID SCANNING AT 5 MIN INTERVALS MAP - Area / 18 June 1999
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 17 Europe Format for GIF files Rapid Scan Area during the operational Phase
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 18 Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) MSG System Satellite performance Products and examples Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) Post MSG User Consultation Process
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 19 Meteosat First Generation (MOP/MTP) 3-channel Imaging Radiometer 100 RPM Spin-stabilised Body Solid Apogee Boost Motor 5 years Station Keeping 200 Watts Power Demand 720 kg in GTO orbit Flight qualified with Delta 2914, Ariane 1, 3, 4 Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) 12-channel Enhanced Imaging Radiometer 100 RPM Spin-stabilised Body Bi-propellant Unified Propulsion System > 7 years Station Keeping 600 Watts Power Demand 2000 kg in GTO orbit Design compatibility with Ariane 4 and 5, Atlas 1 Meteosat versus MSG
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 20 MSG System (from 2003) Data Collection Platforms (DCP) Raw & Processed Images and other data Processed Images and other data Data Collection System Reports EUMETSAT Control & Processing Centre Darmstadt High Rate User Station (HRUS) Primary Ground Station ( PGS ) Low Rate User Station (LRUS) Satellite Applications Facilities ( SAF ) LRIT HRIT Standby MSG Operational MSG E xternal S upport G round S Stations Data from other meteorological satellites Back-up Ground Station ( BGS ) Satellite Control Satellite Control (Back-up) Monitoring
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 21 Scanning for MSG from South to North
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 22 > 12 km 12 km 10 km 8 km 6 km 5 km 4 km 3.1 km MSG sampling distance on ground
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 23 SEVIRI INSTRUMENT
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 24 MSG-1 SEVIRI Calibration Performance
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 25 SEVIRI Channels Weighting Functions
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 26 MSG Coverage For all channels except HRV For HRV MSG MPEF products within 65° angle around subsatellite point
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 27 Meteorological Product Extraction Facility (MPEF) MPEF is part of Application Ground Segment (AGS) other part are Satellite Application Facilities (SAF) Generally MPEF products at synoptic scale (better than 100 km) Important for MPEF design: –Evolution of the MPEF algorithms and products –Flexibility to add new algorithms and products (“plug- in approach”)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 28 Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV) Calibration support/monitoring (CLM) Clear Sky Radiances (CSR) Cloud Analysis (CLA) Cloud Top Height (CTH) Cloud mask (archived) Products generated by MPEF (1)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 29 Tropospheric Humidity (UTH, MTH) Climate Data Set (CDS) ISCCP Data Set (IDS) High Resolution Precipitation Index (HPI) Global Instability Index (GII) - experimental - Total ozone - experimental - Products generated the MPEF (2)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 30 Cloud processing in the MSG MPEF: =divided into two parts: 1) Scenes Analysis (SCE, derives a pure cloud mask), 2) Cloud Analysis (CLA, derives cloud parameters) =based on known threshold techniques (Lutz, 2000) =SCE and CLA are derived on pixel basis and for each repeat cycle
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 31 Cloud processing Cloud Analysis (CLA) - Description Derives on a pixel basis: - the cloud phase (unknown, water, ice, mixed) - the cloud top height information (cloud top pressure, cloud top temperature, effective cloud amount) - the semi-transparency flag - the cloud type (10 different categories) In the near future it is foreseen to include other cloud parameters (e.g. cloud optical thickness) Cloud parameter
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 32 MSG MPEF cloud coverage from Cloud Analysis MSG MPEF cloud processing consists of two steps: Scenes Analysis (SCE) and Cloud Analysis (CLA) SCE is based on a multispectral threshold technique (Saunders and Kriebel, 1988) with 34 tests CLA provides: top pressure, top temperature, effective cloud amount, phase, type (fog, cirrus, St type, Cu type, flag for semitransparency)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 33 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 K Water vapour clear-sky radiance product
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 34 MSG MPEF Upper Tropospheric Humidity (UTH) UTH based on clear-sky WV radiances Mean layer relative humidity between about 600 and 300/250 hPa for areas of about 100 km x 100 km Physical retrieval based on radiative model (Schmetz and Turpeinen, 1988) Local regression: log(UTH/cos Θ) = a + b T WV (Soden and Bretherton, 1993)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 35 Global Instability Index (GII) based on two Methods Statistical Retrieval: uses a neural network and radiosonde training dataset Physical Retrieval: tries to retrieve an actual temperature and humidity profile Both methods are based on the SEVIRI brightness temperatures in 6 channels (6.2 m, 7.3 m, 8.7 m, 10.8 m, 12.0 m, 13.4 m) In prototyping with GOES-8 data 8.7 µm is replaced by 7.0 µm)
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 36 Advantages and Disadvantages computationally fast easy to implement new indices cannot be added without retraining training confined to a certain region and satellite method fails to reproduce extreme cases of instability Statistical MethodPhysical Method Sound physical foundation inclusion of further indices is straightforward applicable to any geographic region and any satellite computationally slow (factor of ~50) not easy to implement
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 37 Lifted Index MSG Prototyping using GOES data Upper: Physical retrieval Lower: Neural network retrieval
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 38 Total Ozone Product: left: Optimum estimation (R. Engelen, 2000) right: MSG prototype regression algorithm (Karcher, 1998) GOES-8 data were used (R. Engelen, 2000) Regression noisy due to the use of the very noisy channels 1 and 2 (stratospheric and upper-tropospheric temperatures).
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 39 Atmospheric Motion Vector Retrieval Tracking channels –IR10.8, WV6.2, WV7.3, VIS0.6, VIS0.8 –OZ9.7, IR3.9, HRVIS Resolution –50 km, every 15 min., rapid scans Height Assignment –IR EBBT, IR/WV semitr.-corr.,CO 2 -ratioing, cloud base
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 40
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 41 Final AMV product Automatic Quality Control –Normalised Quality Indicators Combination of n previous intermediate fields –linear average (speed, direction, location) –linear average of corrected height Dissemination –Hourly –’All’ vectors
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 42 The overall objective of a SAF is the provision of operational services, in the context of a cost- effective and synergetic balance between the central and distributed services. The SAF services will be an integral part of the overall EUMETSAT operational services. The overall objective of a SAF is the provision of operational services, in the context of a cost- effective and synergetic balance between the central and distributed services. The SAF services will be an integral part of the overall EUMETSAT operational services. The SAF Concept
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 43 Consortia for SAF Development NWC&VSRF INMMétéo France, SMHI, ZAMG O&SI Météo France KNMI, IFREMER, DMI, DNMI, SMHI O3M FMIKNMI, DLR, DMI, MF, LAP, HNMS, RMIB, DWD CLM DWDRMIB, KNMI, SMHI, BSH, GKSS, FMI, VUB NWP Met. OfficeECMWF, KNMI, Météo France GRAS DMIUKMO, IEEC LSA IMRMIB, MF, SMHI, IMK, BfG, IATA, FMA, ICAT, UE, UV, UB, UA SAFHost InstitutePartners
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 44 Type A Distribution of user software packages for operational applications or local data processing. Type B Off line product services, including off line production, archiving and distribution Type C Real Time product services. SAF Deliverables
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 45 GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget) Instrument WAVEBANDS: 0.32 µm - 4.0 µm, 0.32 µm - 30 µm By subtraction: 4.0 µm - 30 µm RADIOMETRY: Shortwave absolute accuracy: < 2.4 Wm -2 ster -1 (i.e. <1%) Longwave absolute accuracy: < 0.4 Wm -2 ster -1 (ie <0.5%) PIXEL SIZE: 44.6 km x 39.3 km (NS x EW) at nadir CYCLE TIME: Full Earth disc, both channels in 5 min CO-REGISTRATION: Spatial: 3 km wrt SEVIRI at satellite sub-point
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 46 Toward the next generation of geo satellites: Post-MSG User Consultation 2001 - 2003 Two Application Expert groups: a) Numerical Weather prediction (NWP) b) Nowcasting and Very Short-range Forecasting Two phases: 1) ESTABLISHMENT/ENDORSEMENT OF USER REQUIREMENTS (technology free) 2) SELECTION OF A LIMITED NUMBER OF MISSION CONCEPTS FOR PHASE 0/A
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 47 GLOBAL NWP and REGIONAL NWP requirements up to 2025 as horizon both addressing: Improvements in Products from NWP Improvements in NWP Systems Contribution of Satellite Observing Systems to Meeting Future Observational Requirements Contribution of Geostationary Satellites Nowcasting and Very Short Forecasting Requirements up to 2025 as horizon (address convective and non-convective conditions) Start from SERVICE REQUIREMENTS (evolution up to 2025) Identify PHENOMENA involved (where appropriate) Identify related OBSERVABLES REQUIREMENTS (x,y,z,t, timeliness) related to breakthrough level Determine whether required as input to NWP Identify CANDIDATE OBSERVING METHODS
GOES Users’ Conference, 22 - 24 May 2001, Boulder, CO 48 Conclusions: The near future of the current Meteosat: An operational rapid scan service Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) launch in mid 2002 MSG provides continuity for current Meteosat users Advanced capabilities and new products from MSG Broad basis for full utilisation through distributed Applications Ground Segment with currently seven Satellite Application Facilities MSG is significant upgrade of space component of Global Observing System
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