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25 TH April, 2012 Venue : Acharya J. C. Bose Hall, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.

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Presentation on theme: "25 TH April, 2012 Venue : Acharya J. C. Bose Hall, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 25 TH April, 2012 Venue : Acharya J. C. Bose Hall, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

2 2 Area in % Area in Lakhs Ha * Total Geographical Area: 79.71 * Total Cultivable Land :38.00 * Net Sown Area:28.08% 23.62 * Current Fallow:11.12%8.87 * Other Fallow:08.46%6.75 * Forest:29.20%23.28 * Barren Lands:7.20%5.74 * Non – Agricultural Use:8.60%6.86 * Pasture and Other Grazing Land:2.48%1.97 * Cultivable Waste Land:3.44%2.74 * Irrigated land:12.73%3.007 * Cropping Intensity :116%

3 YearAllocationTotal ReleaseExpenditureUC Submitted 2010-1129.6014.80 2011-1231.68 30.72 Total61.3046.5045.52 Rs. In Crore Note: 1.167.62 lakhs of 2010-11 has been re-validated during 2011-12 and has been utilized under the Site Specific Works (BPCD, LBCD & LI). 2.Rs. 0.96 Crore has been un-utilized during 2011-12 and re-validation has been requested vide letter no. 1262, dated: 10.4.2012.

4 S No. ComponentTarget As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. IMaize & Wheat Development Programme 1.Production of Foundation Seed500 qtl5.0025 qtl0.25 2.Production of Certified Seed5000 qtls50.00274 qtls2.74 3.Distribution of Certified Seed (Maize & Wheat) 2055 qtls24.66329 qtl2.93 4.Organization of Technology Demonstration (Maize) 5.Demon. On Sweet Corn.480 No.9.60115 Nos.2.306 6.Demon. On Baby Corn.480 No.9.60108 Nos.2.306 6.Demon. On HQPM480 Nos.9.60108 Nos.2.306 7.Organization of Technology Demonstration of Wheat 9.Conventional tilled Condition480 Nos.9.6024 Nos.0.45 10.Zero Tiled Condition480 Nos.9.6024 Nos.0.48 11.Incentive on Zero Till Seed Drill120 No.s18.0032 Nos.4.84 Rs. In Lakhs

5 S No.ComponentTarget As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 12.Incentive on Rotavator120 Nos.36.006 Nos.1.80 13Incentive on Power Tiller120 Nos.156.00185 Nos.88.85 14INM (incentive on Micro nutrient)2400 ha12.00312 ha1.56 15IPM1200 ha9.0084 ha0.63 16Assistance for Distribution of PP Chemicals 1500 ha11.25196 ha1.47 17Assistance for Weedicides200 ha10.0014 ha0.70 18Training on FFS Pattern122 Nos.20.7310 Nos.1.70 Sub Total (Maize & Wheat)410.24118.24 IIPulses Development Programme 1.Distribution of Certified Seed2000 qtls24.00454 qtls5.44 2Organization of Block Demon of 2 ha 1620 ha32.40412 ha8.25 3INM – LIME / Gypsum/ Phosphorus2214 qtls16.58243 qtls1.83 4.INM- Micro Nutrients2982 qtls14.91328 qtls1.64 Rs. In Lakhs

6 S No.ComponentTarget As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 5.Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/ Phosphate solubilzing Bacteria 4500 ha4.51500 ha0.50 6.IPM1785 ha13.45195 ha1.47 7Assistance for distribution of PP Chemicals 1774 ha8.90215 ha0.98 8Incentive on Knapsack Sprayer900 Nos.27.001080 nos.8.91 9Incentive on Zero Till Seed Drill59 Nos.8.856 nos.0.90 10Incentive on Rotavator90 Nos27.0020 nos.6.00 11Distribution of Sprinkler Sets200 Nos.15.0046 nos.3.45 12Incentive for Pumpsets1000 Nos.99.80594 nos.49.36 13Assistance for Pipe for carrying water from source to the field 200000 Nos. 37.5022026 Nos. 3.16 14Training on pattern of FFS90 Nos.15.3024 Nos.4.08 Sub Total (Pulses Development)345.2095.97 Rs. In Lakhs

7 S No. ComponentUnit in Nos. Target As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. III.Site Specific Works iB. P. C. D.2326962317.8776961265.05 IiL. B. C. D.232 iiiLift Irrigation232 Sub Total (Site Specific )2317.8771265.05 Grand Total (I + II + III)3073.3171480.00 Note: Rs. 167.62 lakhs has been revalidated during 2011-12 and utilized. Rs. In Lakhs

8 S No.Name of DistrictBlock (Nos.) Panchaya t (No.) Village (No.)Targeted Area (ha) Coverage (In ha) Total Farmers 1.Lohardaga1581000 677 2.E. Singhbhum4793061000 1525 3.Giridih14301000 1718 4.Koderma64131000 1302 5.Sahebganj28351000 2500 6.Palamau28251000 984 7.Bokaro210161000 1612 8.Godda315401000 2500 9.Latehar15171000 1025 10.Dumka7391341000 1164 11.Garhwa215291000 650 12.Deoghar418401000 3147 13.Pakur114351000 872 14.Jamtara14211000 1425 15.Seraikella13201000 1213 16.Dhanbad212201000 1527 17.Chatra12101000 Total4124579917000 24841

9 S No. ComponentUnitTarget As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. I.Demonstration - RICE iUpland Rice iiShallow Rice55000395.605000278.96 iiiMedium Water Rice44000316.484000219.64 ivDeep Water Rice vHYV44000274.084000187.39 viHybrid Rice44000312.684000262.14 Sub Total (Demonstration)170001298.8417000948.13 Rs. In Lakhs

10 S No. ComponentUnit in Nos. Target As approved by SLSC Achievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. II.Site Specific Works A.Scheme (10-11) completed in (11-12) iB. P. C. D.232Continue Scheme 1220.447Continue Scheme 1002.739 iiL. B. C. D.232 iiiLift Irrigation232 B.Scheme Sanctioned by SLSC (2011-12) ivB. P. C. D.175 787.501121.917 vL. B. C. D.167 375.75 viLift Irrigation160 504.00 Sub Total (Site Specific )2887.6972124.656 Grand Total (BGREI)4186.5373072.786 Rs. In Lakhs

11 S No.Name of Dist.Prodn. In Block Demon. (X) Production in Farmers Field (Y) Increase in % (X-Y)/y *100 1Godda60.0021.50 179 2Seraikella68.8832.41 113 3Deoghar40.2928.78 40 4Giridih49.4830.33 63 5Bokaro62.1025.01 148 6Lohardaga54.0035.00 54 7Chatra60.9542.00 45 8Latehar40.0027.00 48 9Palamau50.59429.42 72 10E. Singhbhum67.0032.00 109 11Jamtara64.0028.50 125 12Pakur31.0014.00 121 13Dumka40.1524.13 66 14Dhanbad46.3044.73 4 15.Koderma49.0029.15 68 16.Sahibganj30.4317.73 72 17.Garhwa53.4540.60 32 Total 51.0429.55 73

12 Panchayat – Bundu, Block- Petarbar, Dist- Bokaro

13 Village : Kasia Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Barakhushi Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum

14 Village : Rajabasa Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Kukocha Block : Chakulia Dist- East Singhbhum

15 Village : Rampur Block : Lohardaga Dist- Lohardaga Village : Dangwar Block : Hussanabad Dist- Palamau

16 Village : Nawadih Block : Dhaldhumgarh Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Khakharpata Block : Lohardaga Dist- Lohardaga






22 1. Under Hybrid Rice, 4000 ha area were brought in BGREI programme. 2. 140 drum seeder, 532 conoweeder has been distributed. 3. 170 qtls. carbondazin 50 WP distributed under IPM 4. 850 qtls Borex (Na-Boret) 15% distributed under INM 5. 232 check dam has been constructed which will irrigate approx 5000 ha of land. 6. Cost of Labour Minimized.

23 S No.Name & DesignationDatesDistrict Visited 1 Dr. G. K. Rahate Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI 29 th June to 2 nd July, 2011Deoghar, Giridih & Dhanbad 2Dr. V. K. Soni, Consultant RKVY11-17 July, 2011Gumla, Ranchi & Hazaribagh 3Dr. R. S. Mallik, Consultant, BGERI25-27 July, 2011Lohardaga, Latehar & Bokaro 4Dr. V. K. Soni, Consultant RKVY22-31 Aug, 2011 Ranchi, Deoghar, Jamtara, Dhanbad & Bokaro 5 Sri. Mahipal and Sri. M. K. Pandey, Technical Assistant, BGREI 18-22 Oct, 2011 Seraikella, East Singhbhum, Bokaro & Dhanbad 6Sri. M. Karale, TA, BGREI19-22 Oct, 2011Sahebganj, Godda and Pakur 7. Dr. (Ms.) Annie Poonam, ARS Senior Scientist (Agronomy) Crop Production Division, CRRI, Cuttack, BGREI 12 Aug, 2011 17-18 Oct, 2011 Bokaro Lohardaga and Seraikella 8. Sri. Anup Kumar Thakur Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI 30 th Oct-4 th Nov, 2011 Hazaribagh, Giridih, Ramgarh & Dhanbad 9.Dr. R. S. Mallik Consultant, BGREI 8-12 Nov, 2011Palamau, Chatra & Garhwa

24 Visit of State Officials/ Scientist to review BGREI Programme Name of OfficerDesignationDistrict Visited Sri. Arun Kumar Singh Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture & Cane Dev. Deoghar, Dumka, Jamtara, Hazaribagh, Ramgarh, Giridih, Dhanbad & Bokaro Rajesh Kumar SharmaDirector Agriculture, Jharkhand Dhanbad, Bokaro, Dumka, Deoghar, Jamtara, Hazaribagh, Giridh & Jamshedhpur & Ramgarh Jata Shankar Choudhary Director, SAMETI, JharkhandDhanbad, Bokaro & Deoghar Dr. D. N. Singh Chief Scientist, Dryland Agril, ZRS, Chianki, Palamau Latehar & Garhwa Brajeshwar DubeyDy. Director Agriculture (General)Latehar & Seraikella Harman MinzDy. Director Agriculture (Planning)East Singhbhum





29  No. of District proposed to be Covered under Rice : 17 district  Type of Demonstration :  Shallow Water : 17 Nos.  Medium Water : 10 Nos.  HYV: 10 Nos.  Hybrid : 17 Nos.  Amount Proposed : 35.3723 Crore

30 S.No. Name of the district Type of demonstration To be conducted No of demons. Cost of one demo. Of 1000 ha. Rs. in crore) 1 Garhwa Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 HYV 10.6437 2 Saraikela Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 HYV 10.6437 3 Lohardaga Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 4 Chatra Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 5 Latehar Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 6 Godda Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 7 Palamau Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 8 Giridih Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 HYV 10.6437 9 Dhanbad Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497

31 S.No.Name of the district Type of demonstration To be conducted No of demons. Cost of one demo. Of 1000 ha. (Rs. in crore) 10 Bokaro Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 11 E.Singhbhum Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 12 Deoghar Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 13 Pakur Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 14 Koderma Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 15 Jamtara Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 16 Dumka Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 HYV10.6437 17 Sahebganj Hybrid10.6702 Shallow Water Rice 10.6497 Medium Water Rice 10.6497 Total fund required5435.3723

32 Proposal for completion of Old Sanctioned scheme " Improved Irrigation Scheme "of 2011-12 Through Integrated BPCD /LBCD/Lift Irrigation Scheme Name of Scheme- RKVY- BGREI 2012-13 Phy. In Nos. Fin. In Lakh S No.Activities / ProjectsUnit Unit Cost in Lakhs Proposed Activites ( Phy.) Proposed Outlay (Fin.) FIN. TARGET Achievement BALANCE FOR 2012- 13 Phy. 2011- 12 Actual Exp. RKVY 2011- 12 RKVYPhy.Fin.RKVY 12345678910 1 A) Integrated Lift Irrigation Development Scheme (BPCD/LBCD/LI) OF 2011- 12 No.11.00 BPCD-175 LBCD-167 LI-160 1852.501667.25 BPCD-175 LBCD- 167 LI- 160 1115.717551.533 TOTAL -A 01852.501667.25-1115.717551.533 3 B) New LBCD For 175 Set Of BPCD of 2011-12 No. 3.582825.2-0 4 B) New LI For 175 Set Of BPCD of 2011-12 No. 4.51567.560.75-0 TOTAL-B 2395.585.95-0 GRAND TOTAL A+B 1948.001753.20-1115.717637.483

33 Intervention-wise Physical Tarfets & Financial Outlays made under BGREI Programme for the State of Jharkhand during 2012-13 Sl.N o. Component Maximum Rate of Assistance SeasonUnit Tentative Targets Worked out by GOI Target Suggested by State Target Recommonde d by GOI Phy.Fin.Phy. Fin. (Rs In Lakhs) Phy. Fin. (Rs In Lakhs) 1234567891011 1 Asset. Building (i) Dug well/Borewell/Lift IrrigationLI @ 4,05.0002012-13Nos.39001170.002801158.30 Administrative cost/Monitoring/Evaluation/Contigency etc. 1%2012-13Nos.---11.70 Total 1170.00 2 Site Specific Needs (i) To Complete the 175 Nos scheme of 2011-12 in 2012-13 BPCD-175 @ 4,05,000 2012-13Nos.__ Contiue scheme of 2011-12 563.77 LBCD-168 @ 2,25,000 LI -160 @ 3,15,000 B) New LBCD For 175 Set Of BPCD of 2011- 12 LBCD @ 3,15,000 2012-13 - 825.20 Integrated Lift Irrigation Development Scheme to other side of existing BPCD/ Perenial Source Of Water. LI @ 4,05,000- 145587.25 Administrative cost/Monitoring/Evaluation/Contigency etc. 1% 10.38 Total 1531186.60 G. Total 4332356.60

34  The State Seed Certification Agency has been strengthened.  Approval has been taken for the establishment of State Seed Corporation.  88000 Qtls of Certified Seed produced with the help of Seed Village / NGOs.  The Hybrid Rice Area is targeted to be increased from 2 lakh ha to 5 lakh ha.  Notified Hybrid Variety of Paddy (5.0 lakh ha), Maize (2.50 lakh ha), Sunflower (1600 ha) and Mustard (7100 ha) is being promoted.  5 lakh ha area has been targeted under SRI.  1 Lakh ha area has been targeted under SWI.  Pulses Production was given emphasis.  Millet Seed Production programe was conducted.

35  Prepositioning of Fertilizer is under process.  LD Slag/ Dolomite/ Lime to be used for soil amendment.  Use of micronutrient is being emphasized (Boron- 640.36 qtls during 2011-12)

36  BPCD, LBCD & LI (1442 Nos.) has been created since 2009- 10 and additional unit is being taken up during the year.  Micro Irrigation is being promoted.

37  2000 Village level workers (VLWs) are being appointed at block level.  Linkage between KVK & ATMA is being strengthened.  Seed Treatment Campaign is being organized at grass root level.  DEASI programme is being started in the state with support from RKVY.  Plant Health Clinics in each district is being established.

38  Less utilization of funds during 2010-11 is due to :  drought scenario in the State.  1st year of programme implementation.  During 2011-12, Out of 31.68 Crore, 30.72 Crore has been utilized.  Block demonstration programme has got good impact in the near by areas.

39  Funds under BGREI may be made available through RTGS facility so as to minimize the constraints of fund being drawn from treasury.


41 Physical and Financial Achievement of Improved Irrigation under RKVY- BGREI - During 2011-12 Rs. In Lakh Sl. No. Name of the Project TargetAchievement Balanc e (Fin.) Remarks Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1245678 9 1 BPCD Continued Scheme of 2010-11 In 2011-12) Continue Scheme158.217-152.602- 62 Scheme Completed 2 BPCD Continued Scheme of 2010-11 In 2011-12) Continue Scheme1062.260-1017.757- 170 Scheme Completed 3 BPCD (New Scheme 2011- 12) 175/ 167/ 160 1685.690 175/ 167/ 160 1121.917 563.77 2 175 Scheme to be continued & 8 Nos. LBCD, 15 Nos. LI scheme to be taken in 2012-13 to compl175nos. BGREI TOTAL 2906.167 2292.276

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