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Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 1 European Legislation and Standardization: Benefits of International Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 1 European Legislation and Standardization: Benefits of International Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 1 European Legislation and Standardization: Benefits of International Cooperation Artur Pinto Martin Poljansek... European Commission, Joint Research Centre Institute for Protection and Security of the Citizen European Laboratory for Structural Assessment Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010

2 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 2 The Joint Research Centre – JRC EUROPEAN COMMISSION 26 COMMISSIONERS Maire Geoghegan- Quinn Commissioner for Science & Research DG RESEARCH DG JRC DG ENTR OTHER DGs Jose Manuel Barroso President A. Tajani Commissioner for Enterprise & Industry JRC | The Eurocodes | Implementation | Benefits and opportunities

3 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 3 Outline The European Legislation and Standardization Systems Implementation of the Eurocodes in the European Union (EU) Benefits of International Cooperation

4 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 4 The Eurocodes 

5 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 5 The Eurocodes European Standards (EN) for the design (structural) of buildings and other civil Engineering Structures (construction works) (58 Parts) Since March 2010: the only design standards in EU and EFTA (31 countries, > 500 million citizens)

6 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 6 Country Standard Transposing a European Standard

7 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 7 Outline The European Legislation and Standardization Systems Implementation of the Eurocodes in the European Union (EU) Benefits of International Cooperation

8 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 8 Legislation and Standards (EU and National levels)

9 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 9 Eurocodes are an Instrument (Tool) for: Functioning of the internal market for construction products and engineering services Leading to more uniform levels of safety (construction works) in Europe The Role of the Eurocodes …

10 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 10 Publication of National Standards (58 parts) MaltaCyprus >90% 15%<...<90% < 15% no information (June. 2010 ) Eurocodes: Implementation Progress, …

11 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 11

12 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 12 Moscow workshop (2008) – Conclusions Willingness for active cooperation in standardisation Need to seek greater convergence in technical regulation The Eurocodes: a starting point for convergence and collaboration Develop framework for collaborative pre- normative research projects: performance-based standards, sustainability requirements, safety and security, life-cycle cost assessment, …

13 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 13 Benefits of International Cooperation: Removal of trade barriers; Safety of citizens; Scientific, industrial and technical cooperation.

14 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 14 Eurocodes are the reference documents for construction products: Enable manufacturers to comply with European legislation; Provide a common and transparent basis for fair competition in the construction market; Facilitate the exchange of construction and engineering services; Facilitate the free movement of structural materials, products, components and kits;

15 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 15 Basic Requirements for Construction Works(BWRs) BWR1 - MECHANICAL RESISTANCE AND STABILITY BWR2 - SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE BWR3 - HYGIENE, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT BWR4 – SAFETY IN USE BWR5 – PROTECTION AGAINST NOISE BWR6 – ENERGY ECONOMY AND HEAT RETENTION BWR7 – SUSTAINABLE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES Goal: “A set of Interoperable European Standards addressing all BWRs” EUROCODES European (EU) Legislation: The Construction Products Directive/Regulation (CPD/R)

16 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 16 Thank you for your attention

17 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 17

18 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 18

19 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 19

20 EN 1990 – Basis of Design EN 1991 EN 1992 EN 1993 EN 1994 EN 1995 EN 1996 EN 1999 EN 1998EN 1997 Structural safety, serviceability and durability Actions on structures Design and detailing Geotechnical and Seismic design […EUROPEAN STANDARDS (EN)…][..National Annexes..] NDPs Provisional NDPs THE EN EUROCODES and the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)

21 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 21 Benefits and opportunities: Removal of trade barriers: The European Union is a major power in world trade with strong interest in open markets and clear regulatory frameworks. The External Trade policy is to remove barriers in order to make trading with partners significantly easier, thus benefiting both sides. Transparent, effective and respected common rules are essential to achieve this objective. Access to the enlarged European market of 27 countries with 500 million potential customers.

22 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 22 Safety of citizens The Eurocodes suite is the principle contributor to the safety of citizens in the built environment, on the basis of the best possible scientific advice. They help to protect citizens from sub-standard products and are a tool for the cross-border harmonisation of safety levels in construction.

23 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 23 Outline The European Legislation and Standardization Systems The Role of the Eurocodes The Eurocodes Implementation Road-map Further Development of the Eurocodes  A complete set of Standards addressing all Basic Requirements for Construction-Works

24 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 24 Scientific, industrial and technical cooperation The intended benefits and opportunities arising from the implementation and use of the Eurocodes: provide a common understanding between owners, operators and users, designers, contractors and manufacturers; provide a common basis for research and development; encourage innovation in construction products and works.

25 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 25 European Standards: Key positive facts Clear policy objectives (Single Market, Competitiveness, Energy efficiency/saving, Environment, Health, … Sustainability) Recognition of the role of standards (in policy implementation, …) Shared responsibilities/duties (development, implementation) (European Commission, Member States, CEN, NSBs, Industry)

26 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 26

27 Workshop on Eurocodes: Training the trainers, Moscow, 9-10 December, 2010 27 EN Eurocodes: Key positive facts A complete set of standards for design of buildings and other civil engineering structures (Performance based – limit-state concept, all materials, seismic design, geotechnical design, …)) Flexible (Harmonized Part + Country/region Specific Part) (The concept of Nationally Determined Parameters – NDPs) European (EU) Commitment to Further development (New materials, Environment and Energy, … Sustainability issues) The Role of the Joint Research Centre (Policy Support, Research and Innovation, Coordination Scientific/Technical Support, Support to the Implementation of the Eurocodes)

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