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Inconvenient Truth. FACTS 1.Glaciers are melting. 2.Hottest years on record now. 3.Ocean temperatures have risen. 4.Extreme weather has increased, hurricanes,

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Presentation on theme: "Inconvenient Truth. FACTS 1.Glaciers are melting. 2.Hottest years on record now. 3.Ocean temperatures have risen. 4.Extreme weather has increased, hurricanes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inconvenient Truth

2 FACTS 1.Glaciers are melting. 2.Hottest years on record now. 3.Ocean temperatures have risen. 4.Extreme weather has increased, hurricanes, floods and droughts etc. 5.Lake Chad and Aral Sea dried up. 6.Species are dying off due to environmental change. (polar bear, coral reef) 7.Diseases and vectors are exploding (SARs, West Nile).

3 We as a people are so many, with such massive technology that we can effect the earth! 1.There has been a human population explosion over the past 50 years that has the human population on the earth over 6.5 billion people. It could be over 10 billion in less than 20 years. 2.Technology is larger then the human scale. The amount of damage and pollution one person can do has made us a “force of nature”. 3.Political issue: Those in charge are put there by all the people with money, they are also not scientists, so they resist change for fear of the unknown or upsetting their contributors. 4.This has been an issue since the 1960’s this has taken place over the course of 50 years. That is a long time for a human. Slow change people don’t notice, don’t react.

4 What has kept us from acting? 1. We have been convinced that the scientists are not sure that global warming is actually happening. Wrong, scientist agree it is the popular press and those that control it that have clouded our information. 2.We must choose between the economy or the environment. No, moving toward a green economy can be just as profitable. The only thing is we all will have to adjust. 3. This is too large of an issue and we don’t know how to change. Wrong we already have the technology to take the world wide emissions to below the 1970’s value. Governments and individuals (YOU) all have a choice to go green.

5 Consequences 1.Extreme weather…This is the biggie. 2.People all over the earth without water. (glacier loss). 3.People all over the earth without somewhere to live. (flood, drought, disaster). 4.Arctic/Antarctic meltdown…?...Planets air- conditioning system. 5. Human population cannot continue to grow, we are currently beyond the Carrying capacity of the earth.

6 What can YOU DO? Reduce Carbon Footprint: –Use cleaner transport: –Use energy saving: –Adopt energy saving habits: Reduce Food Footprint: Reduce Housing Footprint: –Choose sustainable building, furnishings, cleaning products: –Adopt water saving: Reduce Goods + Services:

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