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®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 1 SAPConnect Configuration in SAP R/3 4.5.

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Presentation on theme: "®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 1 SAPConnect Configuration in SAP R/3 4.5."— Presentation transcript:

1 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 1 SAPConnect Configuration in SAP R/3 4.5

2 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 2 Copyright Copyright 1999 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this training manual nor any part thereof may be passed on to others, copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or translated into another language, for any purpose without the express prior consent in writing of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change and supplementation without prior notice. All rights reserved.

3 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 3 Configurations for SAPconnect in the SAP System R/3 4.5

4 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 4 Create RFC User -1-

5 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 5 Create RFC User -2-

6 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 6 Create RFC User -3-

7 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 7 Create RFC Destination -1-

8 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 8 Create RFC Destination -2-

9 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 9 Create RFC Destination -3-

10 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 10 Create RFC Destination: Set Gateway Options

11 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 11 Sample saprfc.ini File DEST=MATS TYPE=R PROGID=faxhost.faxprog GWHOST=r3host1 GWSERV=sapgw05 DEST=MAT or DEST=MAT TYPE=A TYPE=B ASHOST=r3host1 R3NAME=MAT SYSNR=05 MSHOST=r3hostm GROUP=PUBLIC

12 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 12 SAPconnect: Administration (system status)

13 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 13 General Customizing

14 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 14 Communication methods

15 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 15 Conversion rules

16 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 16 Recipient no. change (incoming)

17 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 17 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -1- Next Slide

18 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 18 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -2- Next Slide

19 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 19 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -3- Next Slide

20 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 20 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -4- Next Slide

21 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 21 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -5- Next Slide

22 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 22 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -6- Next Slide

23 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 23 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -7- Next Slide

24 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 24 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -8- Next Slide

25 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 25 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -9- Next Slide

26 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 26 SAPconnect: Administration (nodes) -10- Next Slide

27 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 27 Routing Test

28 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 28 SAPconnect: Administration (jobs) Next Slide

29 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 29 Scheduling of Background Jobs -1- Next Slide

30 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 30 Scheduling of Background Jobs -2- Creating a Variant

31 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 31 Scheduling of Background Jobs -3- Creating a Variant

32 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 32 Scheduling of Background Jobs -4- Creating a Variant

33 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 33 Scheduling of Background Jobs -5-

34 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 34 Assign Fax Numbers to R/3 Users

35 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 35 Sending Faxes from SAPOffice (1)

36 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 36 Sending Faxes from SAPOffice (2)

37 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 37 Sending Faxes from SAPOffice (3)

38 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 38 Sending Faxes from SAPOffice (4)

39 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 39 Activate Sending Process manually

40 ®  SAP AG 1998 PACON1 (Thomas Schlatterer-Kaiser) / 40 Review Status of Outgoing Fax

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