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WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting June 5, 2013, Taipei

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Presentation on theme: "WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting June 5, 2013, Taipei"— Presentation transcript:

1 WITSA Board of Director’s Meeting June 5, 2013, Taipei

2 Chairman’s Remarks Santiago Gutierrez www.witsa.org2

3 Roll Call Dr. Jim Poisant www.witsa.org3

4 Board of Directors 4 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1AfghanistanOmar AnsariNICTAABy phone 2ArgentinaDr. Silvia BidartCESSIBy phone 3BangladeshShaheen Mahmud IqbalBCS 4BelarusDr. Boris KomrakovInfoPark 5BermudaJohn KyleBermuda Chamber of Commerce 6BrazilRoberto MayerASSESPROBy Phone 7CanadaKarna GuptaITACBy Phone 8ChileLuis SteinGechs 9Chinese TaipeiJames LiuCISA 10EgyptEng. Tarek A Monem TahaEITESAL 11GreeceYannis SirrosSEPE 12Hong KongFrancis FongHKITF 13IndiaSom MittalNASSCOM 14JapanTakashi IgarashiJISA

5 Board of Directors 5 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 15KenyaWaudo SigangaCSKBy phone 16LebanonNizar ZakkaPCA 17MalaysiaLooi Kien LeongPIKOM 18MexicoDr. Amado EspinosaCANIETI 19MexicoSantiago GutierrezCANIETI 20NigeriaFlorence SerikiITAN 21South KoreaKi-Chul KimFKII 22RomaniaDr. Vasile BaltacATICTBA 23South AfricaRoger LatchmanITA 24SpainAntonio CimmoraAMETICTBA 25Trinidad & Tobago Owen FieldICTSTBA 26U.S.AShawn OsborneTechAmericaTBA 27UKJulian DavidIntellectTBA

6 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1BangladeshKafi AbdullahASOCIO 2BelarusSergei MartynovMbr of Adv Council 3ColomboXimena DuqueFEDESOFT 4ItalyMassimo BertoliGuest 5ItalyFabio AcalzottoGuest 6JapanJunko KawauchiJISA 7JapanMac YokozawaJISA 8JapanTakashi MoriyaJISA 9JapanTatsuya OkamotoJISA 10KoreaDong Sup YoonFKII 11KoreaGrant SonFKII In Attendance: Non Board Members 6

7 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1MalaysiaDan E KhooChairman Emeritus 2MalaysiaWoon Tai HaiPIKOM 3MalaysiaDavid WongPIKOM 4MalaysiaChris ChanPIKOM 5MexicoRogelio GarzaCANIETI 6NigeriaEmmanuel AmosITAN 7ThailandBunrak SaranggandaATCI 8ThailandAdirake PatitusakaATCI 9ThailandPravit ChattaladaATCI 10ThailandTrairat ChatkaewATCI 11ThailandChatchai KhunpitiluckATCI In Attendance: Non Board Members 7

8 CityNameOrganizationAttendance 1U.S,ADr. Jim PoisantWITSA 2U.S.AAnders HalvorsenWITSA 3AustraliaTim ConwayWITSABy Phone 4MalaysiaJeralyn QuinsayasWITSA 5 6 7 8 9 10 In Attendance: Non Board Members 8

9 9 Call to Order / Approval of Meeting Minutes

10 www.witsa.org10 Welcome Remarks CISA

11 www.witsa.org11 Matters Arising Dr. Jim Poisant

12 www.witsa.org12 MatterStatus Finance Committee requested 2012 Financial information as a factor to approval the 2013 proposed budget.  Financial Reports were provided to the Finance Committee to include the SG 2012 & 2013 KPI’s.  The Finance Committee approved the 2013 Budget on a conference call on May 8 th.  Budget posted to WITSA site on May 16 th. Extension for 2013 Business Plan comments from members of the Board. Board members were given additional time to review 2012 Business Plan. No additional comments were received. Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 14

13 www.witsa.org13 MatterStatus 2013 Budget and Business Plan tabled for approval based on requests for additional time and information Both items are on the agenda for approval New member acceptance letters to be cosigned by Chairman Gutierrez & SG Poisant. Completed and institutionalized UNCTAD/GIZ Software SurveysBrought to the attention of Latin American WITSA members. There is an agreement to forge relationship with UNCTAD, GIZ and WITSA (On agenda) Matters Arising: BOD Call, Feb 14

14 www.witsa.org14 WITSA Treasurer’s Report Dr. Amado Espinosa

15 For the Four Months Ended April 30, 2013 Summary Balance Sheet 15 Apr 30, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts68,123.48 Accounts Receivable Net of Allowance160,110.00 Prepaid Expenses5,944.68 Investments - CD's256,878.59 Net Fixed Assets2,311.71 TOTAL ASSETS493,368.46 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Credit Card Payables229.67 Accrued Expenses26,844.69 Deferred Revenue109,625.03 Total Liabilities136,699.39 Equity Unrestricted Net Assets467,400.79 Net Income-110,731.72 Total Equity356,669.07 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY493,368.46

16 Summary Income Statement 16 Jan - Apr 13 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Investment Income1,260.68 Program Income44,916.64 Other Income5,155.00 Total Income51,332.32 Expenses Contract Services26,718.84 Operations5,013.81 Salary and Benefits125,347.49 Travel Expenses5,363.93 Other Expenses-380.03 Total Expense162,064.04 Net Income-110,731.72

17 Apr - Jun 13 Jul - Sep 13 Oct - Dec 13 Cash in Bank - Beginning of Period 102,313.64 152,188.64 50,298.64 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 45000 · Investments Income 1,325.00 46435 · Corporate Advisory Committee 75,000.00 47230 · Membership Dues 35,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 47240 · Global Partner Program - 25,000.00 50,000.00 49010 · Special Events Contributions2,000.00 - 49010 · GPATS 37,500.00 49011 · WCIT Licensing Fee 2016 750,000.00 Total Income 38,325.00# 51,325.00# 918,825.00 Expense 60925 · Bank Charges200.00 62100 · Contract Services17,150.00 22,600.00 22,732.00 65000 · Operations 4,400.00 9,400.00 3,000.00 65100 · Other Types of Expenses 700.00 4,215.00 1,770.00 66000 · Payroll Expenses102,000.00 94,000.00 137,400.00 68300 · Travel and Meetings16,000.00 21,500.00 24,000.00 69000 · Contingency1,500.00 1,300.00 1,200.00 Total Expense141,950.00 153,215.00 190,302.00 Cash Flow Surplus/(Needs)(103,625.00) (101,890.00) 728,523.00 CD Proceeds/Purchase 153,500.00 - Cash in Bank - End of Period 152,188.64 50,298.64# 778,821.64 Cash Flow - 2013 17

18 Status on WCIT 2012 payment Karna Gupta ITAC (Calling in) 18

19 Status on WITSA Event Licensing Fees 19 1.WCIT 2012 Balance Payment: Board of Directors’ decision to allow 3 years for (300K); if 300K not paid in 3 years payment reverts back to 400K 2.GPATS 2013 - ½ Paid (On Schedule) 3.WCIT 2014 (Paid in Full) 4.WCIT 2016: Contract signed on May 24 th and sent back to ASSESPRO for processing by the Federal Government of Brasilia (Payment of $750K due NLT November 12, 2013)

20 Federal Government of Brasil will host an official launch of the WCIT 2016 in Brasilia JUNE 17, 2013 www.witsa.org20 Status on WCIT 2016 Licensing Fee

21 www.witsa.org21 Revenue Recording for WITSA Licenses Santiago Gutierrez

22 Options For Revenue Recognition (Event License Fees) 22 1)Revenue recognized when contract is signed 2)Recognize Revenue upon receipt of payment/s 3)Recognize revenue over length of agreement 4)Recognize after the event

23  Burdette Smith & Bish, LLC has reviewed all the documents received for the WITSA Event Licensing agreement and has had multiple conversations with management. Based on this information, in accordance with GAAP, BSB has recommended that WITSA realize event revenue when cash is received as opposed to when a contract is signed; throughout the term of a contract or after the event occurs. Accountant’s Review (1 of 2) 23

24  Our recommendation is partially based on the fact that once WITSA Licensing cash is received it is not refundable. Furthermore, the revenue received is not dependent on products or services being rendered by WITSA to realize the licensing fee. WITSA does not recognize the revenue when the contract is signed because the signing of the contract does not ensure the receipt of total fee. Should a country decide not to hold an event, WITSA, at the discretion of management, may or may not pursue this country for any unpaid fees. Therefore there is an uncertainty related to the licensing agreement that does not expire until the cash is received. Accountants Recommendation (2 of 2) 24

25 Decision Block www.witsa.org25 1.Approval of 2013 Budget 2.Approval of 2013 Business Plan 3.Approval of Secretary General KPI (2013) 4.Approval of Membership Application/s Chairmen Membership Committee to present membership applications : a) Bulgaria: Bulgarian Association BAIT (rejoining) b) Other cases: AIIA, Australia / Syntec-Numerique, France Discussion / Vote 5.Establishment of Education, Training and Human Resources Committee

26 Call for Approval of 2013 Budget DiscussionVote Approval of 2013 Budget 26 D 1

27 Approval of 2013 Buiness Plan 27 Call for Approval of 2013 Business Plan DiscussionVote D 2

28 Activities / Initiatives  World Congresses -2014-2016  WCIT 2016 Award (Sign Contract by 4 th Qtr 2013 (Completed) )  WCIT 2014 (Assist Mexico on Program and Fund Raising)  GPATS (SUPPORT)  Award GPATS 2015  Expand Global Partner Membership to Five (5)  Effectively Operate and expand WITSA Advisory Council Membership  Increase Regional Vice Chairperson’s roles to support WITSA Secretary General 2013 KPI 28

29  Produce at least two (2) major papers on Public Policy  Enhance Relationship w/Internationally Recognized Institutions  Membership Development/ Retention  OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES  Financial Responsibility (A) Budget (B) Alternate Sources of Revenue  Website Update  Conduct Annual Membership Survey Activities / Initiatives (Con’t) 29

30 Secretary General KPI (2013) 30 Discussion Call for Vote for Approval Vote D 3

31 Membership Applications Bulgaria: Bulgarian Association (BAIT) (rejoining under new management) Approved by Yannis Sirros (Regional VC) www.witsa.org31 D 4a

32  BAIT is the largest, most representative and influential branch organization in the sphere of information and communication technologies in Bulgaria.  Established in 1995, presently 100 member companies and organizations are enlisted. (hardware, software, system integration, networks, telecommunications, Internet suppliers, etc). Members of BAIT make for over 69% from the ICT market in Bulgaria.  BAIT’s mission is to protect the general interests of its members by actively working for the establishing of information society in this country, for the development of the Bulgarian ICT industry and of the ICT market in general.  BAIT actively supports its members in their efforts to implement European Union projects, sustaining them to participate in various feasibility programs and for a more successful adaptation to the latest market conditions. BAIT works with the Ministries and other non-governmental branch and employer’s organizations. BAIT Qualifications 32

33 Other Cases Australia: AIIA France: Syntec-Numerique www.witsa.org33 D 4a

34 Establishment of Education, Training and Human Resources Committee Boris Komrakov, Belarus www.witsa.org34

35 Purpose of Presentation: Education, Training and Human Resources Committee 35 To ask the WITSA Board to approve new Committee Proposed Committee name: Education, Training and Human Resources Form Committee D 5

36 Background: Education, Training and Human Resources Committee 36 Global Shortage of Skilled ICT Workers Affecting the growth of the ICT Industry Women are underrepresented Curriculum is often not relevant to industry requirements As the “voice “ of the ICT Industry WITSA should address these issues

37 Role of Committee:  To research how WITSA can play a role in addressing the education, training and human resources issues  Committee will seek out potential revenue opportunities for WITSA  Committee will work with WITSA members to seek opportunities Committee Leadership:  Dr. Boris Komrakov willing to serve as chairman  Call for additional members  Open Discussion Education Training and Human Resources Committee 37

38 Call for Approval of New Education, Training and Human Resources Committee Chairman Gutierrez 38 D 5

39 Regional Vice Chairmen Report 1)Africa 2)Middle East and North Africa 3)Europe (EU + EEA) 4)Europe (Non-EU) 5)Latin America 6)Caribbean 7)Asia Pacific 39

40 www.witsa.org40 MORNING BREAK

41 Present Annual Reports: i.Business Plan ii.KPI’s (Annual) iii.Monthly Financial Reports iv.Annual Budget v.Others required? vi.Comments / Discussion Secretary General Reporting Requirements Dr. Jim Poisant 41

42 www.witsa.org42 Alternative Sources of Revenue Dr. Jim Poisant

43 Present Sources of WITSA’s Revenue 43 Events (GPATS) $75K (WCIT) $750K Advisory Council $90K Dues $80K-$100K Global Partners $75K

44 Members reported that they receive funding mainly from three (3) sources: Recent Member Survey Results 44 Membership Fees Events / Tradeshows Government Programs

45  Members reported the following revenue sources not currently being used by WITSA: Listing of Sources that WITSA is not Using (1/2) 45 Types of Services / ActivitiesGroup  Develop strategic program which members/ non members need to pay to use.  Support government agencies' program in return for administration/ marketing fees.  Organization of commercial activities under request of a third party (preparation of catalogue of exporters, organization of seminars for exporters. Event Management  AdvertisingMarketing  Govt. grants for specific initiatives and projects (these are not fixed but depend on the proposal or the initiative as the case may be).  Government Funding  International Funding (WB) Grants / Funding

46  Members reported the following revenue sources not currently being used by WITSA (Cont’d) Listing of Sources that WITSA is not Using (2/2) 46 Types of Services / ActivitiesGroup  Consultancy Projects  Business Services Outsourcing  Industry Standardization Services  Services for example: Business Meeting Software Application: we obtain revenue for rent of this software application, Consulting Services, etc.  Using AMETIC R&D activities that facilitate consortiums between companies of the ICT sector as a platform to attract new associates. For example, offer a special fee "to partner with AMETIC or a semester" for those who access our R&D services. This could be a very attractive offer; especially for the SME’s. Services / Consultancy  Membership Services (Training, Software Escrow, Meeting Room Hire)  Training Activities / Training and Seminars Training

47 Potential Revenue Sources 47 1B2B Portal 2.WITSA Global Partner Program including economic development organizations (Commissions) 3.WITSA Advisory Council (Commissions) 4.WITSA / Member Grant Opportunities 5.The Millennium Edu Project 6.Digital Planet Sales 7.IMT Contact Center / ERM Certification 8.Others to be discussed

48  Dan Salcedo: Winner of top WITSA ICT Excellence Award  Founder Open Entry (B2B-B2C Site)  Mr. Salcedo prepared a sample site for WITSA: Http:// Potential Revenue Source: 15-20K + per year B2B Portal 48

49 Ways to increase income: 49 2014 Dues Structure (Sustaining Membership) Increasing Global Partners & Advisory Council Members (Quite feasible)

50 Global Partners / Advisory Council 50 Present: Mexico, Taiwan, US (25K Each) Dropped: MDeC Malaysia (Supported former Chairman) Potential Revenue=$250,000.00 annually Present Corporations: Intel, Dell, EPAM, Microsoft, CISCO, Google - $90,000.00 Potential 150,000.00 + per year

51  MillenniumEdu-Foundation  Multi stakeholders (over 30 multinational corporations involved)  Modelled after PISA Portugal project  Educational ecosystem-teachers, students, K-12 Curriculum in native language  15 million laptops (under$200.00 USD) ea.  Opportunities for WITSA and members:  Project management, integration, commissions, maintenance MillenniumEdu Project 51

52 MilleniumEDU Project Mario Fanco Founder Special Guest 52

53 53

54 54

55 www.witsa.org55 Regional Association MOU’s Dr. Jim Poisant

56 Purpose to leverage WITSA and Regional Association capabilities to benefit each others organization and members Status on Regional MOU’s 56 ASOCIO (Call for signing) IJMA 3 (Middle East) ALETI (Latin America) Digital Europe (Pending) Africa (TBD)

57 Strategic Planning 57 Last Strategic Planning meeting (October 2008) Time to begin process of establishing updated Strategic Plan Process to be implemented

58 In 2008 WITSA leaders listed the following key factors for WITSA’s success: 2008 Key Factors 58 Key Factor # 1: WITSA needs to be recognized and sought after by global bodies such as the WTO, UN, OECD and the World Bank Key Factor # 2: WITSA needs to be seen as the authority and reference point for the global ICT industry, especially our key constituents.

59 2008 Key Factors 59 Key Factor # 3: WITSA’s should strive to have leading global organizations and governments adopt its policy positions. Key Factor # 4: WITSA needs to play prominent roles in global summits in order to convey its positions and messages Key Factor # 5: WITSA facilitates/ promotes growth of the global ICT industry (Trade and Development). WITSA must be seen as the catalyst for growth.

60 Strategic Planning 60 Purpose of Updating Strategic planning:  To review existing organizational functions and priorities.  To prioritize functions and identify initiatives for 2, 4 and 6 years. Outline for Planning:  Clarity on WITSA’s strategy / direction  Listing of prioritized initiatives  Agreed set of WITSA Goals (2 & 4 years out)  Prioritized Initiative Leaders

61 What you are passionate about What drives your economic engine What you can be best in the word at 2010 Hedgehog Concept Jim Collins’ book Good to Great. 61

62 Committee will be provided with a list of present priorities and asked to prioritize based on: New Strategic Plan 62  Value to Members  Revenue implications  Branding value to WITSA  Based on the work done by the committee an updated Strategic Plan will emerge to be shared and vetted by all WITSA members

63 Each activity according to the criterion. Criteria for Activities 63 Value to members.As WITSA is a member driven organization we must consider whatever we do being beneficial to members. Do the activities generate revenue? The extent of what activities WITSA is engaged is directly related to revenue Does the activity contribute the global brand of WITSA? As it is important to WITSA to be globally recognized does the activity promote this WITSA goal? The final criterion related directly to the Hedgehog concept. Is WITSA passionate about doing the activities? Can it be the best and does it help drive the economic growth?

64 Strategic Review Taskforce: 1.Lead by Deputy Chair 2.Made up of Regional VCs, Secretary General, Tim Conway 3.Input from Advisory Council 4.Define process 5.Work program for 2014 Strategic Plan – program vetted by all WITSA members 6.Final vetting on November 2013 in Sao Paulo 7.Completed by January 1 st, 2014 Strategic Planning Process 64


66 Proposed 2014 Dues Structure 66

67 Proposed New Dues Structure 67 WITSA needs to look at ways to increase revenue Proposed 2014 dues: 15% increase for all members 2014 dues (billable): $102,638

68 Chairman Gutierrez 2014 Proposed Dues Structure 68 Discussion Call for Vote

69 2011 & / or 2012 – Members Dropped from WITSA Membership Roles for Non-payments. Total: 77 (5 other non-paying members are being communicated with to pay past dues) Members Dropped due to Non-Payments www.witsa.org69 1.Indonesia 2.Benin 3.France (Reconsidering - May 28, SG conversation regarding rejoining WITSA) 4.Israel 5.Netherlands Antilles 6.Rwanda 7.Tanzania 8.Uganda

70 www.witsa.org70 LUNCH BREAK

71 www.witsa.org71 Global Policy Action Committee Tim Conway (via phone) / Dr. Jim Poisant

72  2011 – “Policy Actions…” brochure  2012 – creation of WITSA Advisory Committee  Extend outreach of public policy: major companies & institutions (WB, UN, WEF, Microsoft, Intel, Google…)  Focus on Internet Governance o WCIT Montreal released Statement of Policy; wide circulation o Special Report circulated after ITU Dubai on outcome  2013 – focus on IGF & UN CSTD  GPATS; “enhanced cooperation” working group Global Policy Action Committee (1) 72

73  2013  International trade (policy paper) o Policy principle: WITSA supports multilateral trade liberalization agreements which enshrine the non- discriminatory “most favored nation” (MFN) standard o Expansion of the Information Technology Agreement o Support moves for International Services Agreement within WTO o Monitor bilateral / plurilateral negotiations There are many (next slide) Many of these are preferential (discriminatory) trade agreements, which undermine MFN  WITSA must support a WTO-based approach Global Policy Action Committee (2) 73

74 GPAC – International Trade 74

75  2013  Data management (policy paper) o Policy Principles: Collection of data does not cause harm; regulatory focus, if any, should be based on the use of data collected and reporting of misuse, loss or “spillage” o Stocktake of national / regional initiatives o Draft “good practice” regulation  Cyber  GPATS 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil Global Policy Action Committee (3) 75

76  2013  Creating a Global Cyber Immune System (policy paper) o Policy Principle: Information about cyber risks, threats and vulnerabilities needs to be shared globally to encourage all IT users to adopt good practices Openness and transparency to replace secrecy and regulations that prevent disclosure o Additional paper under development, for release after GPATS 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil Global Policy Action Committee (4) 76

77 Dr Yokozawa JISA Public Policy Chairman “Presentation on Important Policy Issues, Including EU Data Protection Regulation and Internet Governance/CSTD” 77

78 www.witsa.org78 Global Trade Committee David Wong

79 Planning: WITSA Trade Missions 2013 79 MonthEconomyRegionMajor EventsRemarks September 26- 28, 2013 ThailandAsia Pacific Software Expo Asia 2013 & ASOCIO ICT Summit WITSA Member October 21-23, 2013 MalaysiaAsia Pacific Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit WITSA Member November 12- 13, 2013 BrazilLatin America WITSA GPATS 2013WITSA Member AreaActivity Conference  Trade Mission Program runs parallel with member conference Site Visit  Educational Site Visit

80 WITSA Trade Mission to Thailand Software Expo Asia 2013 & ASOCIO ICT Summit 2013 80 Date:September 26-28, 2013 Venue:Bangkok, Thailand Theme:Where Business and Innovation Connect ICT Summit 2013

81 Software Expo Asia 2013 & ASOCIO ICT Summit 2013 81

82 Registration Fee: Software Expo Asia 2013 & ASOCIO ICT Summit 2013 82 WITSA MemberUSD350 Non MemberUSD400 SpouseUSD150 Early Bird Registration (before July 31, 2013) WITSA MemberUSD300 Non MemberUSD350 SpouseUSD100 Special Promotion Free exhibition kiosk for every 2 delegates (first come first serve)

83 Accommodation: Remarks : The above rate are in Thai Baht and inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% VAT, breakfast and WiFi access. Software Expo Asia 2013 & ASOCIO ICT Summit 2013 83 HotelRoom TypeRate (Thai Baht) Grand Centre Point Hotel Sukhumvit-Terminal 21 Deluxe Premium Grand Deluxe 4,200 4,900 Grand Mercure Bangkok FortuneSuperior Grand Deluxe 3,200 3,900 Pinnacle LumpineeSuperior2,000

84 WITSA Trade Mission to Malaysia Details: Participation cost and accommodation would be provided soon. Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 84 Date:October 21 – 23, 2013 Venue:Nusajaya, Iskandar, Malaysia Theme:Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit: Creating Sustainable Value for Regional Integration

85 Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 PAGE 85 Sunday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tour of Iskandar/ Legoland/ Nusajaya/ Singapore – optional Monday 6:30 AM – 1:00 PMBreakfast and Golf Outing 8:00 AM – 5:00 PMExhibition Set Up 2:00 PM – 5:00 PMPacific Rim Advisory Board Meeting 6:30 PM – 9:00 PMWelcome Cocktail Reception for Speakers, IAOP Corporate Members and VIPs

86 Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 PAGE 86 Tuesday 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Morning Refreshments and Conference Registration 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Customer-Only Networking (do not advertise) 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Welcome and Opening of The 2013 Asia-Pacific Outsourcing Summit David Wong, Chairman, Outsourcing Malaysia and PIKOM Dato Badlisham Ghazali, CEO, MDeC / XXXXXXXXX CEO, KHAZANAH Michael F. Corbett, Chairman International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) Other VIPs 9:30 AM – 10:30 AMKeynote 1 - The Sourcing Growth Story: Trends, Disruptions and Predictions for Asia-Pacific 10:30 AM – 11:00 AMRefreshment Break in the Exhibition Hall 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM Plenary Panel 1 - Outsourcing, Technology Innovations & Impact on Competitiveness 11:45 AM – 12:30 PM Keynote 2 - Outsourcing and the New Global Economy Michael F. Corbett, Chairman and CEO, IAOP 12:30 PM – 1:45 PMNetworking Luncheon and IAOP Asia-Pacific Chapter Showcase

87 Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 PAGE 87 Tuesday 2:00 PM – 2.50 PMKeynote 3 - An Integrated Approach toward Developing a Knowledge Economy Zulfiqar Zainuddin – VP, Investments, Khazanah or CEO, IRDA 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM Concurrent Educational Sessions - Round 1 Outsourcing in Asia Client Sectors, Opportunities & Challenges Outsourcing to Asia Growth, Leverage, New Models Concurrent Panel 1AConcurrent Panel 1B 3:50 PM – 4:20 PMRefreshment Break in the Exhibition Hall 4:20 PM – 5:10 PM Concurrent Educational Sessions – Round 2 Outsourcing in Asia Domestic Outsourcing Outsourcing to Asia Service Portfolios, Capabilities, Challenges Concurrent Panel 2AConcurrent Panel 2B 5:20 PM – 6:10 PMPlenary Panel 2 – Celebrity Panel – Asian Growth Story, Regional Free Trade Pacts, ASEAN 2015 & Impacts on Outsourcing 6:10 PM – 7:00 PMCocktail Reception in the Exhibition Hall 7:00 PM – 9:00 PMGala Dinner End of Day 1

88 Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 PAGE 88 Wednesday 8:00 AM – 9:00 AMMorning Refreshments in the Exhibition Hall 9:00 AM – 10:00 AMKeynote 4 - Future of Outsourcing and the Culture Surprise 10:00 AM – 11:00 AMPlenary Panel 3 - A Global Perspective on the Future of Outsourcing in Asia A Panel Discussion Moderated by Michael F. Corbett, Chairman, IAOP 11:00 AM – 11:30 AMRefreshment Break in the Exhibition Hall 11:30AM – 12:20 PMPlenary Panel 4 - Long-distance Innovation: Overcoming the Hurdles to Value Creation in Global Relationships 12:30 PM – 2:00 PMNetworking Luncheon

89 Asia Pacific Outsourcing Summit (APOS) 2013 PAGE 89 Wednesday 2:00PM – 2:50 PM Concurrent Educational Sessions – Round 3 Outsourcing in Asia Maturity – People, Processes, Delivery Structures Outsourcing to Asia Market Access – Models, Opportunities, Constraints Concurrent Panel 3AConcurrent Panel 3B 3:00 PM – 3:50 PM Concurrent Educational Sessions – Round 4 Outsourcing in Asia Social Sourcing, Impact Sourcing & Opportunities Outsourcing to Asia Disruptive Technologies & Asia’s Readiness Concurrent Panel 4AConcurrent Panel 4B 3:50 PM – 4:10 PMRefreshment Break in the Exhibition Hall 4:10 PM – 5:00 PMPlenary Panel 5 - Asia Pacific Chapter Chairs Panel 5:00 PM – 5:30 PMClosing Comments David Wong, Chairman, Outsourcing Malaysia and PIKOM Michael F. Corbett, Chairman International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP) 6:30 PM – 8:00 PMVIP Dinner: Producers, Partners, Hosts, Sponsors, IAOP Advisory Boards, Chapter Chairs

90 WITSA Trade Mission to Brazil Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 90 Date:November 12-13, 2013 Venue:Sao Paulo, Brazil Theme:Effective Public Policies to deliver the promises of the Digital Age

91 Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 91 DateProgram (Draft) Nov 10, 2013Reception Assespro Board Meeting (15:00-18:00) WITSA Committee Meetings (10:00-17:00) Welcome Cocktail (19:30-21:30) Nov 11, 2013WITSA General Assembly (09:00-16:30) ALETI Working Groups (10:00-16:30) Business Meetings (09:30-17:30) Awards Simon Edition 2013 (19:30-22:30) Nov 12, 2013Summit’s 1 st Day (09:00-18:00)  Official address  Keynote address: Why ICT Matters  Panel: Policy Frameworks that Deliver the Promise of the Digital Age  Panel: Governance of the Internet  Keynote: TBA  Panel: Creating a Global Cyber Immune System Gala Dinner (20:00-23:00) Nov 13, 2013Summit’s 2 nd Day (09:00-17:00) Panel: The importance of Free Trade Policies in ICT Goods and Services to Deliver the Promise of the Digital Age Panel: Measuring the Impact of IT Globally Closing Keynote: World Summit Youth Award GPATS Wrap-up Closing Ceremony (Handover)

92 Full Registration Fee: US$590.00  “Early bird” will start at US$120.00  Gala Dinner cost at US$100.00 (is optional, but must confirm on registration)  On site fee: US$ 690,00 (gala dinner included, not an option) Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 92

93 Accommodation: Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 93 HotelRoom TypeRate (Real) Renaissance Abt 1k m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Standard (Single or Double) (Nov 9-11): R$592.00 +5% svc tax + R$6.00 tourism tax (Nov 11-14): R$1,036.00 + 5% svc tax + R$6.00 tourism tax Mercure Jardins Abt 1km fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$329.00 +5% svc tax + R$3.20 tourism tax R$388.00 +5% svc tax + R$3.20 tourism tax Quality Suites Imperial Hall Abt 800 m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$275.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax R$307.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax Transamérica The Advance Abt 800 m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$328.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax R$358.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax Astron Garden Special Abt 700 m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$247.00 (tax TBA) R$292.00 (tax TBA)

94 Accommodation: Remarks : The above rate are in Brazillian Currency (Real) and inclusive of breakfast. Free transportation would be available to/from hotel to the Rebouças Convention Center Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 94 HotelRoom TypeRate (Real) Ibis São Paulo Paulista Abt 1km fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$303.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax R$348.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax Lorena Hotel Abt 500 m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$206.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax R$209.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax Comfort Suites Oscar Freire Abt 900 m fr Rebouças Convention Ctr Single Double R$320.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax R$367.00 +5% svc tax + R$2.20 tourism tax

95 www.witsa.org95 Membership Committee Nizar Zakka

96 Status:  Membership Role has been purged of some non paying member  New Policy (Members dropped at year-end if dues not paid is in effect)  Jeralyn and Vice Chairmen working together to recruit new and retain exiting members 96

97  Prospective members have been identified around the globe;  JQ communicated with the regional VC for verification of list;  Updated listing established:  69 potential candidates have been identified  Working with VC, JQ is contacting each of the prospective members Status on Marketing Prospective Members 97

98  Following up with phone calls & emails  JQ is sending the WHY WITSA document to each prospect  JQ to ask VC to send out a personal email of invitation which includes WHY WITSA document and an application  25 have been contacted and (no response to date)  After the BOD meeting, every 60 days a status report will be provide to the VC’s and reported at BOD meetings. On Going Activities 98

99  Update and Feedback  Translation Marketing Brochure WHY WITSA 99

100 www.witsa.org100 WITSA Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2013 Roberto Mayer ASSESPRO

101 www.witsa.org101 WITSA World Congress on IT (WCIT) 2014 Dr. Amado Espinosa

102 www.witsa.org102 Special Round Table Discussion Mr. Sergei Martynov, former Foreign Minister and US Ambassador to the United States Belarus

103 www.witsa.org103 Regional (MENA) / WITSA Global Policy Action and Trade Summit (GPATS) 2015

104 www.witsa.org104 UNCTAD / GIZ / WITSA Study Roberto Meyer

105 Portugal España www.witsa.org105

106  Neither countries nor our associations have in-depth information on the status of the IT sector –Current sources and their limitations: Data from government sources Commercial fonts: IDC, Gartner, etc..  The lack of information prevents the sector to grow –Essential for the evaluation of public policies  There also is no database that can be used to foster business and/or R&D projects internationally Background - Problems

107  Generate Information on the ICT Industry  Provide detailed information to justify public policies for the Sector  Promote agreements with organizations interested in information –Positioning our organizations as referents  Describe the situation of the sector in each of the countries and accordingly propose improvement actions –Use the experiences in some countries for the benefit of all Goals

108  After a year of work of the ALETI Indicators WG, in January/2013 Assembly @ Lima, Peru approved the implementation of the Census –Making a digital survey –Simultaneously in all member countries  Called Census because: –The number of questions corresponds to a Census –Remembers our governments that they should make participation mandatory  To be repeated annually The decision

109 Structure of the Questionnaire Opening block Main Block (common to all) Per- country  Allows you to include country-specific questions

110  Geographical location (country, state) of parent company and subsidiaries  ICT products and services offered  Technologies used  Client characteristics –Vertical and size  Human Resources  Business Models  Internationalization and Export Activities  Quality and Intellectual Property  Innovation  Research and Development Areas  Sources of Capital and Economic Evolution  Generating business opportunities –For member companies only Topics Covered by the Census

111  Spanish provisional version available at 2013-Espaniol 2013-Espaniol  Translation into Portuguese until next week  English translation For possibly interested WITSA countries Field Work

112  Governments, universities and other organizations can use the data as a source  It is suggested to keep the relationship formalized through MOUs  Individual responses are delivered, but without identifying the participating companies –Partners are required to always cite the Census as their source whenever data gets used  Generates materials that bring additional credibility to the Census Sharing Census data

113  GIZ, Unctad and others are interested in cooperating –To develop a single set of measures globally –Subject will have a specific session at GPATS 2013 –Work to possibly expand Census to all WITSA members in 2014 The expected future

114 114 New WITSA eGovernment Study Anders Halvorsen

115 eGovernment Study 115 To examine the application and operation of ICTs to shape, structure, direct and advance transformational eGovernment Continuation of previous WITSA eGov work with Dr. Shauneen Furlong – former Canada eGov Czar Aug / Sept: Interview Members on the ICT challenges to advance eGovernment Finalize report to be shared with WITSA members and presented at 2014 World Congress in Mexico

116 Meeting Calendar www.witsa.org116 Conference Call Fall 2013 August 2013November 10-11, 2013 Via Go-To-MeetingSao Paulo Hosted by Assespro


118 THANK YOU! www.witsa.org118

119 Soft Landing Zone 119 CountryAssociationStatus 1.ArgentinaCESSI 2.ArmeniaUITE 3.AustraliaAIIA 4.CanadaITAC 5.ChileGechs 6.Chinese TaipeiCISA 7.Costa RicaCAMTIC 8.EgyptEITESAL 9.KenyaCSK 10.LebanonPCA CountryAssociationStatus 11.MalaysiaPIKOM 12.MexicoCANIETI 13.NigeriaITAN 14.Rep of KoreaFKII 15.Rep of Macedonia MASIT 16.RomaniaATIC 17.South AfricaITA 18.SpainAMETIC 19.

120 DateActivity Request for members event Compile members event 3 months prior to members event Discuss with member for good rate 3 months prior to members event Send invite to members 3 months prior to members event VC to encourage members in their region WITSA Members Event Process 120

121 Cash Balance 121 Capital One Bank $16,894.00(Rewards & Money Market) Wells Fargo Bank $54,225.00(Checking & Money Market) Middleburg Bank $256,421.00(Original Investment $250,000) Total Cash Balance $327,540.00(April 30, 2013) Investment Amount Start dateTenureInterest % $100,000.00June 15, 2011 24 months 1.20% $150,000.00June 15, 2011 36 months 1.85%

122 2013 Dues Policy 122 Procedure #1 - All WITSA members will receive an invoice within the first 90 days of each year requesting that they pay their dues within 30 days. Procedure #2 - All members that have not paid their dues within 30 days of receiving their current year invoice will receive a friendly written reminder from WITSA’s Vice President of Administration with a copy to the respective regional vice chairperson to pay their dues no later than July 1st or become a member not in good standing. Procedure# 3 - Members that have not paid their dues by July 1 st will become members’ not in good standing and subsequently subjected to WITSA bylaw restrictions to include not having the right to vote on WITSA matters or hold office. Procedure #4 - After all remedies are applied and membership dues within the current year are not paid a notification of termination will be sent to delinquent members giving them until the end of the calendar to pay or face termination.

123 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 123 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 1SwedenSwedish IT & Telecom Industry Association IT & TELEKOMFÖRE TAGEN [DE] NA+46 (0) 8 522 767 00 http://telekom /Om- oss/About-us- in-English/ EUResearch on new organization - end of March 2SwitzerlandSwiss Association for Information, Communication & Organization Technology (SWICO) SWICO (DE) 44 446 90 90 / +41 44 445 3800 http://www.sw Non EUResearch on new organization - end of March 3DenmarkDanish IT Industry Association (ITB) DI ITEK (DE)itb@itb.dkwww.itb.dkEUResearch on new organization, end of March - old organization number unreachable 4GermanyFederal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunicati ons and New Media (BITKOM) / ZVEI (DE) bitkom@bitkom. org http://www.bitk EUSG & DDEK has been in contact with them in 2009, no response

124 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 124 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 5LuxembourgTechnology Innovation International N/A+352 46 30 351 www.tii.orgEUResearch on new organization - end of March 6IcelandInnovation Center Iceland N/ 522 9104 www.nmi.isEEAUnreachable 7AustriaFederation of Austrian Industries FEEI (DE) +43 1 711 35 0 www.iv-net.atEUResearch on new organization in May - old organization, number unreachable 8EstoniaEstonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunicati ons ITL (DE) 617 7145 www.itl.eeEUResearch on new organization - end of March - old organization number unreachable 9QatarQatari Businessmen Association N/Aqba@qataribusi +974 443 53 834 www.qataribus support/5- 1.htm MENAFound organization in May 10BelgiumVlerick Business School Agoria (DE) m +32 9 210 97 11 m/en/ EUResearch on new organization in April - old organization number unreachable

125 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 125 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 11United Arab Emirates Dubai Economic Council N/ADED- Communication @adeconomy.a e +97 12 403 1000 www.adecono AboutDED/Pa ges/Objectives.aspx MENAFound organization in May from NRI report 12IrelandIrish Computer Society ICT Ireland (DE) 1 644 7820 www.ics.ieEUThere are 2 organization found - require recommendation from VC 13MaltaComputer Society Malta N/ t +356 2166 7706 mt EUUnreachable 14BahrainN/A +973 17 74 1770 h MENANo related organization found 15Saudi ArabiaSaudi Computer Society N/Ainfo@computer. +966 1 488 0707 MENAUnreachable 16CyprusCITEA (DE) cagrotis@cytan cy/ EULanguage barrier - require VC to communicate 17Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Information Technology Cluster - Earlier not in listinfo@pritcluster. com +787 758 4747 www.pritcluste CaribbeanNew prospect from NRI - to update VC 18SloveniaJožef Stefan Institute N/ 1 477 3900 More%20abou t%20the%20Jo %C5%BEef%2 0Stefan%20In stitute EUUnreachable

126 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 126 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 19OmanInformation Technology Solutions Center Knowledge Oasis Muscat N/Ainfo@omanitsc. com +968 2415 5380 www.omanitsc. com MENAFound organization in May 20LatviaLatvian Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) ome.aspx EUTo email the WHY WITSA doc 21Czech Republic Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship Czech Republic N/ 573 776 254 en/spolupraco vali_aip.php EUFound organization in May 22PanamaPanama International Technopark N/Ainfo@cdspanam +507 306 3700 www.ciudaddel /panama- international- technopark Latin America Found organization in May 23MontenegroInstitute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses (ISSP) Montenegro N/ 0 20 621 641 www.isspm.or g Non EUFound organization in May from NRI report

127 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 127 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 24ItalyIEEE Computer Society Italy ANITEC (DE)computer.italy@ EUFound organization in May 25CroatiaCroatian Information Technology Association (CITA) The Association of Croatian ICT Clusters 1 222 2722 glish/contact Non EUThere are 2 organization found - require recommendation from VC 26MauritiusMauritius IT Industry Association (MITIA) N/A+230 207 2200 www.mitia.muAfricaFound organization in May 27AzerbaijanAzerbaijan Marketing Society N/Ainfo@marketing. az +994 12 430 5757 www.marketin ?lang=az Non EUFound organization in May from NRI report 28Brunei Darussalam InfoCom Federation of Brunei ghani_xecutech / Asia PacificBeen in communication with them since 2011, there's interest in policy but no response yet 29ChinaN/A Asia PacificHas signed partnership with CCID 30Slovak Republic Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies N/ 2 5020 7649 about-us EUFound organization in May

128 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 128 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 31KuwaitKuwait Information Technology Society Kuwait IT w +965 22 52 9303/4/5 w/ MENAUnreachable 32GeorgiaInformation Technology Companies in Georgia ICT Business Council of Georgia ashailendra@ge +404 962 4014 www.georgia.o rg/industries/it- industry- information- technology/Pa ges/ px Non EUThere are 2 organization found - require recommendation from VC 33Bosnia & Herzegovina University of Sarajevo N/Akabinet.rektora @unsa +387 33 22 63 78 s/index.php?la ng=english Non EUFound organization in May from NRI report 34SeychellesN/A AfricaNo related organization found 35Cape VerdeINOVE RESEARCH N/ 265 11 31 www.inove.cvAfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 36El SalvadorRTI International - RTI El Salvador N/ 485 2666 ge.cfm/Corpor ate_Informatio n Latin America Found organization in May 37GhanaInformation Technology Association of Ghana (ITAG) Ghana Internet Services Providers Association (GISPA) h +233 302 661 777 h/node/33 AfricaThere are 2 organization found - require recommendation from VC

129 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 129 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 38BotswanaBotswana Information Technology Society (BITS) 7261 6162 w/ AfricaUnreachable 39LiberiaInformation Communication Technology Association of Liberia (ICTAL) N/Ainfo@ictliberia.o rg +231 886 52 6138 / 231 777 21 2420 www.ictliberia. org/history.php AfricaUnreachable 40GuyanaUniversity of Guyana N/A+592 222 5405 gy Latin America Found organization in May from NRI report 41Iran, Islamic Rep N/A MENASanction against Iran 42PeruCentro de Desarrollo Industrial N/ 215 8888 e/quienessom os.htm Latin America Found organization in May from NRI report 43ParaguayCentro de Analisis y Difusion de la Economia Paraguaya N/Acadep@cadep.o +595 21 494 140 / 496 813 / /452 520 www.cadep.or Latin America Found organization in May from NRI report 44HondurasN/A Latin America No related organization found 45TajikistanThe Center for Sociological Research, ZERKALO N/ 372 27 5193 / 992 372 21 4963 en Asia PacificFound organization in May from NRI report 46ZambiaComputer Society of Zambia The Computer Society of Zambia NA m AfricaCommunication via website - no response

130 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 130 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 47SurinameSuriname Trade and Industry Association (VSB) N/Ainfo@vsbstia.or g 475 286www.vsbstia.or g/ Latin America Found organization in May from NRI report 48Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz Research and Education Network Association (AKNET) N/ 312 64 6295 krena_en/asso c.htm Asia PacificFound organization in May 49BoliviaN/A ur-work/bolivia Latin America No related organization found 50Cote d'IvoireChamber of Commerce and Industry French Côte d'Ivoire N/ 21 25 8206 www.ccifci.orgAfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 51GabonConfederation Patronale Gabonaise N/A+241 76 02 43 www.lacpg.orgAfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 52MaliN/A +33 05 5684 2575 http://gretha.u- AfricaNo related organization found 53CameroonCameroon Computer Society N/ http://ccs.site1 ntact.html AfricaFound organization in April 54NicaraguaN/A Latin America No related organization found 55EthiopiaEthiopian Computing & Information Technology Association N/Abikila_97@yaho www.ethiopian AfricaFound organization in April

131 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 131 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 56MalawiMalawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI) ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) mccci@mccci.or g +265 01 871 988 / 813 / AfricaThere are 2 organization found - require recommendation from VC 57Burkina FasoL'Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population N/Adirecteur@issp. bf +226 50 30 25 58 / 226 50 30 2529 www.issp.bfAfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 58LibyaLibya ICT Association http://libyaict.or g/ MENANo contacts found, website error 59MozambiqueN/A AfricaNo related organization found 60Timor-LesteTimor Leste Studies Association - earlier not in listeasttimorstudies - owner@anu.ed www.tlstudies. org Asia PacificFound organization in May 61MauritaniaCentre d’Information pour le Développement Economique et Technique (CIMDET) N/A+222 4525 2214 www.chambre decommerce. mr/spip.php?ar ticle108 AfricaUnreachable 62SwazilandThe Federation of Swaziland Employers and Chamber of Commerce (FSE & CC) N/Afsecc@business +268 404 0768 a/mcli- web/partners/f secc.htm AfricaFound organization in May from NRI report

132 Status on Marketing Prospective Members 132 GITR - Table 3, Pg 13 Organization EmailContactWebsiteRegionRemarks 63MadagascarUniversity of Antananarivo N/Apresidence@uni v- antananarivo.m g +261 20 22 326 39 www.univ- antananarivo. mg/ AfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 64LesothoLesotho National Development Corporation N/ 2232 2012 / +266 5200 0214 / +266 5231 2012 s/home/ AfricaUnreachable 65YemenYemeni Businessmen Club (YBC) N/Awww.ybc- MENAFound organization in May from NRI report 66GuineaPapua New Guinea Computer Society (PNGCS) N/Apngcs_info@pn +675 325 4053 www.pngcs.or AfricaUnreachable 67ChadGroupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du Projet Pétrole Tchad-Cameroun (GRAMP-TC) N/A+22 51 52 22www.gramp.or g AfricaFound organization in May from NRI report 68Sierra LeoneN/A AfricaNo related organization found 69BurundiUniversity du Burundi N/A+257 2222 2059 / AfricaFound organization in May from NRI report

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