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Linking Formulas in Excel 2007 With Karen S. Sieczka.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Formulas in Excel 2007 With Karen S. Sieczka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Formulas in Excel 2007 With Karen S. Sieczka

2 What is linking and why do I need to know this? Linking means carrying over from another place and using it in a calculation on the active sheet. Linking formulas keeps you from having to look up a number and then typing it into the sheet. Tech Talk Linking formulas is also known as 3-D referencing

3 What are the applications for linking formulas?

4 So, how do I get data from here ………. To this summary sheet over here? By linking formulas! Linking Basics…

5 Tell me more! Always start where you want the result to end up. Notice that US is the active cell. Tech Talk To make a cell active, click on it!

6 Type an equal sign (=) into the active cell.

7 Now, click on 1 st Quarter sheet tab to access the information we want to carry over to our summary.

8 Here is the information we want to carry back to the summary. Just click on the cell to select it.

9 After clicking our selection, the computer highlights it with the dashed frame and also adds it to the formula bar. We’re almost done. Press the Enter key and…

10 Tech Talk You can also use the green checkmark next to the formula bar instead of pressing Enter As soon as you press Enter, Excel closes out the formula and takes us back to the Summary sheet with the results we carried over from the 1 st Quarter sheet.

11 In just a few clicks… We carried information from here… …To here!

12 The wrap up…how to use linking formulas… Done!

13 Quick Quiz on linking formulas 1.Which of the following can you use linking formulas to do? a)Create a macro b)Carry over data from one sheet to another c)Total the numbers in a column 2.Always start the linking process by: a)Clicking on the last tab in the workbook b)Making the cell you want the result in your active cell c)Typing an equal (=) sign in the cell 3.The last thing to do in the linking process is: a)Press the Enter key b)Click the Enter checkmark next to the formula bar c)Either a or b Answers: 1. b, 2. b, 3. c

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